Ace p.o.v.

Arriving at my mother’s house my heart almost stopped. Everything was a big mess. The door was wide open. Furniture thrown around. Everything scattered around.

“Scan the parameters.” I say to one of my men, trying to remain my composure. “Start scanning through the security camera footage.” Looking at the other. Nodding they get to their tasks. I assess the state of the house as I make my way to the safe room. Calling my mother’s number I tell her to open it. I felt my lungs releasing a breath I didn’t even knew I was holding when the door opened.

Aiden ran out and jumped into my arms as soon as he saw me. Thank goodness he’s safe. Looking up I see my mom exiting alone…

“Where is she?” I clenched my jaw.



“She put us in and closed it.” I swear that girl will give me a coronary or something. Taking a deep breath I walk outside the room.

“Mom you should go to the other safe house. I don’t think you can stay here anymore.”

“I know sweetheart. What about you all?”

“I’m taking Aiden home with me and I’ll try and find that stubborn girl as soon as possible.” I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I tell her to stay put she manages to put herself in harm’s way.

“Okay, sweetheart. Keep me updated please." I nodded my head. "Take care…” she kissed my cheek and whispered something to Aiden before giving him a kiss goodbye too.

“The area is secured boss.” I nod.

“Good. Make sure my mother reaches her location safely.” I say as we get ready to leave this mess of a place.


“Yeah champ?”

“Where is mama?”

“I wish I knew buddy…” racking my brain for an answer. “We’re playing a game of hide and seek.” Swallowing the lump in my throat I fake a smile. “We have to hide from her and she’ll come and find us.”

“Yay. I love playing games.”

“Great, let’s go home so we can start, okay?” he nodded enthusiastically. I really didn’t have it in me to tell him the truth.

On the flight home I realized how difficult it could be managing a kid alone. He was a big ball of energy. How can someone keep up with all that? After bribing him with candy and video games I finally managed to get him to sleep.

Exhausted I fall on the seat. Rubbing my eyes with my fingers I grab my laptop to finish some pending paperwork. The sooner I get this out of the way the better. I found out I fell asleep when I felt two small hands pulling my face.

“Hey champ.” I sit up yawning.

“Papa! I’m bored.” He pouts.

“What do you want to do?” he just shrugged.

“Play games.”

“Uhm okay. What game do you want to play?”

After entertaining him for a while it was time to land so we took our seats. By the time we arrived at my mansion it was night time and he fell asleep on the ride home. Carefully picking him up I put him to bed. Walking out of his room I head straight to the bar and pour myself a glass of whiskey. As I was lighting a cigar I hear the lift open. My head snapped up and I let out a relieved breath seeing Vik.

“So?” Vik poured a glass of scotch for himself and relaxed on the couch.

“Mom’s safe. Aiden is sleeping in his room and Daleyza has been kidnapped.” I summarized for him. Vik almost choked hearing the last part. Sighing I sat on the couch. “It’s that Italian bastards doing. I’m going to kill him when I get my hands on him.”

“Okay so do you have an actual plan or are you going to go on like a headless chicken?”

I massaged my head trying to figure out what the next step should be.

“Did you get any intel from the spies we send?”

Vik shook his head. “Not yet. I’m expecting an update soon.” We sipped on our drinks trying to make sense of what happened and what we should do.

The ringing of Vik’s phone snapped us both out of our thoughts. He took his phone and went outside. He came back after a few moments looking a bit stressed.

“Everything okay?” he snapped his head up.

“Uh yeah. Everything is fine.” He sighed. I squinted my eyes and he slouched on the couch. “I promised Lea a date tonight.”

“Then go. What are you doing here?” Vik opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. “Listen there is nothing we can do at this moment. We need to clear our heads and come up with a plan. So there is no reason for you to put your life on a hold… again. Go and enjoy your evening.”

He stared at me for a moment before downing his drink. Standing up he patted my shoulder as he made his way out. Sighing I stare at the ceiling. After a few moments I heard Aiden’s door open and tiny footsteps making its way to me. He climbed on the couch and I scooped him up in my lap.

“What’s wrong champ? You hungry?” he nodded his head shyly. “Okay what do you want to eat?”

“Uuhhmm” he tapped his chin with his index finger as he thought what to say. “Pizza.” He said with the most precious smile on his face.

“Well if that’s what you want.” Picking my phone I placed an order for us and send one of my men to pick it up. My attention shifted to Aiden who was in his own world. I started tickling him, he started laughing trying to escape from me. He finally managed to get out of my clutches and started running around making me chase him. We stopped when the guard called to notify our food was being send up.

“Did you like the pizza?” Aiden looked up and smiled. His mouth was covered with the pizza sauce and he was munching on the crust. He nodded making me smile.

“Can I have more?”

“One more then we get you cleaned up and in bed.” Hearing my answer he smiled and reached out to the box. I gave him another slice and he finished it in records time. I knew he had enough to fill his stomach and more. So I picked him up and took him to the bathroom. After cleaning him up I put him on his bed. I hadn’t realized I was that tired till I sat with Aiden till he would fall asleep, only to fall asleep myself.

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