By Frenzy I Ruin (Sins of the Fathers Book 5)
By Frenzy I Ruin: Chapter 28

The moment Rory didn’t push against my head anymore, I used my chance and pushed her legs farther apart. I took it all in. Her round ass cheeks, her beautiful opening and pink pussy lips, her tiny clit. I licked along her slit. I wanted to taste every inch of her. I wanted to make her come so hard tonight that she’d squirt all over the countertop This was the only form of redemption I could offer her.

Rory tugged at my hair and moaned. This was only the beginning. I curled my arms around her thighs and pulled her to the edge, then I focused on her clit. I teased it with my tongue, lick after lick, and twirl after twirl, and it peeked out more. Rory had her eyes closed, her chest was heaving, and she was breathing heavily. This didn’t do.

“Open your eyes, Rory, and watch me eat you out.”

She opened her eyes and flushed even redder.

I pressed my cheek against her inner thigh and rubbed her little clit with my thumb, spreading my saliva and Rory’s arousal. “You’ll watch every second, understood? I want you to see me licking you, making you drip and come.”

“As if I could ever forget it was you,” she whispered with a hint of reproach.

I grinned because after tonight she’d definitely never forget how it was to be with me.

With my cheek still pressed against her inner thigh, I stroked the tip of my tongue along her puffy pussy lips, gently parting them to swirl her clit before I moved back down. Aurora’s face was flushed as she watched me with parted lips. I pushed against her other thigh, parting her legs farther and revealing more of her pussy. My tongue dipped between her labia again, brushing over her smooth but tight opening. Her arousal coated my tongue. I hummed and started circling that perfect little hole that had welcomed me once before.

I pulled her down on my face, sucking her clit. She cried out in surprise and pleasure as I ate her out messily, smearing her juices all over my chin and cheeks. She leaned against the counter, both of her hands in my hair, her eyes wide and disbelieving as my mouth and tongue tasted her lips, clit and opening.

Her arousal wasn’t a small drizzle anymore. It coated my tongue as I stroked her opening.

Her thighs tensed, her pussy clenched, and her face contorted with pleasure, then a loud moan fell from her parted lips. I gripped her ass cheeks, my fingers digging in as I pressed her pussy tighter against my face. She shuddered, her nails scratching my scalp. Her scent intensified. I groaned and shoved my tongue into her tight opening. Her arousal coated my tongue, and I eagerly lapped it up as I fucked her with my tongue. I wanted to claim every part of her, with my tongue, my fingers, my cock, even my fucking favorite knife. I wanted to imprint myself on Rory’s body and mind.

“I can’t. No more,” she gasped after a while. I pulled my tongue out of her. My chin and mouth were covered in her lust. She licked her lip, her expression stunned and embarrassed.

After I’d shoved down her now soaked pajama bottoms, I gripped her hips and hoisted her back up on the counter, then pushed between her legs. My cock strained against my pants, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t get its turn tonight.

“What—” Rory’s eyes widened when I pushed my middle finger into her opening. She tensed, expecting pain, but despite how tight she was, and she was amazingly tight, she was so dripping wet that I slipped in easily. I looked down at my finger as it parted her pink pussy, glistening with her arousal. I curled the tip of my finger and pressed the heel of my palm firmly against Rory’s engorged clit, then stopped moving.

“So tight,” I said triumphantly. “Nobody’s been in that pussy since me, and nobody ever will.”

“I hate you,” she whispered. But her eyes didn’t convey hate, at least not only hate. She hated me, for good reason, and probably herself too. I was familiar with hate, with its ambiguity. It was the emotion dearest to my heart. It was also an emotion I’d never manage for Rory.

“I know,” I murmured and dipped my head. I lowered my gaze from Rory’s fiery eyes to my finger still buried deep. I opened my hand so my palm no longer pressed against her clit and darted my tongue out to caress it, then I moved lower and licked around my finger, teasing her sensitive flesh.

She tugged harder at my hair. Maybe she hated this power I held over her body, but not enough to stop me. If she knew how much power her existence held over my body and mind, she’d realize I was the doomed one in this.

I could have watched her forever, the subtle rocking of her hips as they met the thrusts of my finger and my teasing tongue. Her pants, the heaving of her chest, and flushed state of her face.

Soon, she shook with her second orgasm. She would have been so ready for me to fuck her. “I need to be inside you.”

“You’re crazy,” she said.

Crazier than she thought. “I hurt you.”

“You did,” she confirmed.

“That’s why I’m not going anywhere near you with my cock.” Not tonight.

