Chapter 2.2

“He did choose well, that cousin of mine. If it weren’t for your smell, I’d eat you up right now. A couple of days in the dungeons will fix that right up of course. A couple of well-planned meals that’ll get a little extra meat on ya. I haven’t had Human flesh in months,”

He sighed, almost dejected as he leaned back before continuing, “That cousin and all the idiotic factions that follow him, letting Humans live with us? Bringing them out into the open and protecting them? It’s ridiculous. I will be King. And when I am King, I will harvest that farm of yours and eat one of you every day,”

He looked at her, his eyes darker than the leather he sat upon. Her mouth ran dry as she stared at him, refusing to converse. He shrugged, indifferent. “Until then, perhaps I should cherish you slowly. Eat you slowly, keeping you alive of course. I want to hear you scream,” he was on her in a heat of passion, his fingers flicking over her legs. His nose buried deep into her hair as he inhaled her aroma. His teeth nipped at her neck and instantly she hit him in the gut as hard as she could muster.

Groaning in pain he shrank back away, kneeling on the other bench while holding his stomach. He gave her a sideways glare before grabbing her chains and yanking her onto the floor. She shrieked in surprise and cowered beneath him. He brought his foot onto her chest, pinning her down.

“Be a good girl and do as your told,” he warned dangerously.

“Never,” she hissed back. Anger flashed in his eyes and he raised his hand to strike at her, only to hold it before her. She glared back, her hands wrapped around his foot, her breath heaving and strained.

“I do see why he chose you now. You no longer fear me,” he stared at her in amazement.

“Who would fear a bully like you, like this place? Looking at you, you disgust me. kill me! Do what you will to me! I will not scream. I will not give in,” she clenched her jaw, her eyes matching his own in levels of danger.

“Your smell is disgusting,” he shot back, clearly offended. He stopped himself from continuing, continuing to stare at her in amazement. She had gotten to him. A lowly, insignificant Human.

The carriage came to a stop and a rap sounded at the door. It opened and light poured inside. An even taller creature, dark-skinned with white hair, bowed just outside. His pointed ears came up out of his hair, yet he looked just like a Human. His presence, however, seemed to emanate around him. A sense of wisdom and, for lack of better words, magic. The air very nearly glimmered.

“Your Majesty, we are here.” He didn’t look up.

The man stepped on Tia fully as he exited the carriage. She gasped at the sudden weight to her chest and rolled over, feeling like her sternum might have broken. He dusted off his hair and fixed the collar to his jacket before sparing a glance back into the carriage.

“Strip her and chain her to my throne. Someone will be coming for her shortly and I can’t wait to see his reaction.” He carried himself off then, his head held high and his posture perfect.

The male gently picked up the chain, a moment of pity flashing in those completely blue eyes. She met his gaze and held her breath for a moment. “I am sorry,” he apologized.

“You are beautiful,” was all she could muster. Stunned, if only for a moment, he shook his head and helped her out of the carriage.

Vladimir sat in his carriage, drumming his fingers on his coat as he sat with his arms folded and a rage brewing inside of him. Alexander sat across from him, flashes of colors coming from his fingertips as he moved them to and from the window. A larger ball of light, emerald green in color, paused in his hand before flying off once more. Alexander looked towards his Prince; concern visible across his stone-like face.

“Report,” Vladimir demanded without looking at him.

Alexander sighed. “There are witnesses that saw her climbing down the tower herself,”

Now Vladimir gave Alexander a start, staring in bewilderment.

Alexander nodded. “She is a fighter, as your report indicated. However, her luck ran out.” A shadow cast over his eyes. “Everyone confirms Prince Diaval found her in the market town and took her to his estate,”

The very outline of Vladimir faded then, darkness swirling around him. He gripped the seat as his hand transformed into something black and furry. His face contorted before, suddenly; he was back to his Humanoid self again. The rage still burned in his eyes.

“Diaval wouldn’t go against me so openly. She will be alive and well when we get there. He plays his games carefully; this is an open mockery at my expense. I was careless in letting her escape, so now he will present her to me. As if to say, ‘Look what I caught for you’,” Vladimir’s grip didn’t loosen as his fingers continued to curl into the shredded leather. “He will humiliate us both,”

Alexander’s frown deepened. “My Prince, you are certainly correct with your assessment. I would suggest... a more up-front response from your highness. You don’t play games, let him know that... once more.”

Vladimir regarded his Retainer carefully, before relaxing if only slightly. “Stop calling me those things,” Was all he said as he turned to face out the window once more.

The ride was long, but Vladimir waited patiently as they arrived at the front gates of a dark and well-maintained mansion. The building was large with multiple windows. The carriage carried them around a flowing fountain and came to a stop just outside stone steps leading up to two black doors. The door opened and two more black creatures bowed before him. Many guards stood shoulder to shoulder, leading up to the doors. Vladimir took in his surroundings carefully. He knew these lands well. Trees shrouded the edges of the court and many servants tended to the lands.

“You Elves always know how to maintain a poorly governed establishment. You wouldn’t be able to smell the evil if you didn’t know to expect it,” he said to one before walking up the stairs. It bowed, a hand across his chest.

“Your compliments are undeserving,” It spoke simply. Alexander followed his master silently. Two guards with bat-like wings bowed, their hands resting on the door handles.

“Prince Diaval expects you, your Majesty.” One said before opening the door.

Vladimir entered a dark hall, walking swiftly towards the end of the room. A long and dark cloak swept the floor behind him. Diaval, the man of similar resemblance, with horns a top his head, sat on his throne while he spoke softly to a cluster of servants before him.

