Hands rub up and down my body, inching closer and closer to my core. Every time one gets close enough to tease, it pulls back only to start its slow, torturous trail again. My breathing picks up along with my heart rate as everything becomes too much. I need some type of release.

I moan, begging whatever dream this is to put me out of my misery and to let me have this moment.

“Yes, baby, that’s it.” Jax’s husky voice filters through the haze of sleep. I slowly wake, realizing that this is way better than a wet dream, as he trails kisses up and down my body.

“Jax?” I moan into the side of my pillow. His hand slides up my chest to my neck and chin, turning it to him and his waiting lips. He leans in, brushing his lips against mine, slowly tasting as if savoring every sip, while stroking every ember, every flame, ready to burn inside me.

“Morning.” Jax drags his soft lips from mine, moving down my chin to the side of my neck. His warm breath on my sensitive skin sends tingles down my body.

I try to turn around, but his hand stops me.

“Where is everyone?” My voice comes out in a breathless pant as he continues to explore my body with his lips.

“Kai and Rion had to go out, but the rest are around.” His hand slides down my front to my stomach, his thumb brushing over the hem of my shorts.

“Jax…” I breathe, his touch becoming an ache my body craves.

“Tell me you want this,” he whispers in my ear as his hand hovers over my lower stomach.

“Don’t you dare stop,” I demand, as a rush of heat floods my core.

I feel a chuckle against my neck before he pulls my body back against his bare chest. His hard length beneath his trousers presses up against my ass, making the heat expand.

I grind my ass back against him, needing the delicious friction, but the fucker holds me still, stopping me.

He leans in to whisper in my ear, his breath coming in short, shallow pants. “I get to play first, and then when I’m done, I’m going to fuck you nice and hard. I’m going to fill you up and make you fucking shatter around me. So be a good girl and let me have my fun.”

Fuck, yes.

My breath comes out in short, heated gasps as waves of pleasure radiate across my body in anticipation. I reach around and grab his head, pulling him to my mouth, needing to consume everything he has.

My body becomes overwhelmed with all of my senses coming to life, the feel of his chest against my back, his hands and lips and scent as it wraps around me, dragging me under.

“Please,” I breathe.

I want to feel every inch of his hard body, feel his thick length as it fills me up and completely destroys me before piecing me back together.

“I’ve got you, baby.” Jax slips his hand under my waistline, his fingers teasing my slit. He moans into my neck, sliding a finger along my wet folds before circling my clit with his thumb. “Damn, you’re so fucking wet for me.”

My breathing shudders as the pleasure builds and builds with each stroke.

Keeping his thumb where it is, he slips a finger inside my slick heat, easily pumping in and out before adding another, dragging a long moan from my lips.

“You like that, baby?” He drags his fingers out all the way, running them along my folds before thrusting back into my core.

I suck in a startled gasp as ripples of pleasure spread across my body.

“Fuck,” I breathe.

He repeats the delicious rhythm again and again until my mind turns to mush, my only focus on the slowly building heat.

Jax brushes kisses down the side of my neck, and just before his fingers slide back in, he bites down on my ear, making me gasp. A jolt of pleasure shoots right to my core.

“I’m going to mark every inch of you as mine.”

“Yes.” I moan, wanting to feel him inside me as he fills me up, for him to stretch me wide and fuck me until I can’t move.

He freezes his movement, making me groan before he picks up again.

“Damn,” he breathes. “Hearing those words from that sweet innocent mouth has me feeling all kinds of things. But I still want to play. I have plans…”

Shit. I must have said that aloud, but I don’t get to think about it long. He slows down, making me growl out a warning. His warm breath slides along my cheek as he chuckles softly.

I clench around his fingers, making him grunt.

“Naughty… I like it.” I feel his smile against my neck, making me want to push him further.

I grind into his hand, and each swirl of my hips presses my ass against his hard length. The friction and push and pull gets me closer and closer to that shattering release that I know is coming.

