Cyber Love
Chapter Nine

“Next stop Manchester Piccadilly''. The announcer said, waking me up suddenly. I looked at my watch, fuck it was time. I looked out the window and saw the train approaching a station and other passengers started to get up. I took a swig of water and got my tiny mirror out. I looked good, I thought, my hair was down and I had re-dyed it my rose gold last night. I didn’t want to go heavy on the make up but had my cat eyes on as usual. I applied some lip balm as the train started to slow and then stop. Everybody stood up and I decided to hang back, coming out last. My huge overnight bag was under my chair and I pulled it out slamming it on the empty chair next to me. As the train started to get empty I stood up. Pushing my phone into my pocket and with jelly legs, I left the train with my bag. I looked around like an obvious tourist once I got off and gasped as I saw the exit sign. I was walking but I couldn’t feel my legs moving as I showed the conductor my ticket, he pinged the gates open and people flooded around me. “Fuck." I said out loud, how was I meant to find him? I grinned as I saw the coffee shop where Zeke told me to meet him. I pushed past a few people and my heart jumped when I saw him. He was the definition of sex on legs and his burgandy suit was doing wonders. He didn’t have a sign thank fuck and he hadn’t seen me yet. I moved closer to him, chuckling as he looked at his phone. I stood about a meter away from him, waiting for his eyes to come back up. When they did my heart exploded, his face was covered by a grin and we both walked to each other meeting in the middle. “Fuck you're rea,l" he breathed out and my cheeks hurt from smiling. I didn’t even get a chance to respond before he grabbed my face, slamming his lips into mine. I nearly passed out as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my mouth opening for him. I pushed my body onto his as his tongue massaged my own, our kiss desperate and our bodies painfully close. Zeke moved one hand down to my hip and pushed it closer to his. I moaned in his mouth as I felt his erection rest against my thigh, ignoring we were in a heaving train station. I pulled away to catch my breath, both of our chests rising.

“Fucking hell" I muttered my lips tingling still. “Yeah fucking hell indeed," he smiled and I crumbled again. Video calls did not do this man justice, his smile was beautiful and I noticed a small heart tattoo under his left eye.

“I like this," I said, touching it.

“You do? It's going soon, sorry." He chuckled, grabbing my bag which had smashed onto the floor. “Let's go," he said, dragging me out by my hand. I giggled flirtatiously as Zeke walked to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid in as he put my bag in the boot. I got my phone out and quickly texted Liv to let her know I got here okay. Zeke bounced into the driver's side and turned to me. “I can’t believe you're here," he said, trying to readjust his trousers.

“Are you okay?” I asked, chuckling.

“Not at all," Zeke grabbed my hand and moved it to his groin, fuck he was rock hard and huge. I left my hand there as Zeke started driving, looking up at him.

“Your accent is stronger when you're not on the phone" I giggled, Zeke smirked and quickly looked down at me.

“That's obvious when you said my voice was sexy. There’s nothing sexy about a Manchester accent”. I laughed, shaking my head.

“Your voice is very sexy and video calls do not do you justice”. Zeke burst out a laugh and I rubbed my thumb against him. I had completely destroyed all nerves and this man was giving me confidence I didn’t know I had. “Sash shut up I was about to say the same thing to you. You're beautiful and also you're going to make me cum, please move your hand". He was serious and I snapped it back. “Sorry," I muttered and he laughed. I flinched as his hand went onto my thigh.

“Don't really want to crash the car. I’m literally five minutes away anyway". I nodded, putting my hand over his, peeking out the window. “Manchester looks like London” I chuckled.

“You think?” Zeke asked, humour in his voice. I nodded, still looking out the window. “It's built up like London." I said looking up at the tall buildings. The roads were covered with people in suits and skyscraper heels leaving work on missions to get home. I chuckled at the speed of the walkers, exactly like London. Zeke turned down a quiet road and I watched as the beautiful homes came into view.

“Here I am," he spoke softly as he parked up outside a beautiful white house.

“You live here?” I asked, turning to him. I was shocked, it was gorgeous and triple the size of my tiny flat.

“I do, you like it?” I nodded, undoing my seat belt.

“You lived here before?” I trailed off as Zeke looked at me.

“Before prison? Yeah, what are you thinking?” He asked me, reading my mind.

“Nothing, it's really nice."

“You're thinking how I could afford this?” His voice had changed and my head snapped back to his.

“No” I spat out but that's exactly what I was thinking.

“Sasha, if I bought this with drug money they would have taken it off me. My mum bought me this house”. Zeke’s voice was sad and I realised we had never spoken about his mum. I felt guilt in my stomach as I shook my head.