She frowned, distrust battling with curiosity on her face.

“But I need to claim you. Fuck, it’s all I can think about. You know you’re mine. I don’t even remember our first night properly, and I want to make up for it. Tonight, I want to be the one to bleed and hurt as I claim you.”

Her confusion only grew. I couldn’t blame her, and I wasn’t sure she wouldn’t run away screaming if she found out what I had in mind. Fuck, I wouldn’t even blame her, but this idea wouldn’t leave me since I’d dreamed about it a few weeks ago. It was the perfect way to give Rory pleasure and me pain, and to claim her with a part of me that wasn’t part of my body.

I unsheathed my knife.

Rory’s eyes widened in alarm.

I flung the knife in the air and caught the blade. My grip was still loose, but the sharp blade already scratched at my skin. My calluses from fighting and Parkour didn’t give in easily, but today, they would.

“This is insane,” Rory whispered, but she hadn’t moved. If she was frozen from shock or anticipation was also in the mix, it was hard to tell. She only watched me with utter shock. I licked over her thigh, then I raised the intricate leather handle of my knife to her pussy. “This is calf leather. It’s soft, and the embossing will massage your inner walls. It’s smaller than my cock, so it’ll be perfect.” I slid the round handle end over Rory’s opening, coating it with her juices before I parted her with it and rubbed it over her clit.

Rory was frozen as she watched. I rubbed round and round over her clit, watching her face, loving the lust and fear there. Fear not of me. Fear of what I made her desire. Fear of the forbidden. But fuck, the forbidden fruit was always the sweetest.

“I’m taking you to hell with me, Rory. I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen. Now it’s too late.”

I slid the leather handle lower and pressed it against her opening. There was a hint of resistance before her walls gave in and allowed the first inch inside her pussy.

“Fuck,” I groaned as I watched the pink of Rory’s pussy against the black leather of my knife.

Rory shook her head, still shell-shocked. “You’re bleeding,” she gasped.

I lowered my eyes from her face to my hand gripping the blade. A droplet of blood meandered over my wrist, and the hint of burning told me my knife had cut through the thick layer of my calluses.

“If it hurts you, it should hurt me as well,” I rasped as I moved the handle up and down, still only an inch in.

“That’s insanity,” she whispered. “And it doesn’t even hurt. It just stretches me.”

“Last time, it hurt. Don’t worry about me, Rory. Just relax and feel. Really feel the leather inside you.”

She shook her head but didn’t protest. I pushed a bit deeper and leaned forward to lick her clit. She panted as I circled my knife handle and her sensitive flesh.

I’d buried this blade, and many other blades, in so many people, had relished in their cries, but claiming Rory with my knife handle, giving her pleasure with the very thing that only brought pain to others, and receiving pain through my own blade as I gave her pleasure, that would go down as a highlight in my life.


I would go to hell for this. No doubt.

I wasn’t sure why I wasn’t screaming and running away. Why I was sitting here, watching as Nevio fucked me with his knife.

It shouldn’t feel good. But it did. The way Nevio watched me with rapt attention and pure hunger sent spikes of lust through my body I’d never experienced before.

He brushed the rounded handle along my seam back and forth. “You’re very quiet. I take that as a good sign,” he mused. “Now that your body has handled the first shock, I’m going to fuck you properly with my knife so you bathe my handle and mouth with your lust.”

He gripped the blade harder and pushed the handle farther into me.

“Is that a yes?”

I panted but didn’t reply. I couldn’t agree to this. I couldn’t push him away either. I was lost between my desire to let this happen and my conscience telling me to stop it.

He pushed in slowly until the handle was about halfway inside me and became thicker, then closed his mouth over my clit again. I relaxed as pleasure surged through me from his tongue’s magic work. I loved the soft feel of it, the heat of Nevio’s breath on my pussy. My inner walls were very sensitive from my orgasm, and the softness of the leather soothed and teased them at the same time.

“More,” Nevio murmured, and I hissed as he pushed deeper, my opening stretching around the growing girth of the handle. I hadn’t been penetrated by more than my own finger and Nevio’s tongue and finger since Nevio took my virginity.

My chest clenched with memories of the night and guilt over what was happening now. Nevio’s tongue circled my clit, then stroked along my opening and lower. My eyes rolled back, and lust overrode guilt. I swallowed thickly, as stretching turned to a subtle pain as the handle conquered more of my pussy.


I lowered my head.

His dark eyes hit me. “Don’t fight the pain. Savor it. Relax. Accept it.”

