Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 29

The feast was loud and chaotic, with the Vampir taking full advantage of their last moments of peace before the looming battle.

“What’s happening?” Bat questioned, taking in the scene around her. She walked to the courtyard’s center, where a large table covered different meats and fruits. The rich fragrance of food mingled in the air, but what truly caught her attention were the humans who had willingly prostrated themselves at the Vampir’s mercy. They swayed sensually amidst the revelry, their eyes gleaming with trepidation and intrigue as they gazed upon the Vampir. Several of the Vampir had already claimed a human, drinking as they surrendered to the indulgence of the feast.

A sense of unease coiled within Bat as she witnessed the spectacle unfold. A pit formed in her stomach as she watched. She turned to Ace, who looked tired.

“It’s a pre-battle tradition. We hold a feast so the warriors can build their strength before battle,” Ace explained. “It’s a bit strange being here when I don’t need to drink blood anymore.”

“This ritual is our manner of preparation for war,” Val added as he joined them. “To fortify ourselves, we must customarily consume blood. The humans you see have chosen this path willingly, believing their sacrifice serves a noble cause.”

Desperate to alleviate the mounting discomfort, Bat responded in the most intuitive way she knew.

“We can still drink and dance!” With a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, Bat held up two goblets, one for herself and another for Ace. The contents were a rich, crimson hue, viscous like molasses, pulsating with its own energy. The strains of music swelled, the dancers whirling with increased fervor while the humans continued to offer themselves to the Vampir. The mingling scents of blood and desire permeated the air, and Bat could feel the primordial energy coursing through her veins, urging her to succumb to the wild abandon of the night.

Bat sipped the liquid, which was an entirely new experience for her. It was rich and smooth, with a sweetness that lingered. As she swallowed, warmth spread through her body, making her moan in pleasure.

Val was watching her, his eyes filled with a dark hunger. He grabbed a goblet and took a deep drink, his jaw working as he savored the taste. Bat could see his muscles tensing, his whole body prepared to pounce.

For a moment, it was just the two of them, their world fading away as they drank. But then Val put his goblet down with a loud clang and turned to Bat, his eyes burning.

“Don’t drink too much,” Val warned her. “Odin wants you at the battle.”

“I’m starting to get sick of all this god talk,” Bat responded, taking a long drink from her goblet.

A tall woman in a skimpy dress walked past them, her hand caressing Val’s chest as she moved behind him. Her hips swayed, her movements full of purpose. The skirt barely covered her, highlighting every curve of her body. She floated across the ground, her eyes never leaving Val as she ran a finger across his chest. Val stood there, not reacting to her touch, but Bat could see the tension in his jaw and the anger in his eyes.

Bat glared at the woman as Val grabbed her wrist. “I need to feed before the battle,” he said, his glare matching hers.

“You need your strength for tomorrow,” the woman taunted from beside Val.

Val led the woman to the head of the table, and she settled into his lap, head tilted to expose her neck as he gently brushed her hair away. She shot a triumphant smile at Bat before focusing on Val. Val’s fangs sank into her neck, her head falling back in a sigh of pleasure. Bat’s grip on her goblet tightened, anger and jealousy flaring as she met Val’s gaze - his fangs still deep in the woman’s neck. Bat focused on the thread of energy from the woman, reaching out to feel the golden thread thrumming under her fingers.

As Val drank, Bat watched the thread pulsating with vibrant energy. The woman’s body shivered in Val’s arms as the thread weakened and frayed. The music swelled around them, the raucous celebrations reaching a fever pitch.

Eventually, Val released the woman, who slumped forward, dazed. Bat looked away, taking a deep drink to erase the image of Val feeding.

“Val hasn’t fed in a few days,” Velika said, appearing at Bat’s side. Ace took their empty goblets, heading for the table.

“He wasn’t always so restrained,” Velika remarked, her gaze probing as she watched Bat’s face. “Val’s never been with a human or Vampir.”

Bat’s stomach tightened, her cheeks burning. “Never?”

Velika shook her head. “Not once. He’s had lovers, but never with a Vampir or human. The Vampir are his family, and the power difference with humans... it’s just too much.”

“What does that leave?”