“Sorry I’m an idiot”. I spat out looking down. “You're not, it's fine. This car might have been bought with drug money if that makes you feel better". I burst out laughing, covering my face.

“How is that meant to make me feel better?”

“Fuck knows but then you don’t feel so guilty. Can we go in?” I nodded and got out of the car. I looked at the cute front door as Zeke got my bag out. The road was the complete opposite of central Manchester, all I could hear was birds and the occasional dog barking. I moved as Zeke opened his door, letting me in first.

“Wow, it's gorgeous.” I whispered as I heard the door shut. We were in a long white hallway, the light carpeted stairs in front of us.

“Thanks, quick tour. Living room," Zeke pointed to the left and I peaked in. It was so nice and I giggled as I saw his TV and PlayStation that he had attached to the wall, his dark blue sofa was opposite and there wasn’t much else in the room.

“That's your comfort place yeah?” I asked, turning to him. Zeke smirked, putting my bag down.

“Yeah that’s where I sat thinking I was gay". I slapped his arm playfully as he grabbed my hand.

“Kitchen,” he pointed to the right and I looked at the grey and white room. It was smaller than the living room but absolutely spotless. “There's a toilet down there and straight ahead the garden but let me show you upstairs.” I kicked my shoes off as Zeke dragged me upstairs, me giggling stupidly. “Bathroom, spare room and my room." He spoke quickly, opening the door. I had seen parts of his room on our calls and I was shocked how big it was. There was a black leather bed in the middle, black chest of drawers and a built-in wardrobe to the right. “Your place is so clean," I laughed looking around.

“I barely spend any time other than the living room so it doesn’t get messy," he chuckled and I sat on the edge of his bed.

“Where’s your mum now?” I asked him suddenly.

“She’s in Nigeria.” He said bluntly, taking off his suit jacket.

“Your dad?”

“Prison". I nodded, clearly he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Okay, " I breathed out and suddenly it got awkward between us.

"Sorry, you're nicer than me not to push it but it's not actually that deep''. Zeke broke the silence. “My mum moved back to Nigeria when she retired. That was always her plan. My dads been in prison for as long as I can remember.” Zeke shrugged.

“What did he do?” I asked, biting my bottom lip.

“Ermm," Zeke paused looking down at me. I waved my hand.

“It’s fine."

“No, I'll tell you. He was in a situation he couldn’t handle, he had run drugs since before I was born and it resulted in a lot of war and hate whatever so he killed someone". I looked up at Zeke and his face. It was full of guilt and it slightly annoyed me. I stood up and put my arms around his neck. “Okay," I whispered.

“That’s not what I was expecting. I thought you were going to hate me". His arms went around my waist pulling me closer.

“Why?” I laughed moving my hand across his defined jaw. “You didn’t kill someone," I shrugged. “You can’t feel guilty for other people's actions, I believe you told me that''. Zeke smiled looking down.

“Good point," he looked up and I looked into his beautiful eyes. They were definitely hazel not just a really nice brown and I felt electric around us. My heart was smashing against my chest as Zeke's hand came up to my face, running his thumb against my bottom lip. The gesture made my knickers soaking and I could not wait for this man to be inside me. “Sasha" he whispered, kissing my jaw. I moved my body closer to him as he cupped my backside. Zeke's lips moved down to my neck and it made me giggle as he nipped my skin.

“Zeke," I giggled while doing a little jump. I slowly undid his shirt buttons as he kissed and nipped my neck, letting me completely undo his shirt and push it over his shoulders. Zeke’s lips found mine as I heard his shirt drop to the floor. His hand cupped my face and his kiss became urgent, pushing his whole body into mine until I was against the wall. I fumbled with his belt, our lips and tongue still together. Zeke pulled away from our kiss dropping his trousers.

“Wait, why do you have clothes on?” He asked cheekily and I put my forehead on his shoulder. “Off come on." He spoke again, pulling my top off over my head. I was very glad I wore leggings and was able to pull them off with ease. “Oh my gosh!" Zeke cried out, throwing his head back.

“What?” I giggled as he pulled me on top of him as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“You’re fucking beautiful.” He whispered on my chest as his hands went to my backside pulling me closer to him and his erection pressed against my knickers. They were soaking wet and I started to get paranoid that he could feel it.

“What’s wrong?” He read my mind again, tracing my bra cup with his fingers. I laughed completely embarrassed. “Sash, tell me” he chuckled. I took in a deep breath as he pushed my body even closer to him, my legs around his waist.

“I might be very wet and I’m worried you can feel it". I said, slamming my hand over my face.

“Sash, you're fucking crazy I can’t no. But one second," he lifted me up slightly, pulling his boxers down.

