Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski
Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 201

Chapter 201 He Dies in Fire in Her Dream

It was the first time Jennifer had seen such a shameless man. For a moment, she was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

Viola laughed so hard as she listened.

Jennifer was spoiled by lier family, and she always did as she wanted. Orlando made her suffer a setback for the first time in her life.

"Viola..." Jennifer pouted and looked at Viola with watery eyes. She wanted to continue complaining, but she was worried that her acting would be overshadowed by a man.

Viola's expression gradually turned serious as she looked at Jennifer. “Jennifer, he is right. He can only listen to my orders. You live at my place, and I provide for all your daily necessities. And now you want to hit my people? Isn't that too much?”

Jennifer was stunned.

Viola continued, “We are not in the Felton’s place. I treat you as my sister, but I won't spoil you without boundaries.”


“I'm going to Salt Lake City tomorrow. I'll buy you a plane ticket. Come with me then.”

"Ah! Tomorrow? But I haven't been here for three days yet! Viola...”

Viola ignored Jennifer's coquetry.

What else could Viola do? On no ground would she leave Jennifer in Bay Villa with Orlando for two days!.

“You've been out for a few days. It's time for you to go back.” Viola pushed Jennifer's shoulder, a little unhappy. “Go upstairs and change your clothes before coming down! You are wearing nothing but a night dress. Who are you trying to seduce?”

Jennifer pouted and reluctantly went upstairs.

Aster Jennifer left, Viola turned to Orlando.

He seemed happy. Even his eyebrows were filled with joy.

“Does she look good in her nightdress?” Viola sneered and glared at him.

Chapter 207. He Dies in Fire in Her Dream


Orlando innocently raised his hands and surrendered. He said, “I'm innocent! I didn't even notice what color her nightdress was. Plus, your figure is the best in my eyes. My eyes are glued to you.” So sappy!

Viola disliked those cheesy words, so she changed the topic and said, “Can't you find better things to do other than competing with a twenty-year-old girl for making coffee?”

She then pointed at the shattered glass on the ground. “You dropped my crystal glass. You have to pay for it.”

"Alright. Ill pay. Is ten times enough?” Orlando looked at her lovingly.


Viola raised an eyebrow, her tone a little pretentious.

Orlando looked at her bright and beautiful face and engraved her smile deeply.

He had an urge to pull her into his arms and never let go.

But he ... might not have the chance.

After breakfast, Viola did not go to work, which was rare. She rested at home for a day and made preparations for her trip to Salt Lake City tomorrow.

She sat on the sofa in the living room, watching a drama while arranging business on her phone. Orlando washed some fruit and sat on the sofa next to her, helping her peel an apple quietly. Meanwhile, Jennifer was playing on a swing with Jimmy and the other bodyguards in the courtyard. The peaceful and quiet days always passed quickly.

The next day, Viola and Jennifer packed their luggage. Orlando took the initiative to help Viola carry the luggage downstairs, while Jennifer's was carried by Tyler.


Chapter 201 He Dies in Fire in Her Dream

Russell was worried and wanted to follow them back to Salt Lake City, so he would meet them at the airport.

Orlando wanted to send Viola to the airport, but she didn't agree.

“You don’t have to go to the Caffrey Group these days when I'm in Salt Lake City. Lucille will be there, so I don't think there will be any problems. You can stay in the villa. I will ask Toby, Vincent, and Nell to be in the villa.”

“You will be in Salt Lake City for two days. You should bring more people with you. Nell alone will be enough. I'm not going anywhere, so there's no need to let so many people keep an eye on me. Besides, with my skills, even if the five of them join hands, they won't be able to stop me.”

Viola thought about it and agreed, so she only left Nell behind.

Jennifer had already sat in the car and was waiting. Her face was sullen. After Viola had arranged everything, she went to open the car door. Her wrist was once again held by Orlando.

“What are you doing..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was pulled into Orlando's arms.

“Be careful. Eat properly while you are out.”


Viola's tone was calm, and she was expressionless.


thought, I'll be gone for two days. It's not like you won't see me again. Why are you making such a g But she did not say anything to ridicule Orlando. She broke free from his embrace and opened the car door to sit in.

As the car started moving, Orlando was still standing in the same spot, his dark eyes looking in the direction that the car had left.

Nell stood next to Orlando and stared at Orlando's focused expression a few times before reminding Orlando, “Mr. Caffrey, Ms. Zumthor has already left. It's winter, and it's cold outside. You are injured. Let's go back.”


Orlando did not say a word and did not move.

Nell could not persuade Orlando, so he went in without Orlando.

Viola met Russell at the airport and quickly boarded the plane.

Russell brought her a blanket and helped her put it on. Viola did not refuse and kept looking outside the plane.

For some reason, she felt uneasy the moment she got on the plane, and her eyelids throbbed. Russell noticed that something was going on with her. He grabbed some water for her. “Perhaps it's because you have not returned to Salt Lake City for a long time. You've had something on your mind this time you come back.”

“Maybe.” Viola couldn't figure out why she was flustered.

Washington was far away from Salt Lake City, and it was almost evening when they got off the plane.

Viola arranged for someone to send Jennifer back to the Felton’s place. Then she went to Russell's villa in Salt Lake City, because it was very close to Aydan's mansion.

She had a meeting with Russell, Jimmy, and the others, making plans for tomorrow. They talked for a few hours.

After making the arrangements, she rubbed her shoulders lazily.

Tomorrow was the day!

After washing up, she went back to the room to sleep. Perhaps the trip was too exhausting. She fell asleep after lying in bed for only a few minutes.

But she did not sleep well.

She had a very weird dream. She dreamed of fires burning all around her, and the surrounding buildings crackled because they were on fire.

A tall man was standing in the fire. His entire body was covered in blood and scars, but he still had an outstanding temperament and was incomparably proud.

Although the man had his back to her, his back was somewhat familiar.

The man staggered and turned around. Then she saw luis handsome face which reflected

tlie flame.

It was Orlando!

His face was covered in blood, and blood kept spilling out of the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were filled with grief and pain.

The blood on his body made it look like he had just gone through a huge battle, and he weakly fell to his knees.

“Viola... Viola..."

Viola woke up and realized it was just a nightmare.

She looked at the time on her phone and wondered why she woke up at two in the


She sat on the bed in a daze, still recalling the scene in her dream.

In her dream, Orlando's clear black eyes stood out, and he called out her name over and over again in despair and unwillingness...

How could it be so real?

She was restless and couldn't sleep. She took out her phone and called Orlando.

The phone went through, but no one answered.

Why didn't he pick it up?

Viola became more and more flustered. No one answered the phone, so it was automatically hung up after a few waiting sounds. Then she called again.

When she called him the fourth time, lie picked up.

She heard his deep and familiar voice. He said, “What's wrong?”

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