Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 190 Completely Cold

Chapter 190 Completely Cold

Upon hearing this, Tiffany's heart skipped a beat and her face turned pale with fear. But she continued to be stubborn and shrill, saying, "I... I don't know if those killers will catch me, but I saw Lachlan kill someone. I don't rule out the possibility that I had a hallucination because Lachlan slapped me before! Look... he's such a violent person who has already killed so many assassins. He might have accidentally killed crew members too! I may have been mistaken, but I didn't intentionally accuse him... no!"

This woman remained unrepentant even now.

Just then, she suddenly saw Sam walking in and her eyes lit up.

"Mr. Reid! Mr. Reid save me!"

"Mr. Reid, you have to help me!"

Although Eduard held high status in society, Tiffany believed that the Reid's Group as one of the largest corporations in the state must hold considerable power.

As long as Sam stood by her side, even a general from a second-tier city would give face.

However, the next moment was something Tiffany couldn't believe happened at all.

Sam's expression became extremely ugly. He ignored Tiffany at first and looked at Lachlan with deep guilt on his face.

"Mr. Willis, are you okay?"

Lachlan smiled faintly, "I'm fine."

Then he looked towards Tiffany, “Is this your famous star?"

Sam forced himself to smile bitterly, "Yes! Oh no...she used to be." Seeing this scene and hearing Sam call Lachlan this way left Tiffany wide-eyed with shock on her face.

Sam actually called this man "Mr. Willis"?


At that moment, Sam turned around and looked at Tiffany with an extremely grim expression.

Eduard glanced at him then released his grip on Tiffany.


The next second, Sam slapped the female celebrity hard causing her fly out of sight while screaming miserably.

"Mr. Reid, I...1..."

Tiffany fell down onto the ground looking up at Sam whose complexion was terrifying while trembling voice asking, "Did you see Mr. Willis kill any crew members? Huh?"

As he spoke, he grabbed Tiffany's long hair and yanked her up, forcing her face towards Lachlan.

"Open your damn eyes and look! Did I kill anyone from the crew?" Lachlan demanded.

Tiffany trembled with fear, tears streaming down her face. Even if she were a fool, she could tell that Sam had a close relationship with Lachlan.

"I... I might have been mistaken..." Tiffany said in a tearful voice. Smack!

Sam slapped her hard again and glared at her with anger. "Say it again! You were mistaken?"

He was truly angry and ashamed! Who was Lachlan? He had helped him once on the construction site before. Most importantly, he was his mother's savior!! Vincent had repeatedly instructed him to build a good relationship with Lachlan as if he were an older brother. And now one of his actors accused Lachlan of being a murderer?

If Lachlan really did it, then there would be nothing to say! The key was that everyone had proven that Lachlan was innocent. Tiffany was just spouting nonsense!

Sam felt like he couldn't even face Lachlan now.

If his parents found out about this incident, Sam didn't know what kind of scolding he would receive.

Tiffany's face was already unrecognizable from all the beating she received from Sam in his rage.

“I remember now... Mr. Willis didn't kill Joe!" Tiffany cried out while shaking uncontrollably in fear. "I made it up..."

Smack! Smack! Smack...

The sound of loud slaps echoed throughout the interrogation room as Sam furiously struck Tiffany over and over again while shouting at her, "You're talking nonsense? I told you not to talk nonsense!"

“You're accusing him of murder?! If it wasn't for Mr. Willis being who he is - if it were someone else - you could ruin their life!"

"How did we ever make you famous? You whore!"

"Do you even know who Mr. Willis is?! He saved my mother's life. He's our family benefactor! How can I ever face him after what you've done?"

"Damn it all to hell!! You wretched woman!!!"

As Sam continued to hit, he cursed in frustration.

"Mr. Reid! I'm sorry..."


“I won't do it again! Please spare me..."


Tiffany screamed, her face contorted beyond recognition. The same woman who had been arrogant and haughty just that morning was now cowering.

If people saw her on the street right now, there was no way they would recognize her as the up-and-coming female starlet of Nine Lives Heaven's Tragedy.

"Ahem, Mr. Reid, this is the Punishment and Investigation Bureau - hitting people isn't allowed.” Lionel coughed to get their attention.

Sam took a deep breath and stopped hitting her angrily after glancing at Lachlan for a moment before dialing his phone.

"Hello? It's me, Sam!"

"Replace Nine Lives Heaven's Tragedy leading actress!"

"Yes! Tell those investors that if they suffer any losses, then Reid's Group will take responsibility!"

"And from now on, blacklist Tiffany Payne completely!"

Hearing this phone call made Tiffany cry in despair and regret as she huddled in the comer of the room.

She knew she was finished!

Many people are like this - when they realize they should have acted more humbly earlier on in life, it's already too late!

After leaving the interrogation room with Lachlan by his side, Sam solemnly faced him with bent knees.

Lachlan was taken aback by his gesture but quickly helped him up saying, "What are you doing?"

Sam looked ashamed, "Mr. Willis, I'm sorry! I need to apologize properly or else my conscience won't be clear.”

Lachlan waved his hand dismissively, “It's fine. Don't be so dramatic! Your dog bit me once but you've already killed it so we're even."

Sam chuckled wryly while scratching his head, "Please don't tell my parents about this incident. They might kill me too."

"Do I look like someone who would tattle? Let's just forget about it," replied Lachlan exasperatedly.

At that moment Eduard cleared his throat from beside them, "Um... Mr. Reid could you apologize to Lachlan properly later? We have some confidential matters we need to discuss.”

A few minutes later outside of Punishment and Investigation Bureau: In an army car sat only Eduard and Lachlan discussing confidential matters together.

"Mr. Willis, I never would have thought that you could kill Miyasaki Kojiro! He was a master!" Eduard looked at Lachlan with shock on his face. The young man in front of him continued to amaze him with each passing moment.

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