Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 522

Chapter 522 How Dare You Challenge Me 

Fortunately, these passersby were unaware of her identity. 

Although the name Lady Lockwood was well–known in the martial arts world, it was not widely recognized in the secular world. 

Most of those who had heard of her were individuals from that circle. 

During Larissa’s time at the Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy, she was considered the poster girl. After successfully completing the graduation assessment, she was immediately appointed as a regional alliance leader in the Central Chanaean Martial Arts Alliance, with the support of Hazel. 

Her photograph had only appeared on the leaderboard of her school. However, Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy was not accessible to just anyone, and the school forum required special access to log in. 

Therefore, it was not surprising that people outside the martial arts world did not recognize her. 

Even Sierra, who had previously been active in the entertainment industry in Jipsdale, was familiar with the name Lady Lockwood. 

However, Sierra had no idea that Lady Lockwood was actually Larissa. 

That was why Larissa didn’t need to worry about being recognized by passersby. But… 

Feeling embarrassed, she buried her head in Emrys‘ chest. 

Noticing that she had calmed down, Emrys felt a great sense of satisfaction as he held her and they made their way to the Langford residence. 

Samuel’s face lit up with joy when he saw that Emrys was unharmed. He quickly stepped forward to express his heartfelt concern. “Mr. Lund, I’m so relieved that you’re alright. By the way, have they identified the culprit?” 

He was afraid that the attacker might strike again. 

After all, Emrys was a respected figure, and the Langford family couldn’t afford to be involved in any 


Emrys reassured him, “Don’t worry about it. Ms. Mapleton has resolved the issue. It was 

Chapter 522 How Dare You Challenge Me 


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just a misunderstanding.” 

“I’m glad to hear that.” With a sense of relief, Samuel cast a curious glance at the woman in Emrys‘ arms and asked, “Mr. Lund, who is this?” 

Larissa buried her face in Emrys‘ chest and vigorously shook her head. 

Emrys chuckled lightly, deliberately prolonging his words as he said, “She is none other than the renowned–ouch!” 

Emrys felt a sharp pain in his chest, causing him to gasp for breath. Inwardly, he cursed Larissa for her relentless actions! 

He then cleared his throat and made up a story. “I found her on the street. She is now my wife.” 

Emrys didn’t dare to stay any longer. Holding Larissa, he hurried towards the accessory dwelling unit within the Langford residence. 

During this period, Emrys was staying at the Langford residence. 

Samuel had arranged an accessory dwelling unit for him, where he could live without being disturbed. 

After rushing into the room, Emrys exclaimed, “Stop it! Stop it, you monster!” 

“No!” Larissa mumbled. 

She was determined to teach him a lesson as she was tired of him constantly embarrassing her. 

“So you’re not going to give in, huh? Well, be prepared to experience the same treatment!” Emrys, without any hesitation, didn’t care whether Larissa would give in or not. 

He immediately lifted her delicate body into his arms and headed straight for the bed. At the same time, one of his large hands firmly pressed against the protruding area on her upper torso. 

He held on tightly. An eye for an eye

“Ah!” With a shriek, “Ah!” With another shriek, Larissa finally released her tiny canine teeth. 

She then forcefully thrust her slender and highly flexible leg towards Emrys‘ stomach. 


J M M M 

Chapter 522 How Dare You Challenge Me 

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She was taken aback, not expecting Emrys to react in such a way. 

However, upon seeing Emrys furiously rubbing the bitten area, looking utterly ridiculous, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter. With a triumphant tone, she snorted, “Ha! You 

what you deserved!” 


“How dare you challenge me? D*mn it, I’m going to defeat you today!” Emrys exclaimed angrily as he swiftly advanced towards Larissa, grabbing her hands and pushing her onto the bed. 

Anticipating her attempt to kick, Emrys acted quickly, using his own legs to hold her down. 

Even the most skilled grandmaster or Manifestor couldn’t match the power of an Empyrean Lord. 

Larissa was quickly subdued and rendered immobile. 

A flicker of panic briefly appeared in her eyes. She struggled for a moment, but realizing her efforts were futile, she bashfully turned her head away and whispered, “Please be gentle.” 

Larissa stopped struggling and turned her delicate face to the side, her cheeks flushed with a blush. Her beautiful eyes were tightly shut. 

Her long, perfectly arranged eyelashes trembled slightly. 

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