“Valkyrie, Alfar, gods?” Velika shrugged. “I don’t pay close attention.” She glanced at Bat from the corner of her eye. “You’re different to him. You’re the first he ever considered turning, and you’ve significantly impacted him.”

Bat rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her wine. Across the room, Val’s gaze met hers. She narrowed her eyes, lowering the goblet from her lips. Val’s attention irked her, especially after he’d just fed from the woman in his lap. She watched as he moved through the crowd, eyes locked on hers. Guilt gnawed at her; she understood that Val was doing what he had to in preparation for the battle.

“He cares for you in a way I’ve not seen before. He cares about us too,” Velika continued, “Just not in the same way.”

In the courtyard’s center, Lyell and Ace were surrounded by a group of humans. Laughter and music filled the air as they swayed to the rhythm. Lyell spun, and Ace caught him, their bodies pressed together briefly before separating, still laughing. The humans around them clapped and cheered, their faces flushed with excitement. Bat couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the two men enjoying themselves, their tension and worries temporarily forgotten.

“I’d say you have a similar impact on others,” Velika laughed.

Bat sipped her wine, her gaze drifting to Ace and Lyell as they danced. A pang of jealousy hit her; she wished she could join them to forget the burden of the upcoming battle, if only for a moment. But her mind was tethered to Val, tangled in the web of her complex feelings for him.

She reminisced about their first encounter, the night market, the festival ceremony, and how he had shielded her from the followers’ attack. He’d been an unyielding pillar of strength, his fierce protectiveness entwined with tender care as he had tended to her wounds. But now, his aloofness left her in limbo, unsure of their standing.

Then there was Ace. Initially, his demeanor had grated on her, but he had peeled back the layers over time to reveal a kind, gentle soul. His strength and wit were admirable, but his inherent goodness had drawn her in.

Bat questioned if her transformation had altered the bond she shared with Val.

“Can I still be bound to him?” she inquired, her eyes flicking back to Val, who was now engrossed in a conversation with the surrounding Harii.

“It’s possible,” Velika said. “You shared blood. There’s no real precedent for your situation. Typically, you either transform or perish. In those cases, the bond is either solidified or severed upon death. But your circumstance is... unique, to say the least.”

“Why does Odin want me at the battle?” Bat wondered.

“I won’t pretend to know the minds of gods,” Velika replied. “I’ve always preferred the tangible—science, truths, the things of this world that offer themselves up for understanding. We only ever know about the gods what they allow us to know. I’ve never trusted anything that shrouds itself in mystery while claiming to wield unimaginable power.”

“Like me,” Bat muttered.

Velika turned and gave her a piercing look. “We may not understand the full scope of your powers, but you don’t conceal them, nor have you abused them. I trust those who seek the truth and are willing to expose themselves to scrutiny.”

“You’re a good friend,” Bat said.

Lyell and Ace bounded over, grabbing Velika and Bat pulling them into the swirl of dancers. Ace wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her close. The music swept Bat off her feet, and its rhythm carried her away. Closing her eyes, she felt the golden threads encircling everyone at the feast, extending beyond the compound walls. Some threads reached out to her, tugging at her thoughts.

The warmth of the wine, combined with the music and movement, created a heady sensation. Bat’s skin tingled in response. But then, a vision of a black void, absorbing all the golden threads into its center, flashed in her mind.

Startled, she opened her eyes to find Ace grinning at her. His eyes sparkled in the light of the surrounding fires, the flames dancing in his dark pupils.

Bat wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him without a second thought. Ace stiffened, then relaxed, deepening the kiss. Lifting her slightly, he spun her around, and she threw her head back in laughter.

Looking up again, she saw Val at the table, his eyes burning into her.

“I knew my little Bat could fly!” Ace laughed as he gently placed her back on the ground.

A twist of guilt tugged at Bat’s heart. She was so tangled in her feelings for Val and Ace, and now she had kissed Ace without a second thought. She looked over to see Val watching them, his face an impassive mask. The guilt doubled, but she forced it aside, allowing herself to be swept up in the revelry. The music entranced them, the fires casting a warm glow as the other dancers swayed in time with the beat. Lyell jumped into Ace’s arms, twirling around in time with the music. Velika laughed and danced beside them.

