Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 480 Another Visitor From The Wood Family

Chapter 480 Another Visitor from the Wood Family

When at home with Lachlan and Nora, Miranda opted for simple tomato scrambled eggs.

The dishes that the goddess CEO made these days were all difficult to cook. She even used her own parents as taste testers, making them feel quite resentful.

Emmanuel sighed inwardly and picked up a piece of Coca-Cola chicken wings. The next second, he exclaimed, "Hmm? This tastes good!"

"Really?" Cara's eyes lit up as she also picked up a piece to taste it before giving her daughter a thumbs-up.

Seeing this scene, Miranda's beautiful eyes brightened with joy. This Coca-Cola chicken wing was Nora's favorite dish and she had really put in effort to make it perfectly.

The three of them chatted while eating their meal. They talked about Emmanuel taking over the various industries of the Lowe family and finally turned their attention towards Miranda's relationship with Lachlan.

"Miranda, you can't hide your feelings from your parents' eyes anymore," Cara asked teasingly.

Hearing this question caused a blush to rise on the goddess CEO's stunning face as she shook her head in an attempt to appear cool, "No way."

"What do you mean 'no way'? Don't tell me that you're researching these recipes just for me and your mother," Emmanuel said jealously.

Sighing inwardly at how her parents misunderstood her intentions behind cooking these meals, Miranda retorted, "Dad! I'm doing this for Nora's sake not that jerk Lachlan."

Hearing this response caused both Emmanuel and Cara to exchange glances before sighing heavily, "Miranda... Lachlan said he didn't want another child with you. Have you talked about it again?" "Yeah! Don't you want another child together? It won't affect how much love there is for Nora," Cara advised gently.

Miranda pursed her lips, her pretty face showing a mixture of embarrassment and hesitation. "Mom, Dad, don't worry about it! Lachlan and I have our own ideas. Nora is such an adorable child, and I already consider her as my own. She treats me like her birth mother. We're not considering..."

"What do you mean? Look at this time when Lachlan took Nora out for a trip and left you at home. Only by giving birth to your own child can you and Lachlan truly stabilize. Miranda, don't you understand?" Cara said earnestly with a stern face.

Hearing this, Miranda smiled bitterly and shook her head, thinking to herself, "Actually, Lachlan didn't take Nora out for a trip, did he? He did it because of the curse on Nora's body! Now she can understand why Lachlan no longer wants children. With Nora's unfortunate circumstances, Lachlan wants to give her all the love, which is only natural. Besides, if we can't remove the curse from Nora's body within three years..."

As Miranda thought about this, her heart was filled with tenderness for Nora. She also remembered the time when Nora truly accepted her as a "stepmother" and even mentioned wanting another "little sibling" to her. It showed how understanding the little one was.

But the more she thought about it, the more Miranda had a thought in her mind: to give all her love to Nora. Perhaps it was because she had never given birth to a child herself and hadn't truly experienced being a mother.

"Let's discuss it later. Lachlan and I have actually talked about it. We plan to wait until Nora is eight years old and starts elementary school before considering having our own child. That way, nothing will be delayed."

Miranda naturally couldn't tell her parents about Nora's curse or the ancient Willis family. So she changed the way she talked about it. And if Lachlan can remove that curse before Nora's seventh birthday... maybe considering having another child wasn't impossible.

After this thought emerged, Miranda inwardly scolded herself. Spit, spit, spit! Did she really want to have a child with that bastard?

"Well, that's fine! When Nora gets a bit older, you two must have a child!" Cara nodded in satisfaction and said.

Just then, the doorbell of the villa rang. Miranda stood up and glanced at the monitor screen in the living room, immediately seeing an elderly man with a refined and ethereal appearance standing outside the door. He was holding something in his hand and calmly pressing the doorbell. He didn't look like trouble but rather like someone bringing a gift.

"Who is it?" Emmanuel asked.

"I'm not sure, an old man," Miranda replied.

"I'll go and see."

Miranda said as she walked out.

10 p. m. at night!

It was already deep autumn, and at this time, the sky was pitch black. Tonight, the town of Laenteglos was particularly gloomy, with the moon hidden behind dark clouds.

Lachlan, who temporarily rented a

room in a hotel in the town, looked

at the time and realized it was about time to go out. Just then, his phone rang. Seeing that it was Miranda calling, Lachlan quickly answered, "Honey, what's the matter?

"Lachlan, someone came to our house tonight!" Miranda whispered.

"Someone came? Who?"

Hearing this, Lachlan's tone suddenly became tense, inexplicably nervous. What he feared the most was someone harming the people around him when he wasn't there.

"He said he is an elder of the Wood family, a hidden sect, named Marvin. He came to find you and said he wants to explain some things to you..."

Miranda spoke in a hushed voice as she relayed the other person's words to Lachlan almost verbatim.

At the mention of someone from the Wood family, Lachlan was startled, thinking that another formidable expert had come seeking revenge. But as he listened further, his expression became strange.

Came to explain things to him? Saying that the actions of the elders Verdant Pine and Semaj were personal and unrelated to the Wood family?

This... was he trying to make peace with him?

Lachlan pondered for a moment and guessed what was going on. Two Golden Core experts successively fell because of him, so the Wood family probably thought there was someone behind him, right? The most likely person they would think of was that "crazy old man."

With this thought, a crazy and

eccentric figure appeared in

Lachlan's mind. Then it transformed into the image of the old madman sitting in a car, looking perfectly sane, asking about the whereabouts of his father.

"Senior, who are you really... and what's your connection to my father?"

"Why do you have anything to do with me or my father?"

"Could it be that you are my long-lost..."

Lachlan's mind wandered, connecting various thoughts. At that moment, Miranda's voice on the other end of the phone took a sudden turn.

"Oh, by the way, he also gave me something and asked me to pass it on to you, no matter what!"

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