So close.

Like he can hear my thoughts, he bites down on my ear at the same time he adds pressure to my clit.

Ripples of bliss pulse through me as the tingling sensation grips my body like a vise. It throbs throughout my body, making me explode on his fingers. I cry out as the mind-blowing climax shatters throughout my entire body.

It takes me a minute before I can think past the pleasure still coursing through me.

Slick with sweat, I turn over and find Jax’s possessive gaze.

“Fucking beautiful,” he whispers, his husky voice full of need.

Lifting his hand, he brings a slick finger to his mouth and sucks, his dark gaze filled with hunger. “You taste like my own personal treat.”

Dipping his head, he places open kisses along my shoulder. “I’m going to claim every fucking inch of you now.”

His words are as potent as his touch, sliding down my back and joining the hunger and heat building once more.

I grab him by the neck and pull him to me. His lips meet mine, matching his promise to fulfill all of my wicked desires. It’s the kind of kiss that punishes and teases for more.

He drags his lips from mine with a deep moan that shoots straight to my core. I watch as he yanks his trouser down. Sitting up, I pull my top off before pulling down my shorts, throwing them off the bed.

I lie back down and watch his eyes darken as they trail down my body.

“You’re fucking perfect, every inch of you.”

Biting my lip, I smile, opening my legs for him. Leaning down, he brushes his lips against mine before settling on me, the length of his body lining up against mine. I moan into his lips, feeling his hard length twitch against my stomach.


He drags his lips down my neck to my chest and hardened nipples. He takes one pebble into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. I arch into it, as short bursts of pleasure shoot down my stomach to my core.

I slide my fingers through his hair, closing my eyes against the building sensation once more.

He moves to my other nipple, making me moan and gasp as he runs his teeth along it. I let go of his hair and reach up behind me to take hold of the headboard as his lips and tongue trail down my body with open wet kisses until he reaches my core.

“Jax,” I pant at the first slide of his tongue.

My hands tighten on the headboard as I arch into his mouth, dragging a moan from his lips. The vibration around my clit makes me lose my fucking mind.

“Please, Jax.” Needing more of the delicious pleasure, I grind against his mouth.

Jax groans. “Fuck, baby. If you really want my cock that bad, who am I to fucking deny you? We can play more later.”


I pant as he moves back up my body. He meets my lips with fervor, swirling and stroking my tongue as his body lines up with mine.

Settling between my legs, he slides his thick cock along the length of my slick folds, each push and pull as it inches closes to my entrance makes my core throb with delicious heat.

Holding my neck and chin, he meets my lips again. This kiss is a mix of his wild recklessness and chaos. I’m drowning in him, in his taste and scent, each stroke of his tongue matching the speed of his hard cock as it slides along the length of my core. I’m drenched by the time his tip finally meets my entrance.

“Jax… Stop teasing me,” I breathe, dragging my lips from his.

“But I like teasing you.” He chuckles, moving back.

I go to grab him to pull him back to me, but he grabs hold of my waist, twisting my body around so I’m lying on my stomach.

His hands slide down my hips and yank my ass up. I gasp at the feel of his tongue as it slides along my core.

I moan into the pillow, biting down on it as he spreads my thighs and settles in behind me.

“Jax.” I feel his thick length as he lines it up at my core.

“I love it when you moan my name, but I want to hear you scream it.” He grips my hips hard, then slams into me in one thrust.

I grip the bedding, clenching it in my fists at the delicious feel of him inside me.

Fuck. He feels so good.

“Fuckk!” Jax pants out, breathlessly mirroring my thoughts.

He waits a moment, letting us both adjust before he starts to move with me, meeting every thrust. I push further back into him, the feeling of being completely full so fucking delicious as the build reaches higher and higher to that earth-shattering release.

Using his knees, he spreads me wider, the new position touching just the right spot. My mouth drops open, the pleasure from the new angle making every slight push and pull drag gasps and moans from my lips.

