Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 16

Golden morning light sliced through the curtains, rudely pulling Bat from the depths of sleep in Val’s bed. The tender glow cast a soft, forgiving light on Bat, who lay entwined in silken sheets, her mind surfacing from the realm of dreams. The previous night’s memories unfurled in her mind, mingling with the light, as the memories of last night’s passions wove into her waking thoughts. A groan escaped her lips as the weight of regret settled deep in her chest. Her emotions and desires had seized the reins of her judgment. She couldn’t deny the spark of gratitude she felt towards Val for exercising restraint last night, even if it was frustrating at the time. She needed space and time to process the emotions whirling within her.

She rose, her limbs languid but restless with the echo of Val’s touch still a ghost upon her skin. She was adrift in the room, her hands gathering garments as if they were pieces of herself that she had shed in the abandon of the night’s embrace. Gathering her scattered belongings, Bat reached the door, only to find Ace posted at the entrance like an immovable statue. Val had assigned him as her guard, which only heightened her embarrassment and vulnerability.

“Get ready and join me in the library,” he said, his voice not unkind, bearing the weight of duty.

“Good morning to you, too,” she returned, her words cloaked in playful sarcasm. Her wry smile was a fragile armor against Ace’s potential judgment.

Quickly getting dressed and grabbing her notebook, Bat headed towards the library. She paused before the grand double doors, and with a breath drawn deep, she pushed them open. Stepping inside, the library greeted her with a prolific display of craftsmanship, every inch adorned with intricate carvings and elaborate details.

A monolith of towering bookcases lined the walls, books bound in leather and parchment stretched from floor to ceiling. There were books on the arcane, historical chronicles, and countless other topics that tested the limits of human imagination.

In the heart of the library’s main seating area, Ace stood watch, his icy gaze fixed upon Bat.

“I’ve been tasked with aiding you in your search for knowledge,” he announced, his tone crisp and devoid of warmth. “Another will join us shortly.”

Bat sank into an oversized chair, her gaze flitting between Ace and the towering shelves lining the library.

“What’s gotten into you today?” she questioned, a note of frustration edging her words.

She sighed as Ace remained resolute in his silence. His attention remained on the library’s entrance. The doors flew open to reveal a petite Vampir who practically skipped into the room.

“Hey! I’m Velika,” she chirped, wrapping Bat in a warm hug as though they were long-lost friends. “Val sent me to help you. I’ve got a bit of a knack for science. I’m thrilled to be delving into this mystery with you.” Her enthusiasm was too vast to be contained within her petite frame, spilling over into an infectious wave that had Bat grinning despite the situation. With a bounce in her step, Velika flitted to a table with a stack of books. “I’ve already picked out a few titles that might be of interest. Oh, I can pull up any records that may illuminate your mother’s whereabouts.” She cast a meaningful glance at Ace. “You’re welcome to lend a hand while standing guard.”

Ace grumbled to himself. His mood had not improved.

“He’s a bit off today,” Bat pointed out in a voice just loud enough for him to hear, flipping open her notebook.

Velika’s eyes lit up at the sight of the notebook. “Would you prefer a tablet? I can easily fetch one for you.”

Bat shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. “No, thanks. I like the simplicity of pen and paper.”

Ace grumbled under his breath once again.

Velika tossed several books in Ace’s direction. “Channel that fervor into unearthing information on the Norns. Bat and I will delve into the mysteries surrounding the Volva.”

Ace slumped into a chair at the far end of the table, placing himself as far from Bat as the furniture would allow. Despite his mood, Bat was warming to Velika’s lively presence as they lost themselves in the sea of information before them. Bat diligently scribbled entries in her notebook while Velika deftly sorted and categorized data on her tablet. After a stretch of focused peace, Velika was the first to break the silence.

“Let’s consolidate what we already know. That way, we can identify the gaps in our understanding and address them accordingly.”

“She doesn’t drink blood or sport fangs,” Ace muttered from his corner, earning him a withering glare from Bat. Velika, however, merely continued typing, undeterred by his bitterness.

Bat interjected, “I heal at an accelerated rate, and my physical strength has increased exponentially.”

“And she has visions.” Ace’s voice was edged with hostility.

Bat’s patience wore thin. “What is your problem?” she demanded, but Velika quickly intervened.

“Val mentioned your gift of sight. Can you elaborate, please? I find it fascinating, and I suspect it could be the key to unraveling this mystery,” she encouraged.

Taking a deep breath to quell the irritation Ace’s attitude had ignited, Bat began, “It all started on the night of the ritual.” She glanced sidelong at Ace, catching him in the middle of a derisive snort as he buried his nose in a book. “That was my first glimpse of the threads. They’re like strands of golden light, like the way sunlight illuminates dust particles in the air, revealing what was once hidden from view. The threads aren’t always visible to me. They appear sporadically. They seem to be connected to people, but they’re intangible. My hands pass right through them as if they don’t exist.”

