Sam was sitting on her front porch, she had just finished reading the book CJ gave her when he came galloping up on his horse. She had actually found herself missing him when there was no sign of him yesterday. Her heart skipped a beat and butterflies were dancing in her stomach as she watched him jump off his horse and walked up the steps towards her.

“Hi,” he said, smiling.

Setting the book down beside her she smiled back. “Hi, what brings you here?

Leaning against the railing, he folded his arms across his chest. “You doing anything right now?”

“I just finished the book. I must say it is the saddest but most romantic thing I’ve ever read. To think of all that your parents went through but found their way back to each other. To think that she was willing to leave the only man she ever loved so that he could find a woman who could give him the family he wanted.” She wiped the tear that fell down from her eye away. “That is true love, and something so rare these days.”

“Rare yes, but it happens. Take my pal, Parker and Dakota, they found that love too. Someday I’ll tell you all about them. Now, what are you doing for the next little while?”

“Nothing, why?”

“Parker has a couple of horses for sale and since you said you were looking to get one he said he’ll give you a good deal. I thought I could take you over there so that you could check them out. They only live a few miles from here.”

The thought of owning her own horse had her jumping to her feet, her face lit up. “I’d love to go and take a look. I’ll drive over and meet you there.”

“No need to drive, I’ll take you.” He walked down the steps and hopped on the back of his horse, holding out his hand for her to take. “Come on, get up behind me.” He saw her hesitate for a moment before taking his hand and climbing up behind him. She was wearing jeans but he wished she had on a dress, he liked looking at her legs.

“You sure they won’t mind me showing up without any notice? It is close to dinner time.”

“No way, they’re dying to meet you and wait till you meet the kids. I just know you are going to love them. Are you an experienced rider?”

She laughed. “Yes, my grandfather taught me to ride when I was six years old. It’s been a few years since I’ve ridden through. I’ve always dreamed of owning my own horse and I can’t believe it’s finally going to happen. What’s so funny?” she asked when he started chuckling.

“I was picturing you riding bareback and buck naked, like Lady Godiva.”

She rolled her eyes. “Is sex and naked bodies all you think about?”

Turning his head to glance back at her he smiled. “Yup.”

“Well, my hair is not long enough to cover my body so that is out of the question. Not that I would anyway,” she said, scoffing.

They came to a stop in front of a small ranch house, she looked around. It wasn’t as big as some of the others but it was still very nice. A tall dark-haired man was over by a fence where three horses were. She couldn’t help but admire how gorgeous he was. Are all the cowboys around here so damn hot? she wondered.

Getting off his horse he helped her down just as Parker walked over to them.

“Let me guess, you must be Samantha Cain,” he said, holding out his hand to shake hers.

“I am, but please call me Sam and you have to be Parker. CJ has told me a lot about you. It’s a real pleasure to meet you.”

“CJ told me you were beautiful and he was right.”

“OK, OK Parker we’re here to see the horses, not to flirt.”

“Hey, you flirt with my wife so I can flirt with your girl.”

Sam’s face turned a dark shade of red and she shook her head. “I’m not his girl, we’re just friends.”

Parker grinned at CJ and thought he saw a twinge of jealousy, and maybe some disappointment cross his face. He then motioned toward the horses. “These three are the best, strong and gentle. Take your pick.”

“Can I go in and pet them?”

“Sure thing,” Parker replied.

The men stood back and watched as she went inside the fence, going over to pet each one.

“So where’s Dakota and the kids?”

“Went into town.” He looked at his watch. “They should be back any minute. I take it she doesn’t know she’s your girl yet.”

“Not yet, but she soon will,” he said, giving Parker a punch in the arm.

“Oh I love this one,” she said, patting a black and white horse who seemed to like Sam back and followed her when she came back over to them. “I’ll take him, how much?” She raised her eyebrow when he quoted her a price. “That seems a bit low.”

Parker smiled. “I’m giving you the family and friend discount.”

She was touched by his kindness. “Thank you. Will it be alright if he stays here until I get the new roof put on my barn?”

“No problem,” he said just as a car pulled up. “My wife and kids are home, you have to meet them.”

“Uncle CJ.” Two little voices yelled as soon as they got out of the car and ran into his arms. He bent down and scooped them up.

“How are my two favourite people in the whole world?”

“We’re good,” both Chad and Ellie screeched. “Did you bring us a treat, Uncle CJ?” Chad asked with a huge grin on his face.

“I sure did, but first I want you to meet a friend of mine. Say hi to Sam.”

“Are you CJ’s girlfriend?” Chad asked.

She smiled. “No, we’re just friends. I’m happy to meet you both.”

“You're pretty,” Ellie said, her arms still around CJ’s neck.

“So are you, sweetheart,” Sam said, stroking Ellie’s cheek.