Gripping my hips harder, he pulls nearly all the way out before slamming back in. I whimper for more.

No longer able to hold back, he thrusts into me again and again, each surge harder than the last. A bolt of heat builds into another all-consuming climax. The kind that makes you see fucking stars. I’m ready to explode.

“Jax,” I warn him. I’m so fucking close.

“Yes, baby. That’s it, come for me.” His husky, deep voice is like the fucking cherry on top, making me shatter around him.

Pushing my ass further back into him, I clench around him, making him grunt.

He thrusts a couple of times, as if he can’t help himself, before I feel him pulse and spill into me, crying out my name.

I fall forward, Jax’s body landing on me before he twists us to the side and pulls me into his slick, hard body.

“Do you know how many times I imagined being with you? And not one of those times came close to how fucking perfect it was. You were made for me, every sexy, delectable inch, and I’m never letting you go again.”

I’m on a high, too breathless to form words, so I turn and meet his lips instead. He drags me under once again as I start to crave every inch of him.

He pulls his lips away, looking at me like I’m the most precious thing in the world. He runs the tip of his nose along mine before kissing it, making me smile. My whole chest warms, and I feel so completely at ease. Like nothing can come between us or this moment.

The silence grows, but it’s a comfortable quiet. One that makes you feel at home.

“Are you okay?” Jax asks.

I laugh. “What do you think?”

“I wasn’t talking about my mad skills. I meant with everything else. We only just got you back, but as soon as I saw you lying here, I couldn’t keep my hands to myself and had to touch you.”

I run my hands along his arms, making him shiver. His eyes darken as they look down on me.

“You have my permission to wake me up like that every morning.”

His smirk grows wicked. “You’re going to regret saying that… But really, are you okay?”

“I’m still… processing. But I will be.” And I believe that. I know that once I have my mates around me, everything will work out.

He checks over my face, looking for something, before nodding his head to himself.

“Good. Just let me know if you need anything.” He moves back down, placing a kiss on my shoulder before glancing back at me with an innocent look on his face.

“Also, I’m going to need a repeat of that.” The seriousness in his tone rips a laugh from my lips.

Leaning over me, he smiles a genuine smile full of warmth and love. “The most beautiful sound in the fucking world.”

“What is?” I ask him, getting up on my elbows.

“That laugh.”

I’m about to call him out on his cheesy ass line when he swoops down and catches my lips with a kiss. Leaning into the kiss, my body heats, ready for round three. He pulls back, a knowing smirk on his face.

“Come on. Shower and food, and then we’ll find the others. I doubt they missed me making our mate deliriously happy. Your loud moans while screaming my name made it pretty fucking obvious.”

I narrow my eyes on the smug fucker. He chuckles, lifting me up and carrying me towards the shower.

“I don’t know about deliriously happy. Maybe a little happy.”

Jax gives me a wicked smirk, and I know he’s just taking my words as his new personal challenge.

“Don’t worry, I’m a perfectionist. We’ll keep trying until I get it right. But this time, make sure you scream my name louder. That way, the whole building will know who made you shatter first.”

I throw on a soft cotton blue top and light blue jeans, finding a pair of black boots in the large walk-in wardrobe the guys have filled for me. They said there’s more stuff on the way, but if they keep this up, I won’t have anywhere to put it.

I tried telling them I don’t need all this, but they wouldn’t hear any of it, telling me I deserve it and more.

Pushing it to the back of my mind, I head out through the lounge and straight to the kitchen area.

Luka is sitting behind the counter as Axel cooks breakfast.

Once Luka spots me, he smiles, waving me over to him. When I’m close enough, he lifts me onto his lap as if it’s the most natural thing in the world and nuzzles into my shoulder.

“Morning,” he whispers, sending warm shivers down my spine.