Bat’s eyes swept over her friends, each lost in the joy of the feast. Her mind wandered to the impending battle, the shadow that loomed over their festivities. How she wished she could harness her new powers to protect them. But as the night wore on, that lurking sense of danger tightened its grip on the feast. The golden threads she had felt earlier now thrummed with tension, stretched thin by some unseen force. Tomorrow’s battle promised to be a bloody affair, and Bat knew some of them might not make it out alive. Despite the wall Val had erected between them, she pulled toward him, yearning to ease the pain and fatigue she sensed in him.

The feast began to wind down, and Bat retreated to her room. She was surprised to find Val seated before the fireplace, the dancing flames casting his face in shadow, obscuring his expression. She hovered in the doorway, at a loss for what to say.

Val’s gaze didn’t waver from the flames as he spoke, his voice tight with suppressed anger. “This… all of this is difficult for me. But to see you with him…” He glared at her.

Feeling a surge of anger, Bat stormed over to him. “One moment, you act like I’m yours, and the next, you want nothing to do with me. I’m sorry if I’ve been such a disappointment and burden to you.”

With a swift movement, Val was on his feet, his hands cradling her face. His eyes burned into hers. “You are impossibly stubborn,” he said, his breath warm against her skin. Just as quickly, he released her and stepped back.

Val’s figure cast a dominating shadow as he strode towards the flickering flames of the fireplace. The light painted his features in shades of orange, highlighting the rugged angles of his jaw and the deep intensity of his gaze. His movements were a symphony of grace and strength, each step meticulously placed.

“You transcend anything I could have fathomed,” he confessed, his voice a low rasp. “The gravitational pull you have over me, the depth of my emotions—it’s overwhelming.” Val’s gaze shifted, locking onto Bat’s. The firelight danced upon his face, throwing half his face into shadow.

His lips were a tight line of determination, betraying an undercurrent of vulnerability in his stance that Bat had never seen before. His usual razor-sharp gaze was now clouded with unspoken anguish and regret. Her heart constricted at the sight. It was as though the burdens of the world had chosen that very moment to rest upon his shoulders, testing the limits of his strength. “You are my ultimate undoing.”

“Then why not cast me aside?” Bat’s voice was barely above a whisper. “Why not banish me from sight? Why not simply let me go?”

“To part with you would be to sever a part of my soul. The bond that ties us would stretch and pull but never break. The torment would be unbearable. And yet, to defy the gods in your name would surely result in death.” Val’s hands trembled as they raked through his hair. His frame slumped into the chair adjacent to the fireplace.

A thick silence blanketed the room as Val lost himself in the mesmerizing dance of the flames. After a time, he exhaled a weighted sigh and posed the question that haunted his every thought. “Do you find happiness in his company?” His eyes, pools of torment, met hers.

Her heart splintered as she sank into the chair opposite him. “Yes,” she admitted. “When I’m with Ace, everything feels seamless. There’s a sense of ease, knowing he would move mountains to ensure my safety and happiness.”

Val’s jaw tensed, the firelight casting flickering shadows across his eyes, reflecting the anger and sadness within them. “You would do well to choose him.”

“But when I am with you, something feral and wild awakens within me. It’s a chaotic mix of excitement, danger, and delight. It’s both utterly confusing and inexplicably intoxicating,” Bat confessed, her breath escaping in a heavy sigh.

Val’s shoulders slumped, his gaze falling into the mesmerizing depths of the fire. “It’s because I am a creature of darkness. My very essence is designed to trap and enthrall. The bond we share pulls you to me like a moth to flame.”

Bat shook her head gently, her voice a whisper. “I don’t see a monster before me. I see a shadowed beauty, a soul that has been wearied and worn by the relentless passage of time. But beneath that darkness, there is goodness.”

In an instant, Val’s strong arms encircled her waist, lifting her effortlessly from the chair. He carried her across the room and gently laid her on the bed before joining her, enveloping her in the warmth and strength of his embrace. Bat could feel the heat radiating from his body, the steady rhythm of his heart beating against her chest.

“May I stay with you tonight?” His fingers threaded through her hair, his face buried in the crook of her neck, his breath hot against her skin. Bat’s eyelids fluttered closed, surrendering to the intoxicating sensation of his touch, the comforting solidity of his presence. A contented sigh escaped her lips as she melted into him, fully aware that he would be gone by morning. A bitter hatred towards the gods rose and simmered within her.

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