“Zeke stop!” I giggled. I gasped as I felt his erection free of fabric snap onto my centre. “Yeah I can definitely feel it now, it's sexy as fuck. I do that to you?” he asked, his eyes bright. I just nodded, putting my forehead back on his shoulder. “Hmmmm." He hummed, undoing my bra from behind and throwing it on the floor. His hands went straight to my breasts, cupping them and making me throw my head back. I squealed as his mouth came over one of my rock hard nipples. My hands were on the back of his head and I grinded my hips against him as he pulled my nipple with his teeth. “Sash, I’m going to cum if you do that again." Zeke breathed out and I giggled, grinding on him again.

“Oi!” He laughed and spun me around so my back was on the bed. I looked up at him and his beautiful body hovering over me. I traced his collarbone as I felt his eyes on me. “Let's get these knickers off," he muttered and I put my face against the pillow. I felt my knickers drop and I called out as his thumb touched my clit.


“You were not joking, you're fucking soaking.” He kissed my stomach and I felt like I was going to orgasm right there and then.

“Zeke, come on!” I called out and put my hand over my mouth. Again so unlike me. I smiled as his face came back up. “Oh you want me to fuck you?” My legs nearly buckled at his words, my clit throbbing.

“You know I do."

“One second”. Zeke whispered as I watched him get up in his naked glory and rummage through a drawer. He grinned at me as he pulled a condom out, ripping it open as he walked back over. Zeke got back on the bed as he rolled the condom over him, his eyes still on mine. I giggled as his dick travelled the length of my wet folds, biting his bottom lip. “Are you ready for me?” He asked and I nodded, my hips trying to get closer to him. One of his hands went to my thigh and his face came up to mine, kissing my cheek. I gasped a breath as he pushed into me slowly. I winced at the first bit of pain and he looked down at me. “Are you okay? I can stop."

“No, don't.” I purred out, slightly embarrassed. Zeke was way too big for me and I felt like I was losing my virginity all over again. Zeke closed his eyes as his head came to my neck, pushing further into me. One of my arms went over his shoulder as my body arched towards him. “Fuck you're so tight," he whispered in my ear, lightly biting my ear lobe. Zeke’s pace quickened as his hips grinded against mine. The sensation was too much to bear as his hips rolled, biting my neck.

“Zeke oh my god!” I screamed way too loud. His face came up to mine and his hand came under my backside lifting me slightly.

“Ahhh!” I shouted as he hit my gspot. I felt like I was in heaven, every daydream I had about this experience with Zeke coming true. I felt my pussy grab him and he moaned into my mouth.

“Sash fucking hell," he whispered on my lips, slamming into me quicker and rougher. The pain had gone and I felt my leg twitch under him, my orgasm coming. I knew this was going to be huge. My hands gripped his shoulders as I tried to catch my breath, our eyes staring into each other. “Are you close?” Zeke asked me, scanning my face. My mouth was wide open and I could barely breathe let alone talk, I nodded, slamming my eyes shut. I felt his dick pulse inside of me as his hand gripped my thigh, it hurt slightly but the sensation along with his dick slamming into me made me scream, my orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks.

“Zeke, fuck fuck!” I screamed, throwing my head back.

“Hmmm, take it." My whole body shook as I came undone underneath him. Zeke sat up, both of his hands on each thigh using them to pull out of me and push back in, the force making my head smash against his headboard. I lifted my head up slightly to watch his dick effortlessly enter me. “Baby fuck I’m going to cum." His eyes were closed as his head went down and his body tightened. “Fuck,” he groaned and I nearly came again. Zeke fell back on his knees, coming out of me. Slightly opening his eyes he grinned. “Yeah, you're not ever going home”. He spoke staring into my eyes. I giggled covering my face. I felt Zeke’s lips on my temple as I moved my hands. “Stop being stupid did you want dinner?” I nodded trying to find my clothes. “Let's get in the shower," he spoke, pulling off the condom and throwing it in a bin next to the door. Zeke grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bedroom and into his bathroom. I stood at the door as Zeke turned the shower on, getting under the water. “Get in with me," he whispered and my feet unfroze, getting in behind him. “What do you want for dinner?” he asked me, his arms around my waist.

“I don’t mind, erm." Zeke looked down at me running one of his hands through my hair. “What is it?” He asked me.

“I would love to play next to you.” I breathed out. Zeke raised his eyebrow and I slapped his chest.

“Oh shit you mean PlayStation right yes," he chuckled.

“As if you could go again already”. My eyes rolled.

“With you I could, fucking hell. Sounds like a plan though I can make some dinner". Zeke slapped my backside as he got out of the shower.

“Really?” I tutted.

“I can't help myself, take your time I’ll be in the kitchen”. With that he left the room and I put my head under the shower, grinning like a madwoman, this wouldn’t go for a good while.

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