"Fuck you! You tell me, how do you want to take revenge?!" Zhang Cheng spat out furiously. "Do you still dare to go to Donghai? You can go by yourself! I won't give a shit!" Lin Wu didn't say anymore.

Go to Donghai himself?

Jiang Ning would definitely kill him.

"Not just us, the other bosses have suffered great losses as well. Those who didn't make a move don't dare to either."

Gao Fei sighed and laughed bitterly as he looked around him. All their best fighters were all lying in bed now, so there was no way they could take any revenge now. Apparently even Master Fu didn't react. The illegal circle of Shengcheng was in an uproar but he didn't say a single word, which made everyone even more fearful of Jiang Ning. The whole group was angry, upset and indignant, but they didn't dare to talk about revenge anymore. There was no way any of them was setting foot into Donghai anytime soon.

"Boss! Boss! Bad news!"

Someone came running in from outside.

Zhang Cheng was relieved to find that there was at least one person who could run properly. He hadn't lost everybody.

"What are you yelling about? Did your entire family die or something?!" Zhang Cheng was in a foul mood and started yelling immediately. "What bad news?!" "Dong...Donghai..."

Zhang Cheng, Lin Wu, Gao Fei and all the other men in the ward instantly shuddered at the word 'Donghai' and they nearly sprang up from their beds. "Someone from Donghai is here!"

Zhang Cheng paled when he heard the full sentence and immediately sat up. "Who's here? Who from Donghai is here?"

"The one from that night..."

"I'm here."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Ning had walked in with Brother Gou and Su Yun.

When Zhang Cheng saw Jiang Ning's face again, he froze, then his heart started to tremble as a feeling of terror immediately overwhelmed his heart.

Then he suddenly realized that he was in Shengcheng.

Shengcheng was his own territory.

Jiang Ning actually dared to come to Shengcheng to die?

Was he asking to be killed?

"You actually dare to come to Shengcheng!" Zhang Cheng roared a little excitedly. They were just talking about how they wouldn't go to Donghai to take revenge, but Jiang Ning had come knocking on their door instead. Was he tired of living?

"Of course," Jiang Ning smiled faintly. "You contributed so much to Donghai's infrastructure, so of course I have to come and visit you. How are your arms and legs? Still ok?"

Zhang Cheng didn't know how to respond. He had never met anyone so arrogant before!

Jiang Ning's men had injured their arms and legs and still actually came to ask about their injuries.

"You...MEN!" Zhang Cheng smiled coldly and even his bones were chattering. "Jiang

Ning! You came knocking on our doorstep, so don't blame me for getting nasty!"

"Brothers! Surround them!"

There were a dozen men around him lying in bed, but the men standing guard outside immediately dashed in. There were more than fifty of them.

Jiang Ning continued to stand where he was. Brother Gou stood next to Su Yun, and there was also no expression on his face. Neither of them look worried at all.

"Since you've come here to die, then don't blame me for it!"

Zhang Cheng had been suppressing the anger in his heart. He couldn't wait to turn Jiang Ning into ashes. He thought that there was no hope of taking revenge since he couldn't go to Donghai, but Jiang Ning had come here instead.

There was a price to pay for being audacious!

He was about to give the order to break Jiang Ning's limbs when another voice could be heard.

"Boss! Boss! Butler Zhao is here!"

Zhang Cheng shook violently. Gao Fei and Lin Wu both exchanged glances and they were all filled with great excitement.

'Jiang Ning! You're dead meat today!

Butler Zhao is here!"

Zhang Cheng was sure that Master Fu knew that Jiang Ning was in Shengcheng and was going to kill him off.

He dared Jiang Ning to keep being this arrogant!

This was Shengcheng, so there was no way Jiang Ning could continue being so complacent.

Zhang Cheng laughed loudly in excitement as he stared straight at Jiang Ning. This was what happened to those who were too confident of themselves.

Butler Zhao quickly walked in, glanced at everyone on the beds, then walked over to Jiang Ning. He clasped his hands together and there was a polite smile on his face. "Mr Jiang, you're here.'

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