I tried to do what he said, and when the handle was all the way inside me, I breathed out. Nevio leaned back slightly, his chin shiny with my juices, and watched my pussy. His fist curled around the blade, pressed against my pussy. Nevio uncurled his fingers. They were covered in blood and so was the blade.

I closed my eyes. I couldn’t own up to the reality of it, to how good the leather felt inside me, of how sexy Nevio’s reaction made me feel.

“Damn, Rory, seeing my knife sticking out of your tight pussy makes me horny as fuck. You can hate me all you want.”

My heart pounded in my chest.

“Do you want to come all over my knife, Rory?” Nevio asked in a low, strained voice.


“No?” he murmured. He began to fuck me slowly with the hilt. In and out, slowly, gently. The leather caressed me, the end brushed a sweet spot deep inside me, and then Nevio’s tongue brushed along my clit. My breathing hitched.

Lust dripped out of me as my body rang with sweet pleasure. I was getting closer.

I put my hand on Nevio’s head, wanting to push him away, but his lips closed around my clit and began sucking, and I didn’t.

I swallowed harder. Hating myself, hating him for what he made me lust for.

“Rory, look at me.”

I opened my eyes, and I shuddered with another wave of arousal. The intensity of Nevio’s gaze, the friction of the leather inside me, and his lips massaging my clit were all too much. My hips rocked against the knife, against Nevio’s mouth, wanting more even if it was already too much.

“Almost there,” Nevio growled. I gripped the counter as my heels pressed into the cabinet, and my toes curled. My pussy began to contract around the knife. Nevio pulled back, rubbed my clit with his thumb, his face still close to my aching flesh.

I came, my body convulsing uncontrollably. Lust dripped out of me, ran down my ass, and gathered under me. Nevio watched me with a smile that made me shiver. He leaned forward, his tongue following the trails of my arousal. I shuddered harder as another wave of pleasure captured me.

My chest heaving, I froze. Slowly, Nevio pulled the hilt out of me, causing me to tremble again. He regarded the handle with utter triumph. The leather was covered with my juices and a hint of something darker. Nevio darted his tongue out and licked the pink off. “A hint of blood.”

I shook my head but couldn’t say anything. Then he pushed to his feet and held the hilt up to my mouth. “Taste your pussy.” I parted my lips, unable to resist Nevio’s commanding tone. The tangy aroma of my arousal hit my tongue. Nevio’s gaze became all-consuming, making my core clench again, even if I’d just come hard. “Suck it clean like you’ve been dreaming of doing with my cock.”

My eyes grew with indignation. Of course, I’d dreamed about Nevio, and only very few of these dreams had been nightmares.

“Come on, Rory. Show me what you’d do to me.”

I closed my lips around the handle, took more of it into my mouth, and hollowed my cheeks as I sucked on it. I gave it my all under Nevio’s watchful gaze. Swirling my tongue across the tip of the handle, then sucking it into my mouth. How had my fury led to this?

Nevio’s erection pressed against his pants, and I couldn’t help but smile triumphantly around the handle. Nevio gripped my neck and leaned in, his lips brushing my ear. “That’s what you do to me, Rory,” he rasped.

He moved back and slowly pulled the knife handle out of my mouth, then he brought it to my pussy once more. He gently slid it all the way in, and I released a shaky breath because I couldn’t take any more, even if it felt good. He extracted it once more and regarded the leather once again covered in my release.

The bling of the elevator on our floor let my heart rate spike. “Carlotta!”

Nevio stepped back and lifted me off the counter, then he calmly returned the knife into the sheath.

I tried to smooth my clothes and find my shorts. The keys scratched the lock when I finally managed to pull them on. Nevio leaned against the counter and watched me, his pants still bulging.

“What are you going to tell Carlotta when she sees this?” He pointed at the small puddle of my release on the counter.

“Oh God.” I raced toward the cupboard with the cleaning supplies and grabbed a hygienic cleaner and emptied half of it on the counter, then started rubbing at it fervently with a rag I’d definitely throw away later.

“I’m back!” Carlotta called. She never did that, so maybe she suspected she might see something she didn’t want to see. My face burned with mortification.

I didn’t turn around when I saw Carlotta enter the room in my peripheral vision. I could only hope that Nevio’s erection wasn’t obvious anymore, or that Carlotta wouldn’t notice.

“Everything all right?” Carlotta asked suspiciously.

I cleared my throat. “Sure.” My voice was too high and scratchy.

“Splendid,” Nevio said calmly.

