Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 23

Bat rolled onto her side and pushed herself to a sitting position, grimacing as she felt a rib slide back into place. Her fractures and bruises were already starting to knit back together.

Ace grumbled as he peeled himself off the rocky ground, shaking out his limbs. “For the record, you don’t have wings, little Bat.” Ace quipped, pulling a twig and a smattering of dirt out of Bat’s tangled hair.

Wincing, Bat gingerly touched a sore spot on her back. She brushed her fingers against a jagged gash on Ace’s forehead, which was already starting to close.

“Ouch, hey! Just because I’m immortal doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt,” Ace complained, gingerly stretching his arms and legs to check for broken bones.

Withdrawing her hand, Bat showed him her fingertips smeared with his blood. “Your blood, it’s red.”

He swiped at the now-healed wound. “Well, that’s new.” With a fluid motion, he picked up a sword from the ground and drew a dagger from his hip. “Managed to grab my gear when I came to. Here, take this.” He offered her the dagger, its handle pointed towards her.

Bat wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the long, slender blade. “Why would Val want to lock us up?”

Ace shrugged. “Who knows? The guy’s got his reasons. You good to keep moving?”

She gave a firm nod, her mind flashing briefly to the image of his lifeless body on the ground.

Ace placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Look, a lot’s gone down. It’s normal to be a bit lost.” A rustle of movement in the distance reached their ears. “They’re coming. We need to keep moving until we get a handle on things.”

“I have a plan,” Bat declared, grabbing Ace’s hand and pulling him towards the tree line. “Just trust me on this one.” She whispered a silent plea to the universe and focused on the intricate web of threads sprawled before her. There were so many now she could barely discern the one she sought. But then she felt the familiar tug of the thread that connected her to Moja. “This way, hurry.”

Through the trees, Bat kept her eyes fixated on the golden threads that created a dance with the forest shadows. Her heart hammered in her chest, matching the rhythm of her racing thoughts as she and Ace traversed the steep terrain.

The uneven ground made the ascent challenging, but Bat barely noticed how her legs stumbled over roots and rocks. Her focus was singular—finding safety was all that mattered. The golden thread in her vision grew tauter, its pull stronger, as it led them into the depths of the forest.

The chilling thud of footsteps behind them grew more pronounced, a reminder of the Harii that chased them through the forest. Bat felt the burn in her muscles as she pushed her body to its limits, but their pursuers were unyielding, their pace unnervingly consistent and gaining ground.

Colors and shadows melded into a blur as the forest swallowed them. Bat’s breath came in ragged pants, the cold air stinging her lungs as she tried to keep pace with Ace, a shadowy silhouette ahead of her.

A glance over her shoulder revealed the encroaching darkness filled with the silhouettes of the Harii, their presence an ominous shadow in the forest.

“They use the shadows to their advantage,” Ace’s voice cut through the forest, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.

Just when Bat’s legs threatened to give out, a surge of energy shot through her veins. It was as if the forest was willing her forward, propelling her toward safety. Their surroundings opened up, revealing a small clearing bathed in the moon’s silver glow. There, nestled between the trees, stood a small cabin, its windows glowing softly in the night.

“We’re almost there,” she whispered, more to herself than to Ace.

The drumming of the Harii’s footsteps was now a crescendo that filled the forest. Bat’s pulse echoed in her ears as she and Ace covered the final distance to the cabin. There, framed in the doorway, stood Moja. Her face was a pale oval in the night, her eyes wide with fear.

“Hurry!” she called out, her voice a strained whisper reaching them even above their pursuit’s din. “You must come inside, or all will be lost!”

Bat pushed Ace through the doorway, their momentum causing the cabin to tremble on its foundation. The sturdy door swung shut behind them with a resonant boom, the sound silencing the footsteps of the pursuing Harii. Bat pressed her back against the door, her lungs heaving as she fought to regain her breath. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribcage as she swept her gaze across the cabin, her senses alert for any impending danger. The tremors intensified as if the very earth beneath them was upended.

Moja stood poised by the door, her hand a mere breath away from the doorknob, ready to face whatever lay beyond. Bat’s fingers inched towards the hidden dagger in her boot, her instincts primed for a fight, prepared to protect herself and her friends.

“No! Don’t open it!” Ace’s voice cut through the air, filled with urgency.

Ignoring his protest, Moja flung the door open to reveal a spectacular vista of the ocean stretching endlessly towards the horizon. A soft breeze wafted in, bringing the rhythmic sounds of waves crashing against the shore. Ace stood rooted to the spot, his eyes wide with awe as he drank in the serene beauty of the landscape. Turning to Bat with a mischievous grin, he teased, “I did promise to show you the ocean, didn’t I?”

