Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 27

Each morning, Bat awoke with a sense of looming dread, the fear that today would be the day the followers made their move. Her training sessions with Ace had become both a source of exhaustion and exhilaration, pushing her to her limits while fueling a determination she hadn’t known she possessed. Despite her efforts to remain focused, she found it impossible to ignore the growing affection she felt for Ace and Val.

Val, though absent often, made a point of leaving her heartfelt notes and checking in whenever his schedule permitted. Bat caught herself looking forward to his visits with bated breath, treasuring their shared fleeting moments.

On the other hand, Velika’s research hit a dead end, leaving them in a precarious position with time rapidly running out.

Training with Ace had become Bat’s escape, providing her a much-needed respite from the mounting pressure and uncertainty looming over them. Hours would slip away unnoticed as she immersed herself in the physicality of their sessions. Even as she lost herself in the moment, thoughts of Val and the tangled web of emotions he invoked were never far from her mind.

Today, a knock echoed through her room as Bat was preparing for another intense training session. Opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of Ace standing there, his expression grave. Her heart skipped a beat at seeing him, but she quickly stowed the fluttering in her chest.

“We’re changing things up today,” he announced, a glint of something naughty in his eyes. “We’re heading into town.”

Bat’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But I thought we weren’t allowed to leave the compound?”

Her question hung in the air until Einar appeared, strolling up to join them. “That’s correct,” he said, a reassuring smile gracing his lips. “And that’s precisely why I’ll be going with you.”

They strolled down the bustling avenues of the city, a place transformed in the wake of the Vampir’s exodus. Where once shadows and oppression had lurked in every corner, now the city pulsed with vibrant energy, alive with the promise of hope and renewal. Vendors hawked their wares with loud calls, musicians filled the air with melodies from every corner, and people from all walks of life intermingled, their laughter a sweet counterpoint to the city’s tune.

A sea of faces, flushed with the prosperity brought on by the festival, swirled around Bat. As she wove through the crowd, she wondered if they would seize this newfound opportunity to break the shackles of their past and forge a brighter future. Or would they allow the city to descend into its all-too-familiar decay?

Her thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when her eyes landed on a missing person’s flyer, the face staring back at her all too familiar - Rorick. She came to an abrupt halt, her gaze riveted to the image. With a shake of her head, she forcibly pushed away the memory of her mother, Selda, snapping his neck like a twig.

Swallowing hard, she forced her legs to carry her forward, but the image of Rorick burned in her retinas, a brutal reminder of the monster her mother had become.

Einar’s gaze followed hers to the flyer as he paused beside her. “The family has been informed already,” he said softly, his eyes not leaving the image. “Seems they haven’t gotten around to taking down the old ones.”

They continued their path, the resonant sounds of their footsteps echoing off the cobblestone streets. Passing by the familiar exterior of the embassy building, a wave of nostalgia overcame Bat. It felt like a lifetime had passed since she first stepped foot within its walls, participating in the sacred ceremony that had forged her bond with Val. In such a short period, her life had been irrevocably altered. She wondered if this ceaseless whirlwind of danger and excitement was customary among the Vampir. Though peril was ever present, it all had an undeniably seductive quality.

Arriving at a row of recently constructed homes nestled within the city’s bustling heart, Ace halted before one of the doors and knocked sharply. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing two exuberant children who hurled themselves at Ace, their laughter ringing out as he wrapped them in a warm hug. Bat’s heart swelled at the pure, unbridled joy from the children.

With a gleaming smile, Ace gestured towards the children. “Bat, allow me to introduce you to Dagny and Svend.” Reaching into his pocket, he produced two plump, vibrantly colored oranges. The children’s eyes widened in delight as they eagerly accepted the fruit, their tiny hands cradling the cool, smooth orbs. Their squeals of joy reverberated through the air as their faces split into wide grins.

“Thank you!” Dagny’s gratitude was evident in her beaming smile as she looked up at Ace, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

Meanwhile, Svend wasted no time attacking his orange, his tiny hands deftly peeling away the skin. “When I’m big, I want to be just like you,” he declared, his voice filled with admiration.

Ace crouched down to meet the boy’s gaze. “When you’re grown, you’ll have a world of choices.”

