Chapter 0348


I stare at my blank laptop screen, not really in the mood to work. Noah was piaying video games, and Iris was sleeping. It’s been a while since Ava left to drop off Gunner; she should be back by now.

Since her shootout, my worry for her has been constant. I can’t get rid of the fear that engulfs me every time she’s outside. I can’t get over the fear that I’ll lose her to death. I almost did once, and that has left it’s mark on me.

I’ll do anything to make sure she’s safe. Including sending the one that hurt her to a place where she won’t ever be able to hurt Ava again.

Sighing I stand up. The other thing that bothered me was Ava’s revelation today. I don’t understand why and how she believes that Emma is innocent. I realized it too late, but Emma has been after Ava since she noticed that my feelings for Ava had changed.

Like I said, I could vouch for the Emma I fell in love with when we were teenagers, but not for the woman she’s become. There are so many things that have pointed out that Emma has become something different.

I mean, come one. She denied her own flesh and blood, hid him and the fact that she’s his mother, and went on with life like Gunner didn’t exist. If she could do that, do you honestly think that killing someone to get her out of the way is above her? I don’t think so. I know Ava wants to believe that Emma is innocent, but I


I turn and look at my desk when my phone rings. I pick it up, but I’m disappointed that it’s not Ava’s name flashing on the screen.

This morning has been amazing. Just sitting with her and talking made it one of my favorite things to do in the morning. Seeing that she was receptive and not distant, I’d wanted to spend the rest of the day with her and our kids.

“Hello.” My voice is gruff, even for my own years.

“It’s me”

He didn’t have to tell me who he was; I already knew. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like Reaper, but for some reason I’ve grown closer to him these past couple of months. I would go as far as to say I trusted him, but let’s fucking not.

“I know that, Reaper.”


He just chuckles.

Every week, he asks me to send him a picture of Iris. He may not be here for her. now, but it’s obvious the cold bastard loved his niece dearly.

“Did you check it out?” I asked after a while.


take my seat and wait for him to answer. He doesn’t wait long. His answer, though, makes me tense because I know that Ava will be so disappointed.

“Everything Brian said checks out.” He says roughly:. “The DNA report and Emma’s clothes. It looks like Emma is the one we have been searching for.

How the hell was I going to break this news to Ava? She was fucking convinced that Emma was innocent. I had my doubts, but I told her I trusted her, even though deep inside I knew she was wrong.

“I’ve got to give it to the bitch; she knew how to cover her tracks,” Reaper adds. Months and months of searching, yet she was hiding right under our fucking noses.’

“I still can’t believe that she fucking fooled us.” My anger was rising, and I was doing my hardest to stamp it down.

“You realize that I’m going to make her pay, right? You won’t be able to stop me.”

At first, I was confused-that is, until I realized he said it because he thought I would stop him because of the history Emma and I shared.

I laugh at that. I couldn’t fucking help it.

“Do what you have to, Reaper. In fact, I’ll give her my own version of

punishment,” I declared as ideas on how I’ll make Emma pay start popping in my head.

She was going to wish that she’d never crossed me or ever hurt Ava. There’s no fucking way I’ll let her get away with what she did to Ava. I nearly lost Ava because of her.

Chapter 0349

“I’m surprised, but also impressed.” Reaper says, and I swear I could hear the amusement in his voice. “Everyone talked about how much you loved her; I didn’t think you’d ever hurt her, especially for Ava.”

“People don’t know shit.”

It’s as I said that it finally hit me. My love for Emma was completely gone. It was dead, and maybe it has been for a long time now. What I feel for Ava is stronger.

Looking back, I was infatuated with Emma and the idea of love. Plus, everyone used to say that we belonged together. That we were perfect together. I think that went to my head. I heard it said so much when we were younger that maybe it brainwashed me into thinking that it was the truth.

Everyone wanted us together, including our mothers, who pushed us to always be around each other. What if what I thought was love was nothing but an idea planted in our heads by our mothers? A fantasy they had no business pushing on

  1. us.

If it wasn’t for the constant pushing, would we have gotten together? Would we have started dating? The answer is probably a big fucking NO.

“Rowan, are you still there?”

I shake my head against the thoughts. None of that mattered. What matters is what I feel for Ava, and it’s bigger, stronger, and more than I’ve ever felt for Emma.

“Yeah, I just got lost in thoughts for a minute,” I reply

“Right,” he says, drugs the words out. “I’ve got shit to do; I’ll talk to you later.”


It wasn’t even ten minutes after we hung up that I got another phone call. I don’t recognize the number, but I pick it up anyway.

“Rowan, it’s Calvin.” I’m surprised, but the urgency in his voice catches my


“What happened?”

“It’s Ava; she’s unconscious.”

I don’t wait for him to finish his sentence. I hang up the phone and rush out of the door. I could hear Noah calling me, but right now my mind was fully focused


My heart was gripped in a tight fist as scenario after scenario of the worst played in my mind. I’m not afraid of admitting that I was fucking scared.

The drive is a blur, and without even realizing it, I arrive at Calvin’s home. I pull out my number and dial his number.

“Where are you?” I asked immediately, not caring to conceal my fear.

“At Ava’s old house.”

I rush there and find the door open.

“In here,” Calvin’s voice calls out.

I move quickly and climb up the stairs. I head on over to the master bedroom to find him seated at the edge of the bed, with Ava lying unconscious.

“What the fuck happened?” I yelled, crossing the short distance towards Ava. She was so still, and that fucking scared me.

“I don’t fucking know. She asked

the house, and I told her it was hers. Then

she asked for a key, and I gave it to her. It’s only after about forty minutes that I

She’d said she would pass by to say

realized that she hadn’t been back be goodbye. I came to check on her and found her 2dr ?

on the floor, unconscious.”

After his explanation, I ignored him. My focus is wholly on Ava.

I try calling her name, but she doesn’t wholly on Ava.

le wound, but that couldn’t be said about internal

respond. My fear spikes even more at that.

There wasn’t any


I pull out my phone about to call an ambulance. I don’t understand why Calvin

hadn’t done that in the fo

fucking place.

The operator had just picked up when Ava’ upright with a gasp.

open and she bolted

a few calming breaths, her eyes

I hang up the phone and stare at Ava. Afte turned to me, and they were liquid fire. She was way beyond pissed. If she could get away with murder, I would be long dead.


“You fucking lied to me!” she screams, getting up from the bed. “We are divorced!”

Fuck. I knew this day would come, b

I was still not prepared for her


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