Song- love me, Ex Habit.

“You’re busy again? When can you next fit me and Maeve in?” I snap back at Anna through my car speaker, looking up in the rearview mirror, seeing Nikolai’s Hellcat tailing me. It was certainly strange having to take ‘protection’ to my new job with me. But none of my colleagues had a clue they were outside.

I hear her tap her nails on the table.

“Well, I have a date tonight and then I’m going to see Stacy about a bar job with her. You know, I have to keep this shitty roof over my head somehow, Sofia.”

I roll my eyes. Jax transferred her more than three months’ rent to cover my part of the contract. In an attempt to find some calm, I twirl my necklace around my fingers, feeling the smooth metal against my skin. I’m starting to feel like our friendship is slowly disappearing, and it’s starting to sting a little. She’s been in my life for as long as I can remember. I need to at least try to salvage it.

“What about this Sunday? It would be good for you to get to know Jax, too.”

Just as I say that, a text pops up on the huge screen and my mood switches. I told him I was getting out of work early and was seeing if he was going to be home before we pick up Maeve from Nikolai’s sitter.

J: An afternoon for mommy and daddy to get naughty? Count me in. I’m already home, waiting for you.

I hit the gas harder.

“Oh, he’s decided to stick around then. Didn’t see that coming. Why is he making you work, anyway?” The coldness in her tone throws me off guard.

“I want to work, Anna. I’m finally getting to finish my degree. I’ll be qualified soon. Jax supports whatever I want to do.”

That riles me back up. How dare she talk about Jax like that? She doesn’t have a clue about all the amazing things he does for me and Maeve.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t do a Brody on you,” she says snidely.

“Anna! What is wrong with you? What have I done? Look, I have to go. Maybe call me back when you get that stick out of your ass and want to be my friend again. Because I’ve had enough of this shit from you.” I cut the call, beating my hands against the steering wheel in annoyance. As pissed off as I am, just the thought of being in Jax’s arms in a minute brings a smile to my face. Screw what Anna thinks, or anyone else for that matter.

As I kick off my heels in the hall, the sound of a persistent buzzing reaches my ears from the dining room. Intrigue gets the better of me. Knowing Jax, I could be walking into anything.

I stop in my tracks, mesmerized by the unwavering dedication on Jax’s face as he skillfully tattoos what looks like the entire back of his hand.

“What’s going on here?” I ask, not hiding the amusement in my tone.

As I approach him, I’m almost blown away by the gorgeous art he’s created on himself. With a grin, he lifts the needle from his skin and meets my gaze.

“Do you like it?”

My mouth falls open as I take in the sight of a stunning tiger, its black and white ink giving it a strikingly realistic appearance. Leaning over him, I rest my palm on his shoulder to get a closer look.

“Jax, that is beautiful. You’re so talented! You never told me?” I blink a few times in shock.

“Wait, is that mine and Maeve’s names?” I ask, knowing full well what I’m staring at. Mine is running down his thumb and Maeve’s just above his knuckles, all blended into the background of the tiger.

“Damn right. On my skin forever.”

“I love it.” I press a kiss to the side of his head.

“I’ve still got a bit of work to do on it, but it’s my best work yet,” he says proudly.

“So, you’re also a tattoo artist?”

He snorts. “No. Me and Kai, we learned when we were younger. Kai’s dad had his own shop. He taught us. Kai did most of mine. I did all of his.”

He pulls up his shorts, revealing his thick thigh and points to a small skull smoking a joint. “That was his first attempt. Fucking awful,” he chuckles.

Jax doesn’t mention Kai’s name much. All I know is he died a couple of years ago, and he was like a brother to him. I know enough about grief to not push him. He will talk when he’s ready to.

“It’s different. Looks like he got better, though.” I tap his shoulder at a perfect set of boxing gloves.

He nods and swallows hard, making his Adam’s apple bob.

I fiddle with the necklace, and an idea springs to mind. “Hey, Jax?”

He places the gun down on the table and turns to face me, his thighs on either side of my legs. “Yes, baby.”

“I want one.”

“A tattoo?”

I nod. Is this going to hurt?

“Shit, are you telling me I get to be the first one to ink your pretty virgin skin?” he says with a smirk.

“Hey, if you’re not going to take it seriously, I’ll go to another shop and let a guy put his hands—” I lean in, brushing my lips on the shell of his ear. “All. Over. Me.”

A low, guttural growl rumbles from deep within him. As he pulls me closer, his fingers firmly grip my waist, igniting a surge of desire.

“I think the fuck not. I’ll do it.”

I tap his cheek, looking down at him. “Good boy.”

I can’t help but notice the way he bites down on his lip, a gesture that makes me squeeze my thighs together. How is he so hot?

His hand trails up my leg and dips under my skirt. “Oh, baby. You have no idea how good I’m about to be for you.”

“Now, this tattoo. What do you want and where?” He looks up at me, sliding his hands up my sides.

“This.” I point to my necklace, our initials entwined together, surrounded by a heart.

“You want mine there, too?” He looks surprised.

“Yep. All three of us, together. Maybe inside a cute little heart? Or a tiger paw print? I don’t know, get creative. Leave your mark on me.” I wink at him.

He licks his bottom lip. He has a new silver piercing in. It’s quite an enormous square.

“New tongue bar?”

With a sly smile, he wiggles his eyebrows, teasing me.

“Where do you want this piece of art, then, sweetheart?”

I hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Hip?”

Standing above me, he reaches down and effortlessly finds the zipper on the side of my pencil skirt.

“Perfect choice,” he whispers in my ear, letting my clothing fall to the floor.

My heart quickens as he steps aside, my eyes lock on his precise movements as he readies the tattoo gun with new needles and ink.

