Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 589

Chapter 589 Ice Luna Machete 


Gilbert tightly gripped the knife handle and effortlessly slashed it to the side. With a single motion, he spfa chunk of mountain rock in half, showcasing the sharpness of the blade. 

“Since Mr. Lund isn’t using a weapon, I won’t use the Ice Luna Machete either. Even though it’s just a friendly match, we still need to maintain fairness and justice, right, Mr. Lund?” Gilbert briefly displayed the Ice Luna Machete before swiftly putting it away. 

No one knew what his intentions were. 

Emrys remained composed and nodded. “Mr. Cunningham is indeed a gentleman. If you’re ready, let’s get started. We’ll limit it to twenty minutes.” With that, the two of them headed towards the depths of the West Wind Wolf Hunting Ground. 

Blanche wore a bewildered expression. 

Wasn’t I the one who wanted to attend the practical training today

Didn’t Mr. Lund say he would protect me

How did he suddenly start some sort of friendly competition with Gilbert

Before Blanche could react, the two figures had already disappeared from sight. 

Halvard asked, “Do you want to start the practical training now or wait until Emrys 


“If we start now, I can take you to an area with fewer wolves for immediate practical training. If we’re waiting for Emrys, then we’ll have to wait another twenty minutes.” 

Without hesitation, Blanche blurted out, “I’ll wait for Mr. Lund to return!” 

Ever since Halvard invited her to participate in the practical training, Blanche had been filled with unease. When Emrys was by her side just now, she felt a strong sense of security. 

But as soon as Emrys left, she became frantic. 

She didn’t have any hopes that Halvard would protect her. In fact, his presence made Blanche even more uneasy. 


She hoped that Emrys would return soon. 

Halvard seemed to have anticipated this response, so he didn’t rush Blanche. Instead, he uncharacteristically accompanied her in waiting for another twenty minutes. 

At this moment deep within the wolf hunting ground, the branches were lush and the leaves abundant. Traces of wolves and the remains of animals could occasionally be seen on the ground. 

The path ahead rustled and stirred. 

A faint growl could be heard in the distance. 

Soon enough, the two of them found themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves. 

“The hunt begins!” Gilbert coldly laughed and took the lead, charging towards the side of the wolf pack. Even without using his Ice Luna Machete, his fists were still full of attack power. His first punch sent a fierce wolf flying. 




It was evident that Gilbert had faced such wolf packs before. Each of his punches landed precisely on the wolves‘ weak spots. He moved fluidly among the pack, demonstrating effortless mastery. 

Furthermore, he could still spare attention to observe Emrys‘ movements. 

For Emrys, these packs of wolves were hardly a problem. Much like Gilbert, he could take down a wolf with a single punch. 

The two of them moved dominantly through the pack of wolves. They were not prey, but rather, the ones doing the hunting. It didn’t take long for the wolf pack to sense danger, and signs of retreat began to emerge. 

Right at that moment, Gilbert suddenly exclaimed, “Mr. Lund, catch this!” 

As he spoke, he swiftly unfastened the Ice Luna Machete from his waist and hurled it towards Emrys. 

Under such circumstances, anyone would instinctively reach out to catch the Ice Luna 


Machete without having the time for their brain to process. 

However, Emrys had reacted early. 

It should be noted that he had never let his guard down. 

Ever since Gilbert was seen by Emrys yesterday, he doubted whether Gilbert was truly sincere about transforming from an enemy to a friend. 

Their encounter today at the wolf hunting ground only solidified Emrys‘ suspicions. 

Therefore, when Gilbert suggested a friendly competition, Emrys didn’t decline. He wanted to uncover Gilbert’s true intentions. 

While Gilbert was observing Emrys just now, Emrys was also discreetly keeping a close watch on him. 

As soon as Gilbert brandished the Ice Luna Machete, Emrys was already prepared, but he feigned indifference and reached out to catch the thrown weapon. 

Witnessing this, Gilbert’s face twisted into a cunning smile. Suddenly, in a rather peculiar manner, he struck his own chest. 

Gilbert spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and bellowed, “Emrys, I treated you like a brother, and yet you dare… to commit murder and steal the goods!” 

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