
The events of the night before was unexpected, and I still hadn't fully processed what happened between me and the kings.

Last night after everyone was done with there meals and had started leaving, I attempted getting off Ezra's lap and leaving as well but he and Roman stopped me and told me I was to meet them at the palace garden the next day for lunch so we could take time to know each other better but I knew that was probably another excuse to see me.

As such, me and Lilly had decided to go shopping so I could have proper clothes to wear around the palace.

We were currently browsing through clothes from lady Rosalie van del collection a well known seamstress in the kingdom when we bumped into three women, I was about to apologize when I looked up and saw the lady i just bumped into was none other than Katrina one of the kings ex-bed mates, even Lilly looked shocked.

Rumors of how the kings had gotten rid of their harem of women which included Katrina and the two women flanking her because of me or more accurately the enchanting beauty as the people of this kingdom had started calling me.

That wasn't even the worst part, the humiliation and disgrace in which Katrina and the blonde from last night who i later learned her name was Jane had gone through in the hands of the kings had spread like wild fire and they had become the laughing stock of the kingdom so no one really expected to see them in public so soon after last night's event, but here they were glaring at me like I was the filth underneath their shoes but I refuse to be intimidated by this spiteful idiots so I gave them a dismissive look and went back to my shopping but Katrina would not be dismissed and rather walked right in front of me and continued her glaring.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the kings whore".

The two morons flanking her giggled, I recognized the blonde as the one from last night known as Jane but could not recall ever seeing the brunette standing next to katrina before.

Lilly growled and started advancing towards them but I held her back not wanting someone to fight my battles for me because then they would see me as weak and I refuse to show this idiots any sign of weakness.

"I thought that was your job katrina, oh sorry ex-job seeing as you've been demoted to the jester of the kingdom, congratulations".

Lilly couldn't help herself and started laughing hysterically at them, while Katrina and her cronies looked surprised, it would seem they weren't expecting me to talk back to them, especially since when they had the status as the kings lovers no one dared talk back to them for fear of the kings wrath, but now they had no such status and even if they did I would not take such disrespect from anyone most especially not from this trio of bitter, shallow, self serving fools. Katrina came towards me her face flushed with anger,

" stupid little...."

She stammered while I just looked at her cooly her friends were starting to look nervous while Lilly looked amused, just as katrina was about to open her mouth and continue her little tantrum, lady Rosalie van del walked towards us flanked by two palace guards and called out to katrina,

"Katrina that's enough, I think its time you left or you would be escorted out of here by the guards".

Katrina looked perplexed and then humiliated, that's when I noticed that the shifters had gathered and had witnessed the entire exchange between me and Katrina, and were now looking at katrina with disgust, this must be why lady Rosalie noticed the commotion in the first place seeing as this shop was quite big.

Katrina opened her mouth to defend herself but lady Rosalie was too angry to listen to anything she had to say and instead continued talking,

"The kings had given strict orders to every shop owner in the kingdom not to allow you anywhere near lady Firebird whenever she is shopping and I would not tolerate a fight in my shop so please leave"


"No buts leave now before I inform the kings of the little stunt you pulled here today I don't think they would be so merciful when they hear of this, besides I saw and heard everything so I know you started the argument leave now, I won't ask again".

Katrina looked like she might argue but it seems she finally realized the situation she was in and decided to leave but not before shooting me one last glare and said,

"This isn't over".

And then she and her cronies left taking the tension in the shop with them, lady Rosalie turned to me,

"I'm very sorry about that had I known she was here when you came in I would have requested she leave, please feel free to buy any clothing you want it's on the house as a way of saying sorry for today's ordeal"

Oh, she was a really nice woman

"There's no need to apologize lady Rosalie it wasn't your fault and thank you for the gracious offer".

She smiled, did a courtsy and then left to attend to other customers, the spectators had gone back to their shopping when Katrina left while others came to me to say hi and to welcome me to their kingdom.

Me and Lilly were done shopping and we took the items to my living quarters, after we were done arranging the clothes Lilly decided to leave and attend to other matters that required her attention, I bid her goodbye and decided to take a quick nap before my lunch with the kings, after the day I had, I would say I deserved it.

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