Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Carmine curled up behind Thor and pulled him closer. Memories of what happened with her five years back flashed in her mind, swirling a tornado of emotions. Alpha Kade’s rejection, followed by her having S** in a drugged state, was too much to handle for her. Yet she handled it as best as she could and escaped from the clutches of Kade.

Taking a ragged breath, she threw one arm over her eyes. Because her wolf had awakened inside, every sense in her b*dy was sharp. She knew that Alpha Theo was sitting right outside her door. Her heart went out to him, but she didn’t get up from the bed.

If he knew she was his second-chance mate, then why didn’t he tell her? She remembered being confused about her reaction towards him. Her mind and heart were in a jumbled state as she thought about why Alpha Theo was pursuing her and why she felt such intense emotions towards him. A s ob broke free from her mouth, and tears. streamed down her face.

Unable to bear the anxiety in her chest, she got up and walked to the window. The moon was high in the sky and when its cool rays fell on her b*dy she felt calm.

‘Carmine, Alpha Theo never took your advantage, Ember said, as if stirring inside her when the moon rays fell on her.

Carmine was so happy that Ember was talking to her because she needed her wolf at the moment. ‘I know…” she responded. ‘But why didn’t he tell me earlier?’

‘Maybe because he didn’t want to pressure you. Even though I was sleeping inside you, I could sense how well cared you were over the last few months, Ember replied. ‘He is a doting father to Thor and protects you well.”

Carmine bit her bottom l*p and looked at the moon. Closing her eyes, she just let the cool rays fall on her face. ‘Yes, he dotes on Thor.’

‘He really cares for your feelings and puts you before him. He treats you like a queen.’

Carmine nodded because the answer to all that was a resounding yes. “I know! I know!’ She shook her head and sobbed more. ‘I just feel so confused, Ember. After our one- night stand, I was left alone and then I discovered I was pregnant. Do you know how I spent those days? It was miserable.’

Ember sighed. ‘I am so sorry for leaving you alone during that time, but I was too hurt. There was a lot of pain I was dealing with after Kade rejected us.’

Carmine could feel how sorry Ember was. And that made her cry more.

‘I have an idea,’ Ember said. “Why don’t you let me come out and I can run in the forest?

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Chapter 60

You are also emotionally so charged up and it will help if you relax.

‘Yes, I guess you’re right, Carmine agreed. This was the most effective way for her to unwind. With determination, she sucked in sharp air and then opened the door. She found Alpha Theo standing right over there, his face looking haggard. Without saying a word to him, she walked down the stairs and towards the tree line from where the werewolves shifted and ran into the jungle. Alpha Theo followed her wordlessly. She glanced at him once before stripping off her clothes.

He watched her and knew exactly what she was up to. When Carmine shifted into her wolf, he couldn’t help but gasp. His mate was a beautiful golden wolf. Golden wolves were extremely rare, and she was probably the only golden wolf in the world. Her golden fur shone under the moonlight like it was on fire. It was so smooth and silky that he felt like digging his fingers inside it. Ember was tall at about four and a half feet, but not taller than his six feet tall wolf. Thunder growled inside him, urging him to free him to be with his mate.

Ember glanced at him once and then ran into the forest. Theo allowed Thunder to take over because he wanted to follow his mate, even if it was from a distance. With a ferocious growl, Thunder came out, ripping all his clothes, not waiting for him to remove them. Thunder sprinted after his mate and stayed behind her at a distance as they both ran into the forest.

It was great to be free. As Ember took over, Carmine receded in the back. After a long time, she had shifted, and it was the best feeling after five years. The feel of cool air against her fur, her paws pounding the earth, feeling wild and feral-it was all something she had missed.

She ran for a long time and stopped when she came near a stream where she lapped. water up to quench her thirst. Thunder stood behind her like a silent sentient, never once approaching her or nudging her. Ember liked how patient her mate was. She turned her head over her shoulder to look at him. His golden eyes were fixed on her. She let out a purr, inviting him to join her.

Thunder was surprised, but he carefully padded next to her and drank water. When he finished, he saw Ember was right next to him. She purred and nudged her head in his flank. He let out a yelp of excitement and jumped away. She jumped right back at him and before they knew it they were playing with each other. Ember jumped into the water and he leaped right after her, splashing water on her. She yelped and splashed water over him by jumping right in front of him. Thunder took the challenge and shook his fur in that wolfy way. She yelped and who oped as if laughing at her mate.

Thunder led her to his favorite spot in the forest. His secret spot was at the edge of his pack’s territory. She followed him all the way up the stream, winding through the pines and firs before coming to a stop in front of a giant waterfall. The cascading water fell through the rocks, roaring, as it made way to a pool below. They both climbed over a


Chapter 60

rock that jutted out, overlooking the pool below.

He glanced at her, and then he leapt over the rock inside the pool

She yelped in horror as she watched him land inside the water. With a splash, he pierced the water, leaving Ember frozen in place. It was a long dive. When he emerged from the water, Thunder had transformed into his beautiful human, Theo. He smoothed his hair back as he emerged, water sluicing down his b*dy. And he was very n*ked.

Ember drooled over him like she had seen him for the first time. Her fear lessened, and she ran towards the edge, leaping to join her mate. When she emerged from the water,

gave the skin back to her human.


Carmine smoothed her hair from her face and saw that Theo was standing right in

front of her, half his b*dy still in water, just like hers. When his eyes roamed over her b*dy, heat pooled in her cheeks and core. “Theo…” Cool water rippled around them, doing nothing to their heated bodies.

Carmine…” he said in a h o ar se voice laced with lust and desire. The way water drops sluiced down her b*dy it made him go crazy. Under the full moon, his mate looked ethereal. Before he knew what he was doing, he cupped her face with one hand. “G ods, I’ve been dying for this moment,” he said with a ragged breath. His hand sl*pped to the back of her n*eck and he pulled her towards him.



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