Ayakha the Queen
Chapter 4

"Crazy and serious parents am home and I come bearing gifts" I call out to my parents as I enter the door,I had a nice evening with Sonia.She's a lovely soul and we even decided to go hangout at some sports bar and did a couple of shots of tequila,than decided to bring my parents dinner.

I questioned her about that Okhufa character and she said he's from Sweden,he's a nice guy blah blah blah nothing out of the ordinary,that explains the thick Swedish accent but still... I couldn't shake the feeling he gave me.

"Hey Rockie,how was your first day at work? Whoo! samp and pork knuckles oh swidy you know a way to your parent's heart" my dad kissed me on the forehead and grabbed the food.They both went on to ask me about my first day at work while dishing up "It was productive,I had fun and my colleagues are friendly and then some...I even made a friend her name is Sonia"

I can see my dad having a mini heart attack,see he had a friend once but he betrayed him took his money,his then girlfriend and took off. They were supposed to build a business together with that money but thanks to him he found my mom and here I am "Oh come on Lance not everyone is like that coward and besides if we were to leave this world,will you go happy knowing our baby doesn't have someone other than us?" My mom asks my dad and I interrupt "whoa! when did this conversation take that sharp turn to your deaths? No guys remember the rules don't be breaking them,NO DEATH TALKS HERE".

I didn't mean to snap but just the thought of losing them...I went to my room to cool down.They are mental if they think they can leave me,we are a family we stick together.I start to feel like am in a closed dark tunnel with no air,I am hyperventilating at the thought of losing them.I hear my parents behind the door knocking but it was so faint to my ears,I am on my knees now struggling to control my breathing.The knocks at my door starts to get serious "I am breaking this door Reba" I hear my dad yelling at the other side of the door.The door kicked open as soon those as those words left his mouth "Bring the brown bag Reba" I hear my mom rushing to the kitchen.

"Baby girl breathe,we are not going anywhere anytime soon...you not getting rid of us that easily,breathe honey" he reassures me.My mom came back minutes later with the bag,I breath in and out,did so a couple of times till I got better.I still don't get why I am still getting panick attacks, thought by now I'd have outgrown this.Deep down I know death is certain but they are my life,losing them is not an option right now.We hugged and stayed like that until sleep consumed me.

Morning came all too quickly and just like that the week rushed off. It is Friday,last day of the week at work and apparently it is fun day where we let the animals room free and let some stray animals that were rescued to get adopted,it is just perfectly fun.

As I was busy with puppies,my phone buzz with a message notification.I open my phone to read a text only to find it is from none other than Khalifa:

Hey baby,I am on my way to the airport we leaving South Africa for good and I just wanted to say thank you for everything.I am sorry for using you to my advantages you didn't deserve it but I had to do what I had to do,one thing though I really did love you.Keep well...


"Ugh! Please go fuck yourself you jerk" I think said that a little bit too loud,trust me to act crazy putting my poor self in awkward situations,I mentally backslap my head when Okhufa approaches me with a worried look,like he is ready to pounce on who ever pissed me off "Everything okay there Aya?" There it is again the feeling I can't explain what's the deal with this guy.

"Yeah yeah just one of those days" I lie and walk away from him because wow "Here" he hands me a handkerchief,I didn't realise I was crying gosh Ayakha control! I hate it, embarrassed I took it and cleaned my face.

"Thanks" I thank him turning around to give it back to him "no you can keep it, should I go break his bones?" He asks in a playful manner in an attempt to lighten up my mood,which did work because I ended up smiling a bit."There she is,you should smile more life is too short like Sonia" I now start to laugh,I didn't take him for a joker but he sure knows what to say,his humor is on point.My word there's something about this guy's aura though but for the life in me I just can't pin it "There you are, I've been looking all over for you if I knew you were being tortured like this I would have acted faster" Sonia comes rushing to me like am a lost puppy in need of rescuing.

"Get away from her Mr smarty rodents disease infested pants" taunts Sonia.

"Hello Sonia,those are very colourful names you got for me I truly appreciate the effort" the past week I've been observing these two's interaction with each other and I must say they are secretly so in love or they are just being kids.We have become a bit tight in such a short period of time,she got that sisterly vibe going on,we click.It's almost time to go home now,after my little breakdown a week ago my parents have been ringing me after every 3 hours to check up on me,I feel like they are being dramatic now.

We went to clean after Okhufa left us with Khanna,I don't quite get their relationship.I also noticed that it bothers Sonia.After cleaning we all went our separate ways but of course I had to take Sonia home while her car is in service.I want her to confess her love to Okhufa and stop this bickering,anyway let me get my rest I was long good day though.

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