Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 503

Chapter 503 Go And Apologize Instead 

Regarding Emrys‘ decision not to reveal his identity as the Empyrean Lord to Hazel, thus compelling her to speak the truth, it was because he was uncertain about her involvement in the 


There was another factor to consider. 

What Hazel knew might not be the complete truth. 

If she only had partial knowledge of the situation, Emrys revealing his identity prematurely would only alert the true enemy, causing them to remain hidden. 

After all, the Empyrean Lord was someone too powerful to confront directly. 

Therefore, instead of confronting these uncertainties, Emrys chose to act as bait himself, drawing out the true culprit behind the fire at the orphanage years ago. 

This was the reason why Emrys wanted to create chaos in Jipsdale. 

Emrys complimented Hazel, saying, “You’re quite clever, Ms. Mapleton.” 

However, Hazel’s expression did not ease at all upon hearing this. Instead, she sniggered and replied, “No matter how clever I am, I can’t compare to your smartness. But what you’re doing now is like playing with fire. You’ll only end up getting yourself killed because you’re simply no match for them!” 


Chapter 503 Go And Apologize Instead 


Hazel already had an idea of Emrys‘ goal. 

Although her guess was mostly accurate, there was one thing she got wrong–Emrys was not recklessly attempting the impossible, but rather, he was uncovering the truth in his own way. 

Hazel was unaware of this. All she felt now was resentment towards Emrys for his impulsiveness. 

At that moment, Emrys said, “The news of my fight with Cillian has already spread. Whatever you say now is useless. We can only take things one step at a time.” 

“On the day of the fight, you can choose not to show up. Not many people know you yet, so you still have a chance to leave Jipsdale. And in the future, don’t stay by Larissa’s side.” 

Rumors were spreading outside, claiming that Emrys was associated with Larissa. However, only a few people had actually seen Emrys‘ face. 

If Emrys had chosen to leave discreetly at that time, he wouldn’t have attracted that person’s attention. Because until then, that person was still unaware that Emrys was the child from the past. 

However, once that person saw Emrys, they would undoubtedly become suspicious due to the striking resemblance. 

If someone were to dig deeper into Emrys‘ background and discover that he came from Sunshine Children’s Home in Jadeborough, then Emrys‘ true identity would be confirmed by that person. 


Chapter 503 Go And Apologize Instead 


At that point, Emrys would truly be in danger. 

Hazel had advised him not to stay by Larissa’s side, mainly because Larissa was too high–profile. His presence by her side would easily give them away. 

However, upon hearing her suggestion, Emrys strongly protested, “No way! Even though Larissa is just my foster sister now, there’s no guarantee she won’t become my wife in the future. How could I not stay by my wife’s side?” 


Hazel was infuriated by Emrys‘ response. 

He’s about to lose his life, yet he’s still considering marrying Larissa? This kid is nothing but a fool

Hazel was about to lecture him, advising him to lay low for a while and postpone the idea of getting married until later. After all, if he wanted to take a wife, he had to ensure his own survival first. 

However, at that moment, Emrys spoke again. “Even if I don’t consider the matter of marriage, I still can’t leave because Cillian said that he will punish the Langford family if I break my promise.” 

Hazel’s face darkened. She said, “I can help you negotiate this, or I can take you to the Russell residence right now where you can apologize and settle the matter privately.” 

In reality, the Mapleton family and the Russell family were not 


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Chapter 503 Go And Apologize Instead 

on good terms. 


Although Pascal and Harvey both served as guardians of the Jipsdale Martial Arts Alliance Headquarters and had numerous opportunities to interact, their encounters were limited to official matters, lacking any personal exchange. 

However, when it came down to it, Emrys‘ issue was merely trivial and easily resolved. If Hazel brought him to apologize, the Russell family would not reject the gesture on her behalf. 

Therefore, Hazel had decided to do just that. As she was about to lead Emrys out the door, he began to protest again, saying, “There’s no way this was my fault in the first place. It would be so embarrassing if I had to apologize!” 

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