When I was happy about the state of the counter, I turned to Carlotta with a forced smile. “I spilled some—”

“Juice,” Nevio finished, and I could have killed him with that stupid knife of his. Though that would have probably been his dream.

Carlotta glanced between Nevio and me, her eyes lingering on Nevio’s bloody hand, and sighed. “I assume Battista is asleep?”

I nodded. “You’re back early.” I wasn’t even sure what time it was, but I definitely hadn’t expected her yet.

Carlotta pursed her lips. “It’s almost midnight. Dinner with Diego and Antonia usually isn’t an all-night thing. Next time, I’ll call. I think I’ll go to my room until you’re done with whatever it is you’re doing.”

“We’re done,” I said firmly. Carlotta was definitely offended, and I couldn’t blame her. First, I let a baby move in with us, and now Nevio was here all the time.

Nevio didn’t comment. He only gave me a look that made me feel hot all over.

“Nevio has to leave.”

I walked into the hallway, just wanting to get out of the kitchen. Could you smell sex in a room? Luckily, Carlotta was completely innocent, so I probably didn’t have to worry.

I was so going to hell. Nevio followed close behind me, and a shiver slithered down my spine. I wondered what was going on in Nevio’s head right now. I stopped at the door and opened it. Nevio stayed in the doorway as if he knew I would have closed the door right in front of his face if he’d stepped out into the hallway. Right at this moment, I just wanted him to leave. I didn’t want to own up to what we’d done. I needed more time to wrap my head around it.

I looked away from his penetrating gaze, but my eyes only caught on the knife in his leather holster. He rarely wore it this openly. Heat crawled up my neck, and my core tightened once more. I could almost still feel the silky leather inside me. I dropped my gaze, then frowned at the droplets of blood on the floor. My gaze followed its trail back to the kitchen. Nevio must have cut himself deeper than I’d thought.

I reached for his hand and turned it around. The cut in his palm was long but not overly deep, but it definitely needed stitches, especially since I knew he wouldn’t go easy on it. He’d probably already be cage fighting tomorrow afternoon. “That needs proper treatment.”

“It was worth it,” Nevio said in a low voice, leaning closer. Our eyes met, and I exhaled, feeling the pull it was almost impossible to resist. “And I would cut myself even deeper if it meant seeing you come on my knife again.”

I peered over my shoulder to make sure Carlotta wasn’t close by. “Do you want me to put a bandage on?”

“I think you need a bit of alone time, Rory. Don’t let your conscience ruin this.”

It wasn’t my conscience I was worried about but my heart. Nevio finally stepped back.

Nevio leaned close and kissed my cheek like a friend would, a show for the cameras in the hallway, because I could still smell myself on him. He turned and stalked away.

I closed the door and leaned against it.

“Should I be concerned?” Carlotta asked from her spot in the kitchen doorway.

I raised my eyebrows. “Did you eavesdrop?”

She made an appalled face as if that was the last thing she would do. “I’m too worried about what I might overhear.”

I laughed bitterly. “Yeah.”

She came over to me slowly, her face flashing with disgust as they registered the blood on the floor.

“I’ll clean it,” I said.

Carlotta leaned against the door beside me, her shoulder touching mine. She studied my face. “Are you okay?”

I hesitated. I wasn’t really sure what I felt right now. “I’m not sure yet.”

Her brows pulled together. “Did you sleep with Nevio?”

“No,” I said, then bit my lip, my skin flaming. “It wasn’t like that.” Or did what we had count as sex? It was a form of sex, but Carlotta probably meant the classic version, not the twisted and perverted one Nevio had in mind.

“Looking at your face, I don’t think I want details.”

“You definitely don’t want them.” Carlotta would need an immediate appointment for confession if I told her what had just happened, and she’d probably ask for a new kitchen too.

“Are you okay with what happened?”

“Part of me is. Part of me definitely isn’t.”

Battista let out a cry, and I was glad for the distraction.

“It’s almost as if Nevio can sense when Battista is awake and always leaves before,” Carlotta said.

“That’s not possible,” I said as I walked into my room, where Battista had been sleeping the entire time. I got what Carlotta meant. So far Nevio’s interactions with Battista had been few and far between. They hadn’t built a connection yet, and after our conversation today, I knew Nevio preferred it that way. I knew that some fathers had a hard time building a bond with young kids, even if they’d watched them grow up from birth, but I wasn’t sure that was the case with Nevio or if something deeper and darker held him back.

I picked Battista up and pressed him to my chest. Funnily enough, I had absolutely no trouble building a connection with this little boy. Just like his father, he’d captured my heart.

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