Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 482 One Dead Two Injured

Everything happened at lightning speed.

It was too fast!

Gao Shenghai lifted his head but wasn't in time to dodge their attack. Both of them dealt him a fatal blow at the same time, so even if he could dodge one, he couldn't dodge the other.

He didn't even think of dodging in the first place. His expression had remained incredibly calm since the beginning of the fight.



The side of Su Bowu's palm landed on Gao Shenghai's shoulder, while Gao Shenghai lifted a leg to kick Zuo Tian's chest hard.

Two loud blasts later, Zuo Tian and Gao Shenghai were both sent flying and crashed hard onto the floor.


Gao Shenghai opened his mouth to spray a large mouthful of blood and his face paled instantly.

"Dad!" Gao Yali's heart immediately skipped a beat.

She was about to dash over when Gao Shenghai immediately put up a hand to stop her.

"Ahhh..." There was blood flowing from Zuo Tian's mouth as his chest had caved in.

This kick nearly cost him his life!

Gao Shenghai would rather take that attack from Su Bowu than to lose the chance to attack Zuo Tian.

He was too smart!

If Gao Shenghai had chosen to dodge them both, then Gao Shenghai would be dead by now.

When it came to battles between highly skilled fighters, every little decision made could decide who won and who lost. "Kill him!" yelled Zuo Tian through clenched teeth.

Su Bowu laughed coldly.

Since Zuo Tian and Gao Shenghai were both severely injured, he was ready to kill them both!

But the more urgent task at hand was to kill off Gao Shenghai.

"Let me send you on your way!"

There was no way Su Bowu was going to miss this chance. Gao Shenghai was just lying there and couldn't even stand.

He stepped on his toes and instantly pounced over. His palm was like a knife and he swung it towards Gao Shenghai's head.


Just as his palm was about to hit Gao Shenghai, Gao Shenghai narrowed his eyes and let out a roar. Every joint and bone in his body crackled to life as he stretched his arms out and caught Su Bowu's arm.


Su Bowu's arm had been broken by Gao Shenghai.

His palm had also landed on Gao Shenghai's head.


Gao Shenghai's eyes opened wide as his skull cracked and blood started flowing rapidly down his forehead...


Gao Shenghai landed heavily on the floor and his eyes were still open.

Su Bowu's arm had been broken and had nearly been torn right off his body.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, it was hard to say who would be the dead one now.

He took several steps back and his expression was very nasty now.

He didn't have enough energy to kill Zuo Tian anymore even though he really wanted to.

"Dad!" Gao Yali's voice was all hoarse now.

Her eyes became bloodshot as she watched Gao Shenghai collapse and she shrieked, "Kill them!! KILL THEM NOW!!"

When the remaining fighters of the Gao family saw that their master had died in battle, all of them charged forward like wild beasts who had gone mad. Even if they died, they were going to avenge Gao Shenghai!

"You overestimate yourselves!"

Even though Zuo Tian and Su Bowu were severely injured, they could still take on ordinary fighters.

Gao Yali rushed over to Gao Shenghai and knelt down to hug Gao Shenghai as she shouted loudly, "Dad! Dad! Hang in there!

You hang in there, I'll call the doctor, I'll call the doctor right now!"

Gao Shenghai's eyes were wide open, but the light in his eyes had already faded...




Zuo Tian and Su Bowu continued to attack fiercely even with their injuries.

Suddenly, Zuo Tian's ear twitched.

"Gao Bin is back!"

There was no need to say more. He stepped lightly on his toes and kicked the man in front of him aside, then climbed over the wall to escape. Su Bowu did the same thing and didn't hesitate at all. They were both severely injured, so if they had to fight that crazy barbarian of a Gao Bin, they'd die here tonight too.


Gao Bin dashed in with his steel bats in hand. He swung them fiercely only to see Zuo Tian and Su Bowu escape over the wall.

He wanted to give chase, but he noticed that Gao Shenghai was sprawled on the floor and Gao Yali was sobbing miserably.

"Dad!" Gao Bin roared and his eyes were bloodshot.

He was too late.

The entire family started to cry loudly as blood flowed all over the floor. Gao Shenghai had already stopped breathing as he lay in Gao Yali's arms.


Gao Bin fell to his knees and punched the floor hard. The marble floor instantly cracked.

"The Su family and the Zuo family - either one of us must die!" roared Gao Bin


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