With a final wave, the children scampered inside, their laughter lingering behind them. Bat followed Ace into the welcoming confines of the home, her senses immediately comforted by the cozy atmosphere and modest furnishings. The comforting aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, and the soft hum of a woman’s voice could be heard from a nearby room. The home exuded a sense of peace and happiness.

Einar remained vigilant outside as they stepped across the threshold.

“These children, they were the ones caught in the blast? The ones my mother took?” Bat’s gaze lingered on the two youngsters as their laughter echoed in the room, their small forms a whirl of motion as they playfully chased one another.

“Yes,” affirmed Ace, his voice soft. “I ensured they were placed with a family that would provide them with the warmth and stability they deserve.”

Before them, the two children were the picture of bliss, their faces alight with happiness, an aura of joy enveloping them as they romped about. Leaning against the wall, their father looked on with a tender smile playing on his lips. The transformation was apparent; the specters of fear and uncertainty that had once clouded their existence dissipated, leaving a semblance of normality and safety in their wake. From the kitchen, the mother emerged, a tray bearing a teapot and cups cradled in her hands. Her face radiated warmth and welcome as she placed the tray on the table, the rich aroma of freshly brewed tea permeating the air, adding to the overall ambiance of comfort and homeliness that blanketed the room.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Bat, Ace spoke, “The parents do not adhere to any doctrine or worship of the gods. They wish for the children to be allowed the liberty to carve out their own beliefs and tread their own paths. It’s pivotal, especially after all they’ve endured, that they’re presented with many choices.”

“You orchestrated all of this?” Awe laced Bat’s words as she turned to look at him.

“Val lent his assistance as well. But yes, it was paramount to me that they were cared for in a haven of safety and love.”

Her voice soft, she thanked him, “I’m truly grateful you brought me here today.”

He offered her a slight smile. “During all this chaos, I wanted you to witness firsthand the flicker of hope that can be kindled from the ashes.”

Bat’s hand drifted towards Ace’s, her fingers tentatively seeking his. When they made contact, he rotated his hand to entwine their fingers together, their palms meeting in a warm embrace.

Time slowed as they stood side by side, their gazes transfixed on the children’s mirthful play.

As they made their way from the town, the horizon was painted orange and pink by the setting sun, its rays casting long shadows on the cobbled path. The rustle of leaves whispered in their ears as a gentle breeze meandered through the streets.

Upon reaching the compound, and as Ace accompanied her to her doorstep, Bat’s steps decelerated, halting in front of her door, her hand resting atop the knob.

“Ace,” she whispered, her heart doing a little flip as she turned to face him, their eyes locking in a shared moment of understanding—a warmth radiating from within her, engulfing her senses. “Thank you for today,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Ace’s lips as he regarded her, a silent promise lingering in his gaze.

Closing the gap, he stepped towards her, his voice a low rumble, “I meant what I said before. I’ll wait for you. Say the word if you wish me to step back, and I’ll respect your wishes.”

He inched even closer, their bodies almost grazing each other. His intense and unwavering gaze met hers, “But should you wish for me to stay, know that I will. I’ll remain by your side, through thick and thin, for whatever you need. I want to be your pillar of support.”

His fingers gently caressed her cheek, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering as he traced the contour of her jawline. “More than anything, I want you to find your happiness, Bat. Whatever that means for you, whatever path you choose, you’ll have my unwavering support.”

Bat nodded, the profoundness of his statement settling upon her shoulders like a weighted cloak.

Her pulse thrummed wildly within the confines of her ribcage, the brush of his fingers against her skin igniting tingles that cascaded down her spine. She leaned into his caress, relishing the heat that radiated from his palm. “I’m at a loss,” she confessed, her voice whispering. “But one thing I am certain of is that I can’t bear the thought of you leaving.”

In response, he drew her into his embrace, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her into the warmth of his chest. She rested her head against him, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a comforting presence against her cheek. The prickling sensation of tears threatened at the corners of her eyes, but she willed them away, unwilling to reveal the war waging within her heart between the two men who had come to mean so much to her.

With slow deliberation, she lifted her face, planting a tender kiss upon his cheek, before gradually closing the door, the click of the latch reverberating in her ears. A schism ripped through her chest as if her heart was being cleaved in two.

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