Velika nodded, her fingers flying over the tablet’s screen as she documented Bat’s account. “Next time you witness these threads, I want you to inform one of us immediately or document everything you experience – what you see, hear, and feel. The more detail, the better.”

Once Velika had recorded the final note, she glanced up and declared, “Let’s focus our efforts on these two areas for the remainder of the day. We’ll reconvene tomorrow to compare findings and strategize our next steps.”

Velika left, leaving Bat and Ace to their solitary contemplation within the vast and hallowed confines of the library. Ace sprung from his seat like a coiled spring.

“I’ll accompany you to your quarters,” he stated, his voice stripped of all warmth.

Without a word, Bat slammed the cover of her book shut and pushed herself up from her chair, following behind Ace. When they finally reached her door, Bat came to an abrupt halt, pivoting to face Ace with a blaze of frustration burning in her eyes.

“What in the realms is your issue?” she demanded, her voice a fusion of ire and yearning. “You’ve been nothing but curt and distant the entire day.”

Ace’s reply was brief, a terse explanation delivered without warmth. “I have to ensure you are safe in your room. I am not to depart until I am satisfied you are secure.”

Bat folded her arms across her chest, her eyes defiant as she held her ground. “I have no intention of crossing this threshold until you tell me what is wrong.”

Ace’s frame brushed against hers as he flung open the door. “Your obstinance knows no bounds,” he seethed. The look in his eyes sent her pulse racing. “I refuse to have this conversation in the hallway.” He stepped through the doorway, an implicit invitation for her to follow.

Closing the door behind them, he turned on his heel, removing the distance between them.

“The thought of you in his room tears me apart,” Ace confessed, his voice husky and emotion-laden. “It sets my entire being aflame with jealousy and fury.”

Bat’s heart drummed a frantic beat in her chest as he leaned in closer, his breath caressing her face. She could feel the potent mixture of desire, frustration, and regret emanating from him in waves.

“What I choose to do is none of your concern,” she lifted her chin, though her voice quivered to maintain a semblance of composure.

A dry chuckle escaped Ace’s lips, a note of bitterness tainting the sound. “Time is such a fickle thing,” he sighed, turning his back to her. “Here I am, with an eternity at my disposal, and I would sacrifice it all to travel back in time and be the one to claim you. To make Val uphold the promise he made to me.”

“You were the one,” she breathed out, the realization dawning upon her. “You were the one Val had selected to complete the ritual?”

As Ace turned to face her, her question hung in the air, his voice a low guttural whisper. “That’s why I sought you out in the ceremonial hall,” he confessed, his gaze searing into hers with an intensity that ignited a fire in her soul. “I wanted to know you. To know that you chose me just as I chose you. That’s why I escorted you to the gardens and bared my soul to you.”

“That’s why you vanished when they came to fetch me,” she murmured, her voice a mere thread in the room’s stillness.

Ace’s head dipped in affirmation, his hand extending towards her to delicately encircle her fingers with his. “I wasn’t meant to be the first one you encountered,” he admitted in a voice roughened with emotion. “Val’s duty was to approach you in person to relay the developments. But when I learned that he had proceeded with the ritual. It felt as though something within me shattered. Until that moment, the notion of binding myself to another had never crossed my mind. But, from the instant our paths crossed, I knew I was teetering on the precipice of ruin.”

A heady blend of desire and bewilderment threatened to engulf Bat. The smoldering intensity that glinted in his eyes set her heart aflame.

“You claimed every fragment of my being that very night,” he confessed, his tone laden with yearning as his lips brushed against hers. “My precious little Bat.” He whispered against her lips.

“I can’t,” she rasped as she backed away from him.

His hands dropped to his sides as he flexed his fingers, his silhouette outlined against the doorframe. “Should you require my assistance, know I am just outside your door. Sleep well, my little Bat.”

Ace pivoted on his heel, turning to leave. As he strode toward the door, Bat stood silently, feeling the golden thread pulsating with her racing heartbeat, pulling her to him. She lunged forward, her fingers closing around his shoulder.

Before he had the chance to voice any objections, she collided her lips with his, her entire being quivering with a primal desire she had never experienced. Time came to a halt, the world outside their embrace ceasing to exist as their bodies melded together in a blazing inferno of passion.

Just as quickly as it began, the moment shattered. Bat shoved Ace through the doorway, her eyes ablaze with an untamed fire as she slammed the door closed behind him. She slumped back against the door, her chest heaving in the aftermath of their electrifying kiss. Her hand rose to her mouth, the sensation of his lips lingering on hers.

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