CJ set the kids down and reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of candy. “Here you go.” He laughed when they took off running, both hoping to eat some before their mom could stop them. But no such luck, grabbing the bag Dakota told them they can have some after dinner and told them to go inside and play.

The women were introduced to one another and talked while Parker and CJ talked.

“I was just about to start dinner, you and CJ will stay and eat with us.”

“I can’t impose Dakota, but maybe another time.”

“You’re not imposing,” she said, looping her arm through Sam’s arm led her inside. Looking back at the two men she motioned for them to follow. “You men can watch the kids while Sam and I make dinner.”

Dakota poured them a glass of wine and they started peeling potatoes and cutting up the vegetables. They could hear the kids and CJ’s laughter coming from the living room.

“Sometimes I don’t know who the child is, CJ or the kids,” Dakota laughed.

“Your children are adorable and they really like him, don’t they?”

“Oh yes, they adore him and he’s so good with them. Sometimes I get so mad at him when he spoils them, but he loves them.” She looked over at Sam. “I can tell he really likes you. Can I ask you something?”

“Anything,” Sam answered.

“How do you feel about CJ?”

Setting the table she looked over at Dakota. “I like him, he’s nice, funny but right now I just want to be friends. Besides, I don’t think he can be happy with one woman. I’ve heard rumours about him, how he has hurt a lot of women, that he’s a player.”

Dakota felt the need to defend her friend. “I know CJ’s been around, but I also know that when he finds the right woman he will be faithful to her. He really is just looking for someone to love and to love him back.”

Sam felt something pulling at her heartstrings, her voice shuttered when she spoke. “I won’t be that woman. I can never trust a man again. His friendship does mean a lot to me and I don’t want to lose it by getting romantically involved with him.”

Dakota knew from what Sam had said that a man had hurt her in the past, and her heart went out to her. “I’ll go call everyone to dinner.”

Dinner was one of the most enjoyable times Sam had in a long time. You could feel the deep love that Dakota and Parker had for one another. CJ was hilarious, making them all laugh and the kids were sweet and well-behaved. After dinner was over and dishes cleared they all settled in the other room.

Sam watched CJ playing on the floor with the two children, it was obvious he would someday make a good father.

“OK kids, time to get ready for bed,” Dakota informed them when she stood up.

Sam also stood. “It’s getting late so I think I should be getting home now. But thanks for a lovely evening.”

“Let’s get together for lunch soon,” Dakota said, picking up Ellie.

After all the goodbyes CJ and Sam headed out. The night had turned cool and when he saw her shiver he removed his jacket.

“Here put this on.”

Taking the jacket and thanking him she put it on and did up the buttons, she was grateful for the warmth it provided. She stood still when he reached over and strengthened the collar, his hands lingered and for a brief moment, they stared into each other eyes. She shivered again, but this time it wasn’t from the cold but from the touch of his hands when they brushed lightly against the sides of her neck. Then just as quickly he moved, jumping up onto his horse and holding out his hand to her.

“The kids really took to you, especially little Ellie,” he said as they rode back to her place. He took his time heading back to her place, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

“They’re so adorable, and Dakota and Parker are really nice. I like them and I think she and I are going to be good friends.” Feeling tired she leaned the side of her face against his back, her arms around his waist. The heat from his back coming through his shirt felt warm against her cheek, making her more sleepy.

“Hope you aren’t falling asleep back there, wouldn’t want you falling off.” When she turned quiet and her hands went slack he feared she was falling asleep. It would have been alright if she was sitting in front of him, then he could hold onto her.

Tightening her grip she let out a giggle. “Yeah, I guess I was starting to doze off.”

“You’re almost home,” he said, loving the way she was holding on to him.

Stopping in front of her house he got off first and helped her down. Being a gentleman he walked her to the door.

She stopped and turned to face him, leaning her back on the door. “I enjoyed meeting your friends, thanks for taking me.”

Placing his hands on the door, trapping her between his arms and being this close to her the tip of his penis grew hot, a tingling feeling went through it and it was getting hard. “I could come inside for a nightcap,” he said, his face close to hers and his eyes went to her lips.

“Goodnight CJ.” She ducked out from under his arms.

His prey no longer trapped he moved his arms down. “Goodnight Sam.” Giving her a smile he turned and walked down the front steps.

“CJ, wait,” she called out.

His back to her a wide grin crossed his face and his heart started pounding. He was hoping she would change her mind and invite him in. If so he was sure he would finally get to kiss her. He turned back around and went to her.

“You forgot your jacket,” she said, taking it off she handed it to him. Bye now,” she said as she went inside and closed the door.

Groaning he got on his horse, his good mood now turned dark. He was starting to think he should give up on her, she obviously wasn’t into him. He was sure the chemistry was there, he felt the sparks and surely it wasn’t just in his head. Going home he cracked open a beer and guzzled it down, then went to bed.

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