Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 199 How To Repay?

Chapter 199 How to Repay?

Looking at Scar kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy from Lachlan, Nathan felt like his worldview had been turned upside down! One was Scar, who had always been powerful and influential in his heart.

And the other was the man with a child whom he had just despised. However, at this moment, the big brother that he admired was kneeling and begging for mercy from this man with a child!

If Nathan hadn't seen Scar before and confirmed that it was him kneeling on the ground, he would have suspected that Lachlan had found an imposter to act out this scene!

Seeing Scar so scared in front of Allison's man made Nathan feel like his blood was boiling with excitement!

Wow. Where did my sister find such an amazing guy?

Allison, Keagan and Kailey were also shocked.

No wonder this guy spoke so recklessly earlier and kept saying that Scar was useless. It turned out it was true...

Green Hair and a few of Scar's henchmen looked confused as if they saw something unbelievable.

"Mr. Houghton! What happened to you?"

"Who is this kid?" Green Hair asked fearfully.

“This is my brother-in-law! Damn it Green Hair, you're finished!" Nathan gritted his teeth while pretending to be tough.

Hearing these words made Scar shiver while still kneeling on the ground. He couldn't help but regret when he glanced at Allison who Lachlan protected behind him.

Brother-in-law? F*ck!

The beautiful woman introduced by Green Hair turned out to be Mr. Willis’ woman?

Next second, Scar glared at Green Hair with resentment.

"Green hair you f*cking want me dead!"

“I'll kill your motherf*cker!"

"Kill him for me!"

Scar stared fiercely at Green Hair while shouting orders to those henchmen without daring to get up himself.

As soon as he finished speaking those words, several henchmen rushed towards Green Hair ferociously without holding back! "Ahhhhhhh!! Mr. Houghton please spare me!"

"l don't know... I didn't know Nathan's man was so badass..."

"Wow, help!"

The green-haired man cried out in a wolf howl!

At this moment, Nathan picked up an ashtray and walked over with a face full of hatred, "Get the hell out of my way!"

Once upon a time, Nathan was just a small-time thug who had to nod and bow to Scar's henchmen. But now he could boss them around! Whether it was through bluffing or taking advantage of others’ power, it didn't matter. It was truly fucking awesome.

Scar's men stepped aside when they heard what he said. After Nathan went over there, he grabbed the green-haired guy by his hair and gritted his teeth as he said, "Green Hair, I must have been blind before for thinking you were my brother!"

“You son of a bitch! You want to use my sister to climb up the ladder?" “I'll kill you! Goddamn it!"


He threw the ashtray at Green Hair's head with all his might. Then he carried his anger and resentment inside him as he smashed Green Hair again and again until there were no more screams left from him. Even Scar knelt on the ground begging Lachlan for mercy continuously.

"Mr. Willis, it was this Green Hair who misled me!"

"Spare me this once! Please spare me one last time..."

"I promise to behave myself from now on and never bully anyone again..."

"Spare me... Spare me..."

Lachlan looked at him expressionlessly before coldly snorting then kicked Scar in the groin.

After letting out an agonizing scream sound followed by Scar holding onto that area while curling into fetal position like shrimp.

His face twitched constantly; eyes almost popping out due to extreme pain and misery.

"I don't believe your promises; that should be enough,” Lachlan said coldly. "This time I only disabled you but if I catch you doing anything shady again, then you can report yourself straight down to hell!"

Scar squeezed out an ugly smile worse than crying, "Yes sir... Thank you Mr. Willis for sparing my life."

"Now take your people including that green-haired guy with you - get lost," Lachlan waved his hand impatiently saying so.

Nora was still there, and he ultimately didn't kill anyone in front of her. "Yes! Yes..."

Scar held his wound, struggling to get up with the help of two henchmen.

Immediately after, their group dragged the barely alive Green Hair and hurriedly left.

"Who are you, brother-in-law?"

"Simply amazing! Scar is so afraid of you?"

At this time, Nathan threw the ashtray stained with blood on the ground and excitedly asked Lachlan with admiration.

“I'm not your brother-in-law!" Lachlan said.

Just now he was saying that he lied to his sister. Now "brother-in-law" was being called out too?

“Lachlan right? Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, Allison would have been in Scar's hands. I don't know what would have happened.” Keagan said gratefully and fearfully.

"Why thank me? The relationship between him and Allison doesn't need your thanks. Protecting one's own woman is only natural.” At this time, Kailey glared at her husband and said unkindly.

"Mom! What are you talking about? Lachlan and I are just ordinary friends..."

Allison blushed when she heard her mother say that she was Lachlan's woman while feeling embarrassed. However, her heart couldn't help but beat faster a few times upon hearing it as well.

Kailey gave her a stern look before smiling slyly at Lachlan asking, “Lachlan did my heart really heal completely like you said earlier?" After seeing Lachlan's ability firsthand despite being full of disdain towards him before; now she had no choice but to take him seriously. "Yes Auntie! If you don't believe me then go check at the hospital.” Lachlan nodded politely while still maintaining an elegant expression. "I believe every word from your mouth!" Kailey quickly responded. Lachlan felt speechless for a moment...

A few minutes later, Lachlan fled from Allison's house along with Nora who looked lost.

He really couldn't stay any longer!

Keagan and Kailey looked at him as if they were looking at their son-in- law while Nathan kept calling him brother-in-law non-stop regardless of how much he tried explaining his relationship with Allison... "Lachlan..."

Allison followed him out, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry for making you laugh! Do you think my family is... too materialistic? Do you look down on me now?" The contrast between her parents and brother made Allison feel inadequate in front of Lachlan.

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