Vladimir came to a stop nearly twelve feet away, his stunned gaze falling on the Human with red hair laying at Diaval’s feet. She was completely naked, with a chain snaking its way from under her hair to the elegant chair where Diaval sat. Seeing his cousin, Diaval shewed away the people around him and stood up, extending his arms in a most welcoming manner. His smile was pleasant, welcoming, and un-reaching of his eyes.

“Your Majesty!” He boomed. “We welcome you, thank you for coming all the way here. We found a lost pet of yours; you see. I’d have taken the liberty to return her to you, but alas, I had matters to attend here. Governing so many creatures and land takes a lot out of a person, as I’m sure you understand. Taking little... side vacations are unwise of someone of such stature,” His playful gaze turned sharp, the lids of his eyes narrowing.

Vladimir’s gaze locked onto his cousin.

“Prince Diaval,” Alexander’s voice cut through the pleasantries. “Would you care to explain your actions against Lady Tia, who is here as a royal guest of his Majesty, Prince Vladimir?” Tia’s shoulders tightened and ever slowly did she raise her head off the floor. The person standing in the middle of the room had the air of a dark storm, with unmistakable rage swirling around him... a person she didn’t expect to see, someone she recognized.

“Oh?” Diaval challenged, playing innocent well. He regarded the Human at his feet. “Why, I had no idea.” He snapped his fingers to his servants and indicated toward Tia. “Clean this up instantly,” he stepped down the few stairs and bowed stylishly before Vladimir, a playful smile across his face. “Please forgive my actions. Had I of known...” He trailed off, his eyes dangerously matching Vlad’s.

Vladimir stepped forward then, landing a blow as hard as he could to his cousin’s face. The sound reverberated through the room like snapping oak. Diaval fell to the ground at his cousins’ feet, rolling onto his back and laughing hard.

“You mock me,” Vladimir spat before turning his feverish gaze to the servants now surrounding Tia. For an instant, their gaze met, and he felt his blood turn to ice. Her honey glazed irises were dark with terror. For once in his life, he felt remorse. “Touch her and I will remove your hands,” he declared, quickly getting a grip over himself. The servants jumped back at the threat, looking lost amongst themselves.

Alexander swiftly came to her side, his sword breaking the chain in a quick stroke of his arm. He took off his stone coat, a coat that regained its color and flexibility as it fell over her shoulders. She gingerly took the black fabric in her hands and held it tightly. It smelled of the earth.

“Milady, call me Alex. Please,” Alexander spoke softly as he knelt before her. She eyed him untrustworthily while he timidly reached toward her neck. “Please allow me to remove this collar,” he spoke carefully as if he was dealing with a wild, injured animal. She allowed him to remove the clasp around her neck and watched him stand up when finished, his one hand reached towards her while the rested on her shoulder. “Let me assist you in standing,” he was genuinely worried, she could see it in those statue-like eyes. She curtly turned away from him in an act of defiance before turning her cold gaze to Vladimir.

“You,” she hissed, standing of her own volition before approaching him like a wildfire. He quickly scaled his cousin, who had rolled to a sitting position a few feet away while rubbing his jaw. Vladimir stepped back from the approaching female and held out his hands in surrender. “What is the meaning of this?!” She demanded, coming to stand in his face and glaring up at his tall form.

“Quite a wild one, you have there.” Diaval mused, watching with fascination. Vladimir noticed the rash across her cheek and went to touch her face, his own filled with concern. She slapped his hand away before glaring down at her captor.

“You shut up,” she snarled.

“What did you do to her?” Vladimir asked dangerously, wanting to touch her but unwilling to bring her any further harm, including emotional. She hesitated at the sound in his voice and their gazes met. He seemed to be looking at her, yet not really.

Now Diaval seemed to be at a loss of words, before shrugging and giving in. “It’s just been so long since I last had Human, I thought perhaps I could get over the smell. After all, they are a dime a dozen, aren’t they? You have a whole farm of them, I found this little animal lost in the streets and I thought what a nice little snack.” Vladimir grabbed his sword and lunged at his cousin in the same motion, only to be stopped by Alexander.

“Your majesty, I ask that you please restrain yourself. No harm was caused to the girl, and Prince Diaval now knows his wrongdoings. Please, let us return to the palace at once, before any unwanted actions occur.”

Vlad jerked back from Alex and regarded him treacherously, slowly gaining his composure. He sheathed his sword and spared a glance back at Tia. She held the coat tightly around her chest, staring with a mixture of fright and caution. “You are right...” He signed. “Prince Diaval will make this up to Lady Tia, I will send you the details at a later time.” He growled while standing next to Tia, his hand coming up to rest on her back as his gaze lingered on his amused cousin. Tia jerked away from Vladimir before holding her head high and marching towards the big doors. Vladimir wavered briefly before following her.

“Wait, what?” Diaval asked, sounding as surprised as he looked on.

Alexander bowed to him once before following his master. “What a splendid idea, your Majesty. I will personally ensure those orders get delivered to him himself,” he spoke loudly, casting the defeated Prince a look of enjoyment.

“I saved her life!” Diaval protested, standing up quickly. “Surely some lowlife would have gobbled her up if I hadn’t come along,”

Vladimir stopped at the doors, sparing a glance back into the Great Hall. He regarded his dejected cousin coldly. “Funny, you seem to have stolen the words right out of my mouth.”

Quick to defend his honor, Diaval yelled after his cousin, “I am of royal blood, don’t refer to me as a low life! And I wasn’t actually going to eat-,” Vlad left the room, making a point to slam the door behind him.

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