265 Jeslyn's phenomenal debut

**Sorry for the trouble, It was replaced since yesterday but I guess the system didn't capture it**

As for the haters, they couldn't get enough of the joke happening on their screen. They were so happy that they started to tag their friends and foes just to watch Jeslyn's flopped debut.

In the venue, Jeslyn held the mike to her lips, ready to start singing. Just that moment, Brian walked into the venue languidly and sat in the front role.

Jeslyn suddenly felt excitement building up in her heart. Whenever she saw this guy, she felt like half of her was whole again.

She bowed slightly to him to welcome him. To her, her reaction was out of instinct, but to those watching with rapt attention, they saw manners in her, a contrast to what people and the media. portrayed of her. That was a point for them.

The people, although surprised, didn't feel it was phenomenal for Brian to be there. They felt that the company must have wanted to use Brian to shoot Jeslyn up, but the anti-fans and Brian's fans only felt more disgust and hatred for Jeslyn.

In no time, Celestine and her Assistant graced the venue.

Those watching gasped in amazement. Hold on, that was Celestine!!! The mother of the

entertainment industry, the music icon!

They thought they'd seen it all but there was more shock to give them a nosebleed.

Soon, the nation's husband, all lady's man, walked into the hall with one hand in his pocket while his light blue hair sparked against the lights in the hall.

'Woooo! Rex Lu!! What is he doing here?!"

'Are my eyes deceiving me?! How can my husband be here?!"

'Tell me this is not true!!

'Hold on guys, I think he's there because Celestine is there. We shouldn't forget that Rex is Celestine's top fan.'

"True, true, I almost got a heart attack thinking that my Rex was there for that stupid and heartless


Nobody, Including Jeslyn's fans, believed that Rex was there for Jeslyn. Most of the online commenters would rather die with the assumption that Rex was there for Celestine. At Toria's apartment...

She was lying on one of her expensive couches in her gorgeous sitting room when Phoebe barged

into her house.

"Toria, Torial Where are... oh, you're here. Turn on your TV!"

"What's going on?" Toria answered drowsily and slowly pulled off the sleeping eye mask from her

face. She looked exhausted and pale.


"This is not the time to be sleeping....

Look," Phoebe took the remote from the center table and turned on Jeslyn's live performance.

Toria sighed. She wasn't interested in these things. She just returned from a tour abroad and needed all the sleep she could get. What is Phoebe doing?

"What is it, Phoebe?" She yawned. "I need to sleep, please." Just then, she saw Jeslyn on stage and the sleep slowly disappeared. "It's her debut today?"

"It is, but not just that, your boyfriend is there!" Phoebe pointed at the front role.

Toria's eyes were focused on Rex as soon as she saw him. Although she was trying to convince herself otherwise but right now, it was hard for her to not believe that Rex and Jeslyn are having something strong between them. She took a deep breath and continued to watch the show in silence.

Phoebe stared incredulously at her friend, "Toria, aren't you supposed to call him and demand an explanation?!"

"What for?" She shifted her gaze to the shocked Phoebe. "Rex had always been the ladies' man, so? This is not his first time and neither will it be the last..." 1

"But he's obviously treating Jeslyn with lots of bias. He has never attended your concerts before, nor honored any of your invitations, even though it meant the world to you!"

"Is Jeslyn more special than the lady in a mask? That lady had his exclusive black card, so what's a debut he cannot attend with another side chick? After all, Jeslyn is way prettier than all the girls Rex has eve been with."

"But she's a plain Jane, so don't compare her to others." Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"At least, Rex sees her differently and that's what matters. Please, don't get involved with his matters anymore." Just when Toria was about to pull the eye mask back on and sleep, she caught sight of something on the TV that got her spirit to fly out of her.

Jeslyn was supposed to have started but seeing that few more people were starting to walk in, she decided to extend the time for another 10 minutes.

During her period of waiting, she didn't expect that these people would show

1. up.

Walking in front was her little treasure, Valen, holding a bouquet of flowers. Behind him was Maverick, Fin, and a lady, then Matt. What shocked her more was Damien. 2

On the stage, Jeslyn couldn't control herself at all. Her eyes widened on their own and her legs moved two steps forward before her senses cautioned her.

Her baby was too cute to be ignored. It's been days now and her body was already itching for Valen's hug. Oh, how she missed her family!

Jeslyn might understand why Fin and Matt were here with flowers but what about Damien? Why was he here? And with flowers too!

Everyone, both online and offline, was shocked beyond imagination.


What is going on?!"

'I don't know. How did Jeslyn get connected to those big shots? Why did none of them come at Christine's debut?'

'I'm literally flabbergasted right now!"

'Am I sick? Why am I suddenly falling in love with Jeslyn? Somebody, please recommend a good hospital to me!!

'Me too!"

'I second that!



'If the bigshots can flock together to attend a nobody's debut, then she must be a force to reckon. with. How did she even get Chaos Lu, his son, and friends to attend her worthless debut?" 'I don't care, I've changed my mind about hating Jeslyn, I want to be her fan!"

Comments both good and bad went off like they were ordering expensive things from classy stores that had been made free for everyone.

While this was happening, Christine, who thought that Jeslyn's debut would be the biggest joke in the entertainment industry, couldn't feel her jaw anymore from leaving her mouth ajar for too long.

"H-h-how is this possible?" She murmured to herself. She was with Young Master Wu in a hotel room. She was on the bed, under the white duvet, resting after the intense s3x a while ago when Assistant Miles called her to give her this ugly news.

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