Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 194 You'Re Nothing Special

Chapter 194 You're Nothing Special

"What? You also have a Nourishing Essence Pill in your hand? Did you buy it before and don't want to eat it?"

"Do you want to sell it to me and make some money?"

Dillon asked with a teasing tone, then looked at Allison with a sneer on his face. "Allison, did you find yourself a second-hand dealer? Hahaha, look at him, he's so pathetic.”

He then turned to Lachlan and said, "Okay, show me your Nourishing Essence Pill. If it's real, I'll give you 500, 000 dollars!"

"500, 000 dollars?" Lachlan's expression was somewhat strange upon hearing this.

He had priced the pill he gave Emerson at 100, 000 dollars each. Now they were selling for five times that price? And this was just Dillon's offer; there might still be room for bargaining.

From Dillon's phone call earlier, Lachlan had heard that Emerson even held an auction.

Lachlan didn't think too much about it and said "wait a minute" before walking over to the car and opening the trunk. He took out a bottle of pills containing around ten or so pieces.

"Daddy, when are we leaving! I'm hungry,” Nora who was waiting in the car asked impatiently.

"Soon enough, Nora. Can you wait just a little longer?" Lachlan smiled back at her.

"Hmph okay..." The little girl pouted like an adult as she spoke up again.

Lachlan closed the trunk and walked back over while holding out one of the pills from his bottle towards Dillon saying, "Take a look for yourself." Dillon eagerly took hold of it carefully examining its appearance while also taking note of its scent which matched exactly what he remembered from before eating one himself previously. Finally glancing over towards Lachlan's bottle, he sneered, "It looks like Nourishing Essence Pill but who knows if this is real or fake unless... you let me try eating one!"

“That's right! You still have another bottle left?! This must be fake! Who could possibly have so many?" Brandon also scoffed disdainfully. However, Lachlan nodded readily as if not afraid of being exposed, "Sure thing, you can eat it."

Dillon hesitated for moment looking suspiciously at Lachlan before finally relenting, "Fine, I'll eat it. I don't believe that you would dare poison me."

He smelled the fragrant aroma of the Nourishing Essence Pill, exactly the same as the one he had taken before, and couldn't help but feel a bit impatient.

Without further ado, he directly swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, he looked at Lachlan, and his expression became vivid.

Dillon only felt that after the pill entered his stomach, strands of heat instantly melted in his stomach and spread throughout his body.

The feeling was quite uncomfortable!

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face. "Damn, it's real! This is actually true! I've really succeeded!"

Allison couldn't help but spit, turning her face away.

Lachlan sneered and asked, "Now that you believe it, is it true?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Dillon nodded repeatedly, coming over with an excited and greedy look at the glass bottle in Lachlan's hand.

"Buddy, do you have over ten pills in this bottle? Is that right?"

Lachlan counter-questioned, "What do you think?"

"Damn, where did you get these?" Dillon asked eagerly.

"You don't need to worry about that. If you want it, let's talk about the conditions.” Lachlan said lightly.

Dillon nodded, "Sure! No problem! 500, 000 dollars per pill. I see there are over ten pills. I'll give you 8 million. What do you say?"

Dillon seemed very open, but he had his own calculations!

Two days ago, he spent a whopping 800, 000 dollars on the pill he bought. Now, at this price, he definitely couldn't get it. Even at the auction tonight, getting one for 1 million was uncertain.

If he could get this bottle from Lachlan, not only could he consume it himself, but he could also make a huge profit by selling it.

"No need for 8 million. Give me 5 million. However, I have other conditions. If you don't agree, don't even think about a single pill!" Lachlan shook his head and said coldly.

Dillon nodded, "Okay, okay! Whatever conditions you have, as long as I can do it, absolutely no problem!"

Lachlan chuckled but turned to Allison. "Allison, you speak! What conditions do you want?"

"Ah? Me?" Allison was stunned for a moment, looking surprised.

“Yes! Speak up, it's okay.” Lachlan smiled at her with a confident tone. Allison looked at Lachlan, her beautiful eyes showing a hint of complexity and emotion. Then, without being pretentious, she looked at Dillon.

The next moment, she took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Hodge, I hope in the future, I can work peacefully at the company! To work in peace without being harassed by anyone!"

Hearing this, Dillon understood what she meant.

With a hint of unwillingness and greed in his eyes, he glanced at Allison's delicate body and nodded.

"Okay! I understand! Don't worry, I won't have any ideas about you anymore!"

Allison heard this as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders. "Really?"

"Really! Don't think of yourself as a fairy! I don't lack women!" Dillon said unkindly.

Although Allison was very attractive, he had been indulging in alcohol and sex for years and his body had long been depleted.

If he could get his hands on the Nourishing Essence Pill bottle, he could definitely replenish his exhausted body from these years.

He had plenty of money anyway; to be honest, he didn't lack women either. As long as that aspect was strong enough in the future... well then why not play around however he wanted?

Dillon knew how to choose between one tree or an entire forest.

"What is your attitude towards her?" At this point Lachlan’s tone turned cold as he questioned Dillon.

Dillon pulled at the corners of his mouth feeling somewhat unhappy but quickly smiled for the sake of getting hold of Nourishing Essence Pill, "Allison my lady! You can rest assured that no one will dare harass you within the company from now on."

Seeing how arrogant and domineering Dillon usually was made Allison feel like she finally got revenge when she saw him bowing down before her now.

The next moment she looked towards Brandon again.

Looking at this oily-faced man made Allison full of disgust and hatred. In fact initially, Dillon rarely came to the company so he did not know there was such a beautiful woman like herself working there. Everything depended on Brandon!

It was Brandon who specially introduced her to Dillon; it went without saying that if Dillon successfully played with her then Brandon would definitely benefit!

This bastard built his own wealth on top of other people's endless troubles and suffering!

He even planned everything out perfectly without any cost involved just using herself - Allison -to please flatter him!

How could there be such shameless yet "smart" people in this world? "Another condition, I don't want to see him in the company again! Can you do that?" Allison glared at Brandon, clenching her teeth.

As soon as she finished speaking, Brandon jumped in shock.

"Allison, you little bitch! What did you say?"

“You still want to kick me out of the company and humiliate me? Dream on! I am Mr. Hodge's person in this company..."

This guy pointed at Allison and cursed!


Before he could finish his sentence, Dillon slapped him hard across the face.

"Fuck offt Who are you calling my person?"

“You're nothing!"

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