Chapter 104 She Is A Client

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Even when Crystal stepped out of the concert hall, a faint sense of regret lingered within her.

Sophia tugged at her hand. "I'm hungry, Miss Winters."

Crystal knew of a pretty good Irushean restaurant just across the street, so she headed there with Sophia.

Sophia was only fourteen years old. She rarely had such a chance and was over the moon.

Shortly after, they arrived at the restaurant.

The instant Crystal stepped in, she caught sight of the man who had told her that he had to work overtime-Henry.

He was having dinner with a mature and elegant woman. She had seen the woman previously, for he had also dined with her at the restaurant where she played the piano back then. Hmm, what's their relationship?

Her mind inexorably ran wild.

He told me he had to work overtime tonight. So, this is what he meant by that!

There were indeed a few documents on the dining table, but they were stacked neatly and placed aside.

At that moment, Henry had a glass of brandy in his hand. His lips were curved into an enchanting smile, and he was seemingly in high spirits.

The same went for the woman.

Her voice was gentle and seductive. "I look forward to our collaboration next time, Henry

Henry's brows furrowed imperceptibly.

The woman was the widow of a wealthy Hawen businessman. Her husband passed away all of a sudden, leaving hundreds of billions. He was merely acting as her lawyer regarding the case, and their relations Just as he was about to reply to that, he saw Crystal.

A girl sat beside her, whom he recognized as Jake's daughter, Sophia.

Crystal went to the concert with Sophia?

Probably noticing that he was distracted, the woman prompted, "Henry?"

Henry inclined his head at her detachedly. "Excuse me for a second." He got to his feet and walked over to Crystal's table, planting himself on the seat next to her. "Why are you having dinner here?" Flipping through the menu, Crystal murmured, "I didn't feel like having fried chicken today. I wanted to have something different."

Her words dripped with jealousy.

Henry drummed his fingers on the table lightly and clarified softly, "She's a client."

Crystal cast her gaze over, only to see the woman studying her with narrowed eyes, making it clear that she regarded her as a love rival.

Crystal was no fool.

Having heard her call Henry by his name, she surmised the woman had a romantic interest in the man. It was also evident that he tacitly approved of it. Otherwise, they would not be discussing work at such a She retracted her gaze and helped Sophia to place an order.

Henry blocked her sight of the menu, being rude in public for once.

Crystal remained very much restrained as she chided softly, "Don't scare Sophia!"

Henry glanced at the girl.

She was staring at him with wide eyes, making it so that the words got stuck in his throat. He gave Crystal a long look.

Crystal calmly ordered dinner, appearing beyond calm and unruffled.

Henry lowered his voice and said, "We'll discuss this further at home." After saying that, he returned to his table gracefully. With passion brimming in her eyes, the beautiful widow asked awkwardly, "Are they your friends, Henry?"

After taking a sip of brandy, Henry fibbed nonchalantly, "They're my wife and daughter."

The widow was promptly taken aback.

He's not even thirty years old. Yet, he already has a wife and daughter? But then, his age doesn't quite match

his claim.

Henry did not want to continue being entangled with her. He bluntly rebuffed her advances. In truth, he would have likely been much more tactful if he had not bumped into Crystal. After all, his commission this The woman had her pride, and she could tell that the man had no interest in her.

She willingly ended the meal and took her leave.

Henry saw her to her car and extended a hand. "See you, Madam Quilley."

The woman had a hand resting on the car door, a resentful expression on her face. "What a pity you got married so young, Mr. Miller."

Henry flashed her a smile and gentlemanly held the car door open for her.

Left with no other choice, the woman could only get into the car.

Henry was about to go back to the restaurant when a Land Rover screeched to a stop before him.

The car door swung open, upon which Seth jumped down from the vehicle.

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