Nerves start to work through my body. “Does it hurt?”

He chuckles. “A little. You might like it. It’s addictive.”

He takes a seat. He glances at me before returning to the equipment he’s still fiddling with. “Dress off, bra off, and lie down on the table.”

“Bra off?” I shoot him a look.

He gives me a broad grin. “That’s just for me.”

“They better not distract you, Jax.” I’d hate for a permanent mistake to be on my skin forever because he wasn’t paying attention.

He points to the table in front of him. “Lie down.”

The cool wood presses against my back. With the tattoo gun in hand, he stands and a chill runs through me. As it starts to buzz, panic takes over.

“Relax, beautiful. It won’t take me long. If it hurts, we stop. Just tell me.”

His touch sends a wave of electricity through me, and I nod, trying to steady my breath as he runs his index finger along my skin.

“I’ll start with the ‘J’.”

As the needle touches my skin, I tightly squeeze my eyes shut, bracing for the pain. With clenched teeth, I exhale slowly, trying to ignore the initial sting.

“Relax your fists, sweetheart. One letter down, all good?” he asks over the low hum.

I tense up as he wipes a cool towel over the tattoo.

“Yep, keep going.” I rush out my words, trying to relax the tight muscles in my body.

He squeezes on my thigh, and that little reassurance helps. He starts on the next letter, which must be slightly more on the bone as it causes vibrations through my pelvis, which overtakes the sensation of any pain. It’s weird but kinda nice.

“Do you trust me, baby?”

As I glance at him through one eye, I’m captivated by the desire that burns in his gaze. “I trust you, Jax.”

“Good.” His fingers hook under my panties and he slides them down my bare legs. “Spread your legs for me, tigritsa. I’m about to set your world on fire.”

I almost jump when he runs his mouth along my stomach. Is he quivering? What the hell? As he gets lower, and it connects to my clit, I confirm that his tongue is vibrating. “Jesus, Jax.”

“You like my new toy?”

The intense sensation causes ripples through my entire body, making my back arch off the table. I sit up as he pulls away, but he shakes his head and motions for me to lie back down. “Next letter.”

I suck in a breath, my pussy throbbing as he gently guides my right leg down. I can barely feel the machine working. I’m too distracted and too eager for it to be over to get his face back between my legs.

“You think you can stay still?”

Shit. “I-I don’t know, Jax.”

“Well, I suggest you try, baby.” He smirks. His warm breath beats against me, right where I need him.

As his tongue glides along the inside of my thigh, I can feel the intense vibrations resonating through my body.

“Jax, oh my god.”

“Good, right?”

“Uh-huh.” I dig my fingers into the table as he slowly creates circles on my clit. Even my ass is twitching.

“I-I can’t do this,” I pant out. The blood is pounding in my ears.

With one hand splayed on my lower stomach, he works on the next section, which causes my hips to move, working against his pressure on my clit.

And, oh my fucking god.

“You’re doing so good, baby.”

Bringing my forearm over my eyes, I bite down on the inside of my cheek, doing everything I can to stop my body from moving and ruining his work. It’s like I can feel the vibrations in every fiber of me. When the buzzing finally stops, I relax.

“We aren’t done.”

My eyes fly open and I find Jax standing at the edge of the table with a hunger in his eyes. I pull my legs up, and he licks his lips.

“I need to wrap⁠—”

“Jax. Put your face between my legs and make me scream. I need it.” I can’t take anymore. I’m about to combust.

Leaning over me, he traces a path from my neck down to my belly. The sensation sends tingles of electricity coursing through me. He grips both of my thighs and slides me to the edge of the table. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he drops to his knees.

“I wonder if you’ll like this inside you?” With his hands under my ass, he pushes my hips up so I can wrap my legs around his head. I scream out his name as he fucks me with his tongue. I find a rhythm to match and I pull at his hair as I ride his face.

“I’m, fuck, so close.”

His fingers dig into my skin, and my knees tighten around him on their own accord. As he works his way back to my clit, I completely shatter around him. I’ve never come so hard in my life. Though every second of this orgasm ripping through me, he doesn’t let up, pushing me open and feasting.

My chest heaves. I don’t even have a second to ride out the first one before he brings me back up to another high.

“Again, sweetheart. I dare you. Soak my fucking face.”

I can hear the menace in his tone. He slides his fingers inside me and stretches me. He’s consuming me completely.

“My tiger loves it,” he says before placing his tongue on my clit and letting the piercing do the work while he drives his hand deeper within me.

“Shit, shit, shit.” I say it like a chant.

Just as I’m nearly there, he withdraws out of me and back towards my ass.

“Still trust me?”

“Always,” I pant out as he spreads my cheeks and his soaked fingers push into my tight hole. Slowly, oh, so fucking slowly. He sucks on me, distracting me from the initial shock.

“Good girl,” he groans.

With his mouth back on my pussy, I’ve never experienced a sensation quite like this. I’m so full, I’m on fire, to the point I can’t breathe. Another explosive climax comes over me and I ride it out.

I lift my arms above my head, and Jax swiftly stands, scooping me up by the waist and holding me close to his chest. I blow the strands of my sweaty hair away from my face, then press my lips against his.

“Go look at your new ink, baby,” he says, placing me down. With our fingers interlocked, I lead him towards the full-length mirror in the hallway, excitement bubbling inside me.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

He slides his arms around me from behind and cups my breasts in his hands. It really is, he did a perfect job, despite the distractions.

Meeting his eyes in the reflection, I feel an instant connection.

His grin only intensifies the butterflies in my stomach.

“It is, just like you,” he replies, kissing my throat.

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