A giddy laugh bubbled up from Bat’s chest, tears of joy and relief blurring her vision. In that instant, the burdens that had weighed her down lifted, leaving her feeling unfettered and more alive than she had in ages. The melodic sound of the waves, combined with the refreshing sea breeze, infused her with a tranquility she hadn’t experienced in what felt like forever.

Upon reentering the cabin, Bat discovered Moja and Ace seated across from each other at a modest wooden table bathed in the warm glow of a hanging lantern. She joined them, taking the vacant seat Moja offered graciously. A sense of serene calm enveloped her as she settled in, the comforting faces of her friends providing a balm to her frayed nerves.

From a kettle that emanated an enticing blend of herbs and spices, Moja poured each of them a cup of steaming tea. They sipped their tea in companionable silence, the cozy ambiance of the cabin wrapping around them like a warm blanket.

Breaking the silence, Ace gently took Bat’s hand in his, the warmth sending tingles racing down her spine. “Moja’s been getting me up to speed on the work you two have been doing,” he said, his tone laced with regret. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.”

His calloused fingers lightly traced circles along her palm, their warmth enveloping her in a familiar embrace. Time suspended, leaving Bat immersed in the tranquility of Ace’s gaze and gentle touch.

Moja’s voice pierced the silent moment. “What’s troubling you, my young one?” She probed, her compassionate gaze locking with Bat. A deep breath did little to relieve the tightness in Bat’s chest as she recounted the events of the preceding days, from the explosion at the registration center to her encounter with Selda and the followers of the New God. Moja listened intently, her eyes filled with understanding.

Silence settled upon the room as Bat finished her story.

Moja’s face turned pensive. “I feared that Hedda was in league with the devotees of this New God. She’s always had a penchant for siding with the victors, regardless of the collateral damage.” A finger gently caressed a scar marring her face. “This isn’t her first time wielding her magic to debilitate others.”

Ace chimed in, his voice unwavering. “I’ve heard tales of Volva possessing such powers. But when she turned them against me, it was like being trapped, every movement an arduous endeavor. They captured me while I was tracking the followers and your mother.” A steely determination glinted in his eyes. “We need to stop them. We can’t let them hurt anyone else.”

“We’ll be safe here for a little while. The sea air and salt help hide us. But the gods will figure out my trick soon and send others after you. There’s a lot I need to tell you,” Moja said, standing up and walking to the fire. “But first, we eat and rest.”

Moja moved around the kitchen, pulling out pots and pans with ease. The room soon filled with the smell of spices and cooking food.

Bat dove into the plates of hot food, the flavors exploding in her mouth. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was. Ace was just as enthusiastic, mainly eating in silence, making their utensils the only noise in the room.

Moja rose to her feet, clearing the empty plates from the table, graceful and assured.

“I don’t think I need to drink blood anymore,” Ace announced, patting his stomach. He glanced around the cozy room before leaning in, his voice dropping to a whisper, “So, where do we sleep?”

A low, rumbling chuckle escaped from Moja as she sat down and reclined in her chair. Smoke rose around her head like a halo as she lit her pipe. “Goodnight, you two,” Moja called out as she rocked back and forth, her voice carrying a hint of glee.

Bat responded with a smile, intertwining her fingers with Ace’s. Together, they stepped through a small door of the cabin, a small room greeting them. Closing the door behind them, Bat began arranging the furs into a makeshift bed.

Leaning against the door, Ace quipped, “You don’t think I’m that easy now that I’ve got this immortal hand, do you?” He gestured to his metallic arm, which glinted in the candlelight.

Bat’s gaze followed the lines of his arm to his chest, then up to his chiseled jawline, finally resting on his lips. She caught the teasing glint in his eye and the slight curl of his mouth.

With a playful pat beside her, she teased, “Don’t get any ideas. Moja’s bed is always there if you prefer. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the company.”

Ace raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. “You’re questioning my trust now?” he chuckled. “Honestly, I think I’d take my chances with the Harii. Moja is nearly as intimidating as you are.” He threw himself down beside her on the bed of furs.

As they nestled into the warmth, the flickering fire cast shadows around the room, lulling them into a contented silence. Bat felt her eyelids growing heavy as she snuggled closer to Ace. His arm encircled her, and she felt a profound sense of safety and contentment, the first she’d experienced in what felt like an eternity.

After a long pause, Ace’s voice cut through the silence, “I know Val has his reasons. He isn’t cruel; he genuinely cares about you.”

A pillow became the barrier between them as Bat rolled onto her side, her voice sharp with disbelief, “How can you defend him after everything?”

Ace’s voice softened as he explained, “He saved my village, saved me. He pulled me back from the edge and helped me channel my anger into becoming Harii. It made me skilled and powerful. But the anger was like a chain binding me to my pain. Val helped me see that. Turning you was his way of offering me a chance to be part of something bigger than myself.”

His finger gently traced a path from her cheek to her ear, then down her neck. “He saw something in you, something I saw too.”

