Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 399 Doesn't Your Conscience Hurt?

"Hello, I'm looking for Ye Qingwu. My name is Wang Wei and I'm her friend. Is she around?" Wang Wei asked politely with a smile. "Yup she is," Jiang Ning nodded and pointed at the door. "You can just go in."

"Thank you!" Wang Wei quickly ran in.

Ye Qingwu had already packed her things and was in the living room to say goodbye to Lin Yuzhen and her family.

"If you have time, come to Donghai again. We've got plenty of rooms for you to stay here," said Su Mei with a big smile.

"Don't worry Auntie, I'll definitely come back. I love your cooking so much, I won't stand on ceremony!"

Ye Qingwu gave Su Mei a hug.

Even though she had only stayed for a few days, she really liked this family and didn't feel like there was any awkwardness or distance between them. It was as if she was in her own house.

She walked over to Lin Yuzhen and took her hand.

"I'm so glad that I came to Donghai. That's how I met such a good friend like you, it's really worth my trip." Ye Qingwu took a deep breath. "Yuzhen, thank you!"

Lin Yuzhen replied, "I'm so glad I met you too!"

Wang Wei walked in and immediately walked over when he spotted Ye Qingwu.

"Qingwu! I've finally found you!" He turned to thank the rest of the family, "Thank you all for taking such good care of Qingwu for the past few days, I'm really grateful!"

Lin Yuzhen and the rest smiled and said it was no problem.

"Got everything packed?" asked Wang Wei. "I've already bought the plane tickets, we can go back immediately!"

"Yup," Ye Qingwu nodded. "Let's go."

Wang Wei picked up her bag, waved to Lin

Yuzhen, then turned to leave.

Jiang Ning was standing at the door. He removed his gloves and dusted himself off.

"Going back just like that?" he asked very casually.

"Yup. Everything's settled, so I have to go back."

Ye Qingwu's impression of Jiang Ning was excellent. Anyone would admire a man who doted on his wife so dearly.

Besides, she could tell from the way Lin Yuzhen talked about him that Jiang Ning was a very powerful person!

"If this matter hasn't really been settled yet, do you know what are the consequences of returning to Shenghai now?" Jiang Ning smiled and then looked at Wang Wei. "If you're going to just die, then at least it's a release from hell. But what if you go back to a living hell?"

Wang Wei's expression immediately


Ye Qingwu was taken aback and froze for a while.

She turned and noticed that Wang Wei's face was pale and frowning slightly. She felt that something was wrong.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Wei quickly interjected. "Everything's settled! How else would I be able to bring Qingwu back?"

"Did you think I would do harm to her?" His tone of voice sounded slightly agitated as he dragged Ye Qingwu's hand. "Qingwu, let's go!"

"What's going on?"

Ye Qingwu pulled her hand out from Wang Wei's. She could tell that Wang Wei's voice was trembling slightly and he had never behaved like this before. There was something very fishy about this whole thing. "Wang Wei, tell me the truth. Are you here to trick me into going back to Shenghai because this matter hasn't actually been settled yet?" Her voice immediately became angry.

Wang Wei clenched his teeth. "That's not true! Let's go now!"

He was about to leave when Number 3 put down the shovel he was using to help loosen the soil and blocked his way.

Jiang Ning narrowed his eyes, scanned Wang Wei up and down, then shook his head.

"You know very well that if you bring Qingwu back to Shenghai now, she's going to live a life worse than death and you'll destroy the rest of her life. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Wang Wei's entire body started trembling and he clenched his fists. His eyes immediately teared up and he suddenly started shouting in great distress, "Then what am I supposed to do? He's going to kill my parents!!"

He then collapsed onto the floor and burst out crying.

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