Axel places coffee and a plate full of delicious food in front of me, just as Jax takes a seat beside me. They all stare at me.

“Eat,” Axel demands, crossing his arms as he stares me down.

I roll my eyes and take a bite. The flavors explode on my tongue, making me forget about the demanding ass in front of me.

“Mm…I forgot how good your sandwiches were when we were kids.” I take another bite, licking my lips and savoring every bit. I haven’t had food this good in ages.

Too lost in my food, I don’t notice the silence around me until I’m just finished. Glancing up, I find them all staring at me, their eyes dark with lust.

I squirm, but Luka stops me, groaning into my shoulder, his thick erection growing against my ass.

Clearing my throat, I look up, finding Axel’s eyes as he leans toward me, his hands digging into the counter, leaving imprints.

Luka kisses the side of my cheek, shaking me from the intense moment with Axel.

“Finish your food. You can’t have eaten much while you were… missing,” Luka says. The air in the room turns stiff with his words.

I give him a smile, brushing over his question and changing the subject as quickly as I can.

“Come on, update me on what’s been going on here.”

The guys share a look before jumping in to tell me what’s been going on with the old demons and how they appeared out of nowhere.

“There’s no logic or reasoning to their attacks. They show up in different locations and attack. They have no target, just destruction. Draven thinks it’s bigger than what we can see. He thinks King is involved somehow and that his main targets are Staten Island and Manhattan.”

It wouldn’t be a far stretch to think it was him. He has always wanted to rule over the other two closest cities. It was only time before he went after them too.

“He always said he’d have it all.”

“What we can’t figure out is how he’s got access to them. From what we’ve learned, these demons are from the pits of the Underworld. Not easily accessed or controlled,” Luka tells me as he pushes coffee in front of me.

I roll my eyes at him, smiling. “So, how are they escaping?”

If King is the one releasing these demons, surely, he’ll have to have help? I didn’t know if he had the kind of power.

I frown, sipping my coffee and thinking it over, when a knock comes from the door. Jax goes to open it, sighing when he sees who’s behind it.

Jazmyn steps in, her eyes wide as she searches the room. She releases a heavy breath when she sees me.

“Is Kane, okay?” I ask her. Kai had told me he was there with me at that place and that he took a heavy beating.

But she waves me off. “He’ll be fine. Thanks to you.”

I look at her, confused. “The guys found Kane, not me.”

“No. I mean Malik. Kane’s been looking for him for years, and you brought him back to us.” Jazmyn blinks back tears, getting angry with showing so much emotion.

“Everyone thought he was…” She clears her throat, looking down. “Anyway, I owe you.”

I shake my head. “No, you don’t owe me anything. You helped me over the years—”

“For my own gain. If I’d have known what King was…” She sighs. “I’m sorry… For not looking closer and seeing what was right in front of my eyes.”

The guys grow tense around me.

“I know we’ve never been close, but I was hoping—”

Another loud knock sounds out, cutting off whatever Jazmyn was about to ask. Luka answers it this time, speaking to whoever is on the other side before shutting it.

“Draven wants to meet with us,” he tells everyone, clenching his jaw.

“He does realize this is our city?” Jax narrows his eyes on Jazmyn like it’s her fault.

She rolls her eyes at him before giving him a smirk. “He’s always been like that, controlling and over the top. I guess you all have that in common.”

Jazmyn moves closer, taking my arm in hers. Jax frowns when he notices, moving over to take my other one and giving her the side eye.


Jazmyn rolls her eyes at him, annoyed by his antics. “Well, she’s my friend, so you’re just going to have to learn to share.”

Jax’s smirk turns wicked. “Oh, I know how to share. Kiarra will get lots of hands-on experience when it comes to that. Tonight, being one of them.”

I’m about to tell him to cut it out when his last words distract me. “Tonight?”

Jax’s smile grows, the other guys mirroring his excited expression. “Get your dancing shoes on. We’re going out.”

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