Chapter 677 

The MacMillan family knew the news. 

Melissa didn’t know whether it was the Ford family who made it. But the more it went on, the more the hostility she would have against Paige. 

Melissa’s daughter was in prison, but she couldn’t do anything to Anya. So she noticed Paige. 

She threw the phone on the table, and said to Mdm MacMillan, “We’re not coming back no matter what the result is. I hope you can give a hand to the end.” 

Mdm MacMillan was scared now, and she thought it was risky. 

“Melissa, Can we release the girl? Maybe there is another way to get Sydney out.” Mdm MacMillan was too old and weak, and she wanted to live at least until her son walked out of jail. 

She knew she would be put into jail if Paige was hurt or killed. 

Of course, she didn’t want that to happen. 

“We’ve kidnapped her. How can we let her go? There is nowhere to hide now. Don’t you know that the news about her missing goes viral on the internet? Do you think the police will let us go?” 

“But if you kill her, things will get worse.” Mdm MacMillan kept her wits somehow

She didn’t want to take risks. 

“Melissa, just let her go, all right? It’s not a serious crime if she leaves before it’s too late. The police will be lenient to us. Mdm MacMillan insisted. 

Melissa sneered and she didn’t want to listen anymore. All she wanted to do was to save her girl. How can she carry on without her daughter? 

So she would not hold back. 

Melissa’s voice was cold. “You can quit if you are frightened, and I will not turn you in.” 

Mdm MacMillan frowned and realized something was terribly wrong. 

Melissa was determined, but Mdm MacMillan didn’t have any death wish. Mdm MacMillan said, “Well, I quit, and you can do whatever you want.” 

“By the way, I’ll stay with one of my best friends for a time.” Mdm MacMillan stood about to pack her bags. 

  1. up. 

and was 

She couldn’t stand being like this anymore. 

She wanted to see and hug Cornelius again! 


Chapter 677 

Melissa went completely crazy as she saw Mdm MacMillan was escaping. She took the glass ashtray. on the table and struck Mdm MacMillan on her head. 

Mdm MacMillan was very old. 

She turned around, stared at Melissa with blood gushing out of her head, and passed out immediately. 

Melissa didn’t know whether Mdm MacMillan was dead or not. She was flustered, but she knew that she couldn’t hesitate. So she hit Mdm MacMillan again and again with the ashtray and stopped until Mdm MacMillan was surely dead. 

Melissa hid the body in the freezer. 

Then she cleaned the floor. 

After that, she calmed down and took a sharp knife from the kitchen, and headed to the basement. 

She would force Paige to call Kyan. 

She would do anything to make Kyan save her daughter this time. 

If he didn’t say yes, she wouldn’t know what would happen. There was only one thing she was clear about. She would take someone down with her daughter anyway. 

Chapter 678 

In the basement. 

Paige sobbed while struggling to get rid of the rope and release herself, but the rope was very thick and strong. The more she struggled, the tighter the rope became. 

The rope was tied tightly and her skin was left with bloody prints. 

It was hurt and torturing. 

Paige was on the edge of freaking out. 

Her cheeks were bathed in tears. 

She heard someone was picking the lock as she gave up the attempt in despair. The door was opened suddenly, and Melissa walked in with the knife in her hand. 

Melissa looked at the lady Ford lying on the filthy floor. 

Then she sneered at Paige all of a sudden. 

She would hurt Paige and let Kyan know how painful it was if he had refused to help. 

And he would kneel and beg for mercy by then. 

Melissa became thrilled, and her head was full of crazy ideas. She wanted to take someone down. with her daughter. 

Melissa hid her cold smile and came to Paige. “Miss Ford, do you want to leave?” she asked with the scary and sharp knife. 

Of course, Paige wanted to get away, so she responded with nods. 

“Good. Then listen to me carefully. I need you to call your father. Melissa tore off the black tape on Paige’s mouth. 

The pain of her mouth was killing her and she screamed. 

“It hurts…” 

“Shut up. Melissa was sick of her complaint. She said, “Now, call your father, or I will scratch your pretty face with the knife.” 

Paige’s hands were tied now, so she had no option but agreed reluctantly. 

Melissa took out the phone and dialed the number. “Tell your father to help my daughter out, or I’ll kill you.” 

“Please don’t kill me…” Now/Paige understood that this woman kidnapped her as a hostage, not for 


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