Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 2035 Disgruntlement

Even if Jiang Ning should fail, he would be the one who would bear the consequences of his failure, not Liu Chuandao.

As long as Liu Chuandao remained the sect leader, he was confident that he could keep Qingshan Sect standing and protect the status quo until his eventual death.

"What should I do?" Mr He asked.

"Help him out."

"What excuses should I make?" Mr He grinned widely like an old wily fox. Liu Chuandao widened his eyes in a glare, grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it at him.

"Can't you think of an excuse on your own? Why are you asking me instead?"

Mr He caught the cup nimbly and placed it carefully on the table. He laughed. "Alright then. I'll think of something."

He took his leave and left the study, leaving Liu Chuandao to fume in private.

Jiang Ning was really something.

It had been years since Liu Chuandao had thrown a temper. Yet, a brief conversation with Jiang Ning had gotten Liu Chuandao boiling with anger.

Mr He felt laughter bubbling inside him.

It seemed that no one was truly invincible.

Jiang Ning walked out of the sect leader's residence. Liu Qing was waiting outside for him. She raced towards him as soon as she saw him.

"Did you find out what's going on?" There was a faint blush on her face and she dared not look Jiang Ning in the eye. Instead, she kept her eyes down and spoke softly. " did we..." "Your imagination is running wild."

Jiang Ning reached out and flicked his fingers against Liu Qing's forehead.

"Ouch!" Her hands shot up and covered her forehead protectively. "Why did you do


"It's not what you think it is," said Jiang Ning. "I have a wife. I'm not going to marry you."

Liu Qing froze momentarily. Her eyes reddened without any warning as she scoffed. "You think too highly of yourself. Did I mention anything about marrying me? I'm way out of your league. How dare you think of me in this way! Stop dreaming.

Words flew out of her mouth rapidly. Her vehemence seemed deliberate, as if she was trying to hide her true feelings behind her outburst.

"I'm warning you. Cease your wishful thinking."

"Don't worry. There's none in the first place and there wouldn't be any in the future," Jiang Ning said mildly.

Liu Qing thought she heard the sound of something shattering.

Her chest felt hollowed out. A smile hung on her face but it looked forced.

She hung her arm around Jiang Ning's shoulder and tried to sound nonchalant, think we'll make great friends. You can give me tips on how to fight and I'll protect you from being bullied. No one in Qingshan Sect would dare to push you around. Doesn't that sound great? Let's be friends. We'll have fun together. I

can even address you as my teacher

if I feel like it. Come on, say


Liu Qing wouldn't stop talking as they walked away. She didn't give Jiang Ning the chance to speak at all.

When they returned to her courtyard, she bade Jiang Ning farewell and left. She hurried back to her room and shut the door with a loud slam.

Then, she sat down in front of her dresser and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes gradually reddened.

They could be friends. Best friends. They could have fun together. That sounded like a nice idea.

They barely knew each other anyway. This was the best that she could hope for, wasn't it?

"I didn't know you have a wife. I wonder what she's like." Liu Qing bit her lips. Her voice shook slightly. She pulled herself together within moments. "I have to meet her someday." Meanwhile, Mr He had put the word out.

Jiang Ning was the man that Third

Miss had chosen to be her husband and he was someone whom Liu Chuanda thought highly of. There were rumors that Liu Chuandao intended to groom Jiang Ning to become the next sect leader of the Qingshan Sect.

The news sent the entire Qingshan Sect into an uproar.

The disciples were dumbstruck by the news. A few elders were equally shocked. They had not realized that Liu Chuandao had this card hidden up his sleeve all this while. Liu Chuandao's disgruntled sons barged into his study, demanding to know what was going on.

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