Chapter 0205

I slowly turn in the direction of the sound to find Rowan seated

next to me. It's like I'd wished him into existence. That wasn't all. For the first time since I've known him, Rowan wasn't wearing a suit. He had a black V-neck t-shirt and blue jeans.

"What are you doing here?" I stammer, still not believing he was here.

"Noah mentioned you'd be here, so here I am" he shrugs his shoulder casually as if what he just said

wasn't insane.

Unable to withstand his presence anymore, I stand up and walk away without saying another word. I hear him calling my name, but I ignore him.

I go to the bathroom and try to calm myself. Why now? Why couldn't he have been like this years ago? Just when I've decided to move on, he gets a change in character? It doesn't work like that. Splashing water on my face, I harden my heart. It doesn't matter why he all of a sudden wants to be part

of my life. He and I are done. We were done before we even began.

After I feel more anchored, I step outside only to bump into someone. The scent of the cologne

immediately alerts me to who the person I bumped into is.

I rip myself away from his body as if he'd scorched me. With my hormones all over the place, I didn't want

him to get the wrong idea.

"Ava" he calls, his voice husky and deep.

"What do you want, Rowan? What game are you trying to play?"

I still don't understand him and parts of me doesn't want to. All I know is that he caused me pain. I don't want to experience that again.

"I'm not playing any game. I just want to talk. There's something important I have to tell you" he says hesitantly.

I become curious. Rowan is a lot of things except hesitant and unsure. I've known him all my life and he has never been this hesitant. He usually gets straight to the point. Whether you like what he has to say I study him closely. His grey stare at mine in a way I've never seen him staring at me. There was

something about him. Something had changed in him. I just couldn't tell what it is.

Apart from that, he looked almost fearful. Like he didn't know how to tell me what he wanted to say and

I get more curios when I notice how he keeps shifting from one foot to another. He was nervous. His nervousness was another thing out of character.

"What is it?" i fold my hands on top of my belly and tap mu foot impatiently against the floor.

-Before he can say anything. Calvin joins us.

Ava, is he disturbing you?" he asks standing near me in a protective stance while glaring at Rowan.

Rowan sneers. "Of course it's you. What is it with you salivating over what's mine? First it was Emma when we were in high school. Following her around like a damn lost puppy. Now? Now it's Ava. Stay the fu I feel pissed at what he said. He had no right to talk to Calvin like that. Besides, I wasn't his. Never was.

Never have been.

"You're a fucking bastard. Stop talking about Ava as if she's a piece of meat you can claim" Calvin all but


His hands were fisted at his side. His jaw was clenched and he looked ready to pounce on Rowan and

beat him to shit.

I look between the two of them unable to believe that they were behaving like kids. While Calvin looked at Rowan with nothing but hatred, Rowan looked at him in jealousy.

There was something odd about Calvin's look. Sure, he used to crush on Emma when she was with Rowan back then, but so did hundreds of other boys. The fact that she only had eyes for Rowan didn't warranty the hate in his eyes. Besides, it was years ago. So why the hell did he hate Rowan?

"Stay out of this. This is between Ava and me" Rowan growls, his eyes flashing, a storm brewing behind them.

Calvin steps forward and pushes Rowan back. He doesn't even stumble, but it's enough to piss him off more that he already was. "Guys, please don't do this?" I plead.

No one responds. There are too far gone to hear me or even reason.

I nervously look around. A small crowd was already forming. Given Rowan was well know, some already had their phones out. Don't fucking touch me" Rowan says. They were now head to head.

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