Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 579

Chapter 579 Ill Manners 

The recent events were not a figment of the imagination! 

Emrys was truly incomprehensible! 

Vaughn was momentarily stunned. 

Suddenly, he turned pale. 

It felt as if his hand had plunged into an ocean, and an immensely terrifying tidal wave surged from Emrys‘ shoulder, flooding into Vaughn’s arm. 

In that instant, Vaughn felt his arm completely lose all sensation, as if it had detached from his own body. 

The power was terrifying! 

Vaughn panicked. He was now completely convinced that Emrys was not just a temperer grandmaster, but rather, he seemed more like a cultivator! 

That’s right! He’s a cultivator

The force that pierced through Vaughn’s arm couldn’t have been the internal energy of a martial artist. It was impossible for internal energy to reach such a terrifying extent. 

It must have been the cultivator’s life energy! He’s a cultivator

Terror filled Vaughn’s face, and his body broke out in a cold sweat. He was on the verge of collapsing to his knees right then and there. His throat was dry as he managed to utter, “Mr. Lund…” 

He wanted to beg for mercy. 

But at that moment, a deep voice of a middleaged man sounded from behind. “Chancellor Diaz, what’s going on?” 


Vaughn felt the strength that had infused his arm recede like a tide in an instant, and his heart grew increasingly horrified. What kind of terrifying ability was that? 

Emrys was not to be trifled with! 


Upon seeing the middle–aged man who suddenly appeared, the ferocity on Gilbert’s face softened. He walked over and called out, “Dad, what brings you here?” 

The person who arrived was none other than Gilbert’s father, Bernard, the newly appointed Guardian of the Jipsdale Martial Arts Alliance Headquarters. 

“I happened to be passing by this area and remembered that you were here for Chancellor Diaz’s promotion banquet, so I decided to come and have a look.” 

Bernard casually responded, then glanced again at Emrys and Vaughn, asking, “What’s going on?” 

Gritting his teeth, Gilbert said, “There was a conflict. This man named Emrys, a temperer grandmaster, attacked my men. Chancellor Diaz is teaching this kid a lesson on my behalf.” 

“Is that so?” 

Bernard’s face hardened. 

Gilbert hurriedly pulled Darrell over, pointing at his blood–filled mouth. “Dad, look at what this kid has done to Darrell. How can I possibly remain indifferent?” 

Bernard glanced at Darrell, his gaze flickering a few times, then turned to Vaughn and asked, “Chancellor Diaz, you should be well aware of what transpired. Can you please fill me in?” 

Of course, he didn’t believe that Emrys would attack Darrell without any reason. So, he turned to Vaughn to inquire about the specific details of the incident. 

Vaughn had yet to calm down at the moment. 

Enveloped in the terrifying power of Emrys, they found themselves unable to break free. 

Upon hearing Bernard’s question, he truthfully recounted everything that had previously occurred, not daring to show the slightest favoritism toward either party, 

Because at that time, he didn’t dare to offend Bernard, let alone Emrys. 

After quietly listening to it all. 

A complex and inscrutable expression appeared on Bernard’s face as he turned to Emrys. He studied him with interest for a moment before saying, “So, you’re the one who fought to a draw with the Russell family’s prodigy last time, the temperer grandmaster, Emrys?” 


Emrys did not speak. 

Bernard was not angered. Instead, he smiled and said, “I’ve long admired your reputation.” 

A while ago, the duel between Emrys and Cillian had caused quite a stir. Rumors had it that he was Larissa’s man. The whole affair was sensational, startling the entire martial arts circle of Jipsdale. 

Naturally, Bernard had also heard about it. 

He paused for a moment. 

Bernard turned to face Gilbert, his tone stern, and said, “You were the one who started this incident. You should apologize to Emrys immediately.” 


“Apologize now!” 

Bernard’s expression grew dark. 

Seeing Gilbert’s anger, he reluctantly approached Emrys. Through clenched teeth, he said, “I’m sorry!” 

“There’s no need for insincere apologies. I don’t have the patience to argue with someone as rude as you.” 

Even in Bernard’s presence, Emrys didn’t hesitate to scold Gilbert, accusing him of having ‘no manners‘. 

The scene fell silent once again. 

Such poor manners

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