Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 31



There were things that transcend beauty. The laughter of an innocent child, a dream that was realized. A great love that was fulfilled. These were the things that everyone sought after, but not everyone could reach. And when you gave up everything to attain it, but it was still beyond your reach, a certain feeling would reside in your chest. That was, the feeling of being incomplete. I blinked at the crowd surrounding me. All of them were tough and strong, the cream of the crop of the Pack of Emoresi, one of the greatest packs in the werewolf world. It has been years, and I already became accustomed to their presence, and their blatant disregard towards me. It's alright,’ I thought to myself. “At least now, they are just disregarding me and are not actively hostile to me anymore.” “Regardless, everything is not important... as long as I can be with him,'l convinced myself before sighing. “Please move to the side,” at that moment, I heard a stern voice say. “You are already not helping so at least don't be in everyone's way,” the warrior told me. Hurriedly, I looked up and saw the vice-captain of the warriors. He is one of the strongest warriors of Alec, and because of that, his presence in this place is highly welcomed. “Unlike me,’l thought before lowering my head in apology. “I'm sorry, vice-captain. I will get out of your way,” I softly told him. The warrior gave me a condescending look before walking away.

“Did you see that? She is supposedly the alpha’s mate, but she is quick to lower her head to a warrior,” one of the warriors talked to the side. His voice was not too loud, but he did not really try to hide his conversation from me.

“Hah. It's only right that she gives respect to the vice-captain. I don't even know why she is on this battlefield. She is nothing but a burden,” another warrior said in disgust.

“Maybe she is here to see the alpha. It's hard to be away from your mate, after all,” one lady said. “What are you saying? She is just bothering our alpha! Can't she get a hint? Even the alpha can't stand her! He would meet her for ten minutes every day just to pacify her and ignore her most of the time. She is so thick-skinned. She really shouldn't be here!

The warrior talked in a loud voice, effectively making it hard for others to ignore him. Consequently, the others also started looking into my direction and whispering to themselves. “I could not help but lower my head even more.

I am here... because I have to look into the future and report to Alec whenever the enemy has changed their plan.’ “Il am here... to make sure that our side won't lose, and you guys wouldn't easily be killed," I wanted to tell them. Unfortunately, I knew that I could not. As Alec told me, my ability is the key in winning this war. If the enemy found out about me, he would surely target me. And if I were to die, then our chances of winning would be considerably slimmed. I knew that very well. And I was happy to help the werewolves... to help Alec win this war. I also knew that I should not even think about the hate and criticisms thrown upon me. Because none of them really mattered. “It's just... sometimes... my heart hurts,’ I bit my lower lip. “When they look at me in disgust... and when Alec would not waste even a single second of time and would leave right away the moment he hears my report, I thought as I looked at my feet.

“Avision?’ I blinked my eyes in confusion. “No... it was a dream..."

'A dream of a vision that I had before.” I sighed as I felt my emotions in disarray. Even though it was only a dream, my heart was still feeling heavy with sorrow. “Are you alright?” I heard a soft voice before a big hand was placed at the back of my head. “Yeah-" I answered before my eyes widened. I did not realize it before, but my line of sight was on something very unusual. “En? Why is my pillow dark?’ I squinted my eyes before reaching my hand and grabbing it." Not only is it dark. It's also hard?’ I frowned. “Don't tell me I am still dreaming?” If my thoughts were still in that battleground, then it was not impossible for me to sleep with hard pillows. In fact, in some of my visions, I slept on dirt without any blanket, with rocks as my pillow. “Ehhh but why is this rock so silky?" My brows furrowed before I started pinching my“ pillow.” However, before I could move my hand upward, a big hand covered it before I heard someone hoarsely saying, “Lia, moving your hand upward is a dangerous idea.”

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