288 Seducing his wife

*Not edited. I'm sorry guys*** 1

"I'm sorry, boss," Code 2 bowed his head.

Maverick ignored him and doubled his steps, hurrying out of the meeting room.

Code 10 looked at Code 2 and chuckled. "I told you,


He told Code 2 to interrupt the important meeting and tell the boss that his wife was here but Code 2 slapped his head. Now, he might be punished for making Madam Jeslyn go through a lot to teach her husband. Hahaha... 1

Maverick entered an office on the floor and took an elevator to his office on Cloud 9: By the time he entered, Jeslyn was already waiting inside, fuming.

"Why are you upset?" He asked while walking towards her. His eyes skimmed her dress and his lips curled up.

"Coming to your office is too troublesome. I felt like I was a spy, sent to steal some confidential documents." She pouted.

"Or, you're here to seduce me?" he pulled her to his chest by the waist.

Jeslyn glanced at the door, Code 5 was no longer there. He must have left when Maverick walked in. She thought and she wasn't wrong.

"Mr. Maverick Lu, I'm not here for this, I need you to do something for me," she tried to wiggle her way out of his embrace but his hold on her tightened.

"You have all you need, I can't help much, unless..." he tried peeping into the opened buttons on her shirt, trying to see if he could see the fair boobs but to his disappointment, he saw nothing. 1 "Mtch... stop staring," she let out a low hiss and gently slapped his arm, a little annoyed. She should have worn a bunny costume but too bad she doesn't have it.

This reminds her, she'll try and add a lot of those into her collections in the future.

"Really? Why did you come here looking beautiful?" he asked with a small flirty smile on his lips.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not beautiful. I look..." Realizing she had been influenced by the demon in front of her, she cleared her throat and went back to the topic but Maverick wasn't ready for discussion that was out of what he wanted right now.


"Ahem, I'm not here for that. I want you to help me- hey!"

Maverick interrupted her by taking off her sunglasses. "You have been ignoring us for a long time," he said.

By us, he meant Valen and him.

"Ah, it's just a few days-"

She was interrupted again

"A day is long, it's been close to four days," he brushed the heavy bang off her forehead.

Jeslyn swallowed, "This man, she thought. "Well-"

"Didn't you miss me?" he asked while looking into her mesmerizing eyes.

"Of course," her voice strained and she bit her lips.

"Then? Should I take care of you?" he asked but his fingers were already on her buttons.

Jeslyn jolted when sexual sensation.coursed through her. Her rotten husband was already fondling her boobs before she could reply.

She pressed his palm to it, stopping him from squeezing her peaches.

"Mr. Lu, be decent for once... learn self-control."

"Mhm," he nodded with curled lips before he continued what his palm was doing.

Jeslyn sighed. What else did she expect? Being alone with Maverick is enough seduction for him.

He is not addicted, far from it. However, when she has misbehaved, instead of saying it, he teases her like this instead.

"My husband, I haven't misbehaved, have I?"

He stopped to stare at her cute face that housed a sweet smile. His wife is cunning, whenever she smiles like this, she's up to no good.

"Don't scheme against-" he stiffened.

Her lips slowly stretched into a beam. She held his eyes while slowly going down. Before he knew what was happening, his 'third leg' was already in her mouth.

Maverick produced a low hissing sound as she sent his world into turbulence. He supported her head to go deeper but was careful enough to not hit the back of her throat. He threw his head back as he produced low groaning sounds to convey his pleasure and excitement.

It kept growing inside Jeslyn's mouth and she understood her husband needed her but she had to take advantage of this situation or else, it might be too late to save Piper.

The blowjob stopped sooner than expected. Too quick for Maverick to lose himself in the feel of her mouth. It's been a long time and his member couldn't contain the excitement when it felt her


Maverick glanced down at his dancing 'third leg and sighed. Why did he forget she has become heartless?

"I'll continue after I'm done talking," she went over to the CEO's seat and sat on it with her legs crossed. She leaned closer to the desk, sampling her clean chest and black lace bra in Maverick's face. "You know why I'm here, right?" she asked. He knew that's why he was cutting her off and wanted to drive her crazy with what she loved the most and then, after he had successfully placed her back on the ground, she'll sleep off and before she knows, it was the next day, or probably some days later. Then, what trappens to Piper after that, only God would know.

Secing he was just staring at her without responding, she continued.

"She's your sister, Maverick. I don't know what she has done but, Plum, you can't keep ignoring her. Even though you want to hate her, please, rescue her first. With that, your Might would be sustained. "Everyone knows that you dislike your sister but if you help her this time, those lurking would know that you're still unfathomable. Please, Plum, I'm begging you."

"What will be my reward?" he asked.

"Eh?" Jeslyn frowned, "You still need a reward? can't you do things for free?" 2

"I do," he replied nonchalantly while walking towards her.

"What exactly have you done for me without getting rewarded?" she raised a brow.

"I don't intend to be nice to you, wife."

“Hahaha..... oh really? Mr. Maverick, I'd like to inform you that I've seen a gorgeous man after

He said he'd give me lots of money and do lots of good deeds for me," she beamed.

Maverick turned the rolling seat and carried her off it, then placed her on the desk.

"My gun is cold and I have more money," he smirked.



"Ahem! you can't always kill people, Mr. Maverick. What if you go to jail?" she tried not to smile with the way he furrowed his brow when he heard 'jail', wasn't something Jeslyn could ignore. "Hahahaha....who stole your candy?!" she asked amidst laughter.

Maverick took off her bra in a swift and professional manner before lowering himself and taking one into his mouth.

Jeslyn moaned as his tongue did crazy things to her. She knows she had provoked the monster when she left him hanging but it was necessary, otherwise, he won't help his sister.

"Plum, will you... help her?" she paused mid-sentence when his fingers went under her skirt.

Exploring what he has missed for about two weeks, he slowly nodded.

Jeslyn smiled before fully giving herself into the high heavens that were calling her.

Oh, so sweet!

Sometime later,

Jeslyn was panting after the 'exercise' while lying on Maverick's desk with her skirt raised to her


Maverick cleaned her up and helped her iron her clothes before fixing himself and carrying her out to his personal elevator.

In no time, Maverick was strolling out of his elevator on the ground floor.

Those at the reception all bowed but their minds didn't leave the woman in his arms. That must be their madam, they thought.

The receptionist who attended to Jeslyn almost fell. Good thing she wasn't rude or treated her boss' wife with disrespect. She would have been dead by now.

With that grateful thought at heart, she bowed even more in appreciation that her boss' wife is not a

difficult woman to please.

But even so, a lot of ladies were bitter. Some thought that one day, their single father boss might look their way and recognize one of them to be his son's mother but now, another lady has. Despite how bitter or jealous they were, they didn't date to harbor hatred or the intention to kill their boss' woman. 1

"Your workers are professionals, especially your receptionist... that one with brown hair," Jeslyn said as the car moved out of the company.

"You want to reward her?"

"If possible, but I'm poor," she sighed.

Maverick chuckled and shook his head at his wife's helpless expression.

"Why are you always poor?" he asked.

"Ah, my children needs money to remain on top," she replied.

"I'm rich," he interjected.

"But I'm not, my saving for their marriage."

Maverick chuckled, "It's still a long time from now."

Jeslyn shook her head, "My daughter-in-law's dowry shall be paid with a hefty sum so that she won't try to take my son away from me," she responded.

Even though Valen is still very little, Jeslyn has this inbuilt fear of a woman coming to take her son away from her... especially in a country like this where that's a norm.

"Your son is different."

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