“What?” Bat’s voice cracked, breathy, as a flush painted her cheeks.

“Salvation,” Ace murmured, a sly grin on his lips.

With a groan, Bat flopped onto her back, her arms splaying to either side.

Ace propped himself up on one elbow, his laughter a rich, melodic sound. “In the abyss of eternity, hopelessness stretches on forever,” he said. His finger traced the delicate line of her collarbone, and her skin tingled in response. “It was all darkness. An endless void. And then there was you.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “You were like a beacon of clarity in the chaos. I could let you shatter me into pieces, and it would be worth it to have this one moment with you.” His hand settled over her heart, and she felt the rapid beat against his palm.

Bat’s heart thundered in her chest as if warning her to tread carefully. She had faced so much pain and loss, but at this moment, she wanted to surrender to the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. She pulled him to her, their lips meeting in a searing kiss that melted away all her defenses. Her fingers danced along his spine, feeling the muscles shift beneath his shirt. With a fluid movement, he shrugged off the garment and pulled her closer.

“Will you keep me, little Bat?” he breathed into her ear, his lips grazing her earlobe before trailing down her neck.

Bat arched her back, lost in the sensation of his breath on her skin. A fog of desire clouded her mind, but she wanted to cling to this moment, to etch it into her memory. She met his gaze, seeing the same yearning reflected in his eyes. His touch was like a live wire, sending a current of heat coursing through her. And as their lips met again, she felt herself surrendering to the all-consuming passion that threatened to devour them both.

A surge of urgency propelled her hands to explore the expanse of his bare back, the muscles rippling beneath her fingertips. His skin was an enticing canvas of warmth and smoothness, each inch revealing the might and vitality that thrummed within him. When she grazed her fingers along his spine, he responded with an intensity that drew her flush against him, a low moan escaping her lips as he nipped at her neck.

Reclining slightly, she again found herself entangled by his gaze’s magnetic pull. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice a husky sigh that hung between them.

Her gaze, filled with desire and adoration, met his. His eyes delved into the depths of her soul, committing to memory every facet of her being. Her arms looped around his neck, drawing him nearer as she felt the tempo of his heartbeat crescendo against her. His lips grazed hers in a tantalizing dance that kindled an inferno within her, threatening to consume her very being.

A shiver coursed down her spine as his lips traced a path along her neck, each brush of his lips equivalent to a spark igniting her insides. Her fingers tangled in his hair, bringing him closer as she whispered his name like a sacred mantra, “Ace.” She said breathlessly in his ear.

He answered her with a rumble deep in his throat, his hands roaming her body with a voracity that mirrored her craving.

Their bodies entwined in a ballet of passion, wrapped in his arms, losing herself in the rapture of their union, dissolving the rest of the world into the realms beyond. It was just them, wrapped in a timeless shelter of intimacy and longing, each serving as the other’s anchor.

A gentle brush of his lips against her shoulder elicited a sigh from her lips, her entire being succumbing to his touch. In that instance, she was wholly his. His hands, firm, and commanding, traced patterns on her back as their lips met in a fervent kiss. Her hands made their way to the waistband of his pants, their dance evolving into something more primal. He shifted, his frame enveloping hers, his weight sending waves of excitement cascading through her. She felt her core stretching out towards him, yearning to bridge the gap between them. But he withdrew slightly, his gaze locking with hers, his breaths coming out in ragged pants that caressed her lips. With a tender brush, he swept the hair from her face, leaving her bared to him, vulnerable and wanting.

“We don’t need to rush this,” Ace murmured, his voice tinged with a hesitation that concealed his true desires.

Bat pulled back, averting her gaze, her eyes searching the space around them. “Maybe we should slow down.” She was lying to herself. She wanted to run from her anger and her pain. She didn’t want to use Ace as an escape from her troubles.

Ace shifted to his side, his arm encircling her, drawing her closer. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. Now that I have found you, I will not let you slip through my fingers.” His lips tenderly brushed her forehead. She rested her head against the steady drumming of his heartbeat, allowing the rhythmic pulsations to wash over her, carrying her away on their soothing waves.

Sleep claimed her in the safety of his arms, drawing her under its smooth surface. She found herself within the realm of dreams, standing before an immense tree that spanned across realms, its roots delving into the fabric of the cosmos. This magnificent tree was adorned with a golden web, its threads shimmering with an ethereal light. Two women stood before the tree, their fingers dancing upon the web as they wove their golden threads through the branches, an intricate tapestry of light and energy. The threads swirled around her, wrapping her in their embrace before transforming into streams of golden energy that coursed through her, clawing at her from the inside out. A cry of agony tore from her lips as a brilliant light erupted from her being, obliterating her physical form and leaving her bathed in a golden radiance. She was adrift in the cosmos, simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, lost in the vastness of the universe.

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