Chapter 26

“You just-“I stuttered as Giselle ran off. I was unable to finish the sentence, I was so shocked by what I’d just witnessed.

“Yes. I just.” Hale grunted. “And now, for the love of the Moon Goddess, I JUST want to have S** with my mate!”

Hale grabbed my arm and drew me roughly to my feet.

“Okay, not where I thought that comment was lead-“I began.

“Quiet. Please. I’m ready to rip something apart, and I don’t want to go parading you through the castle n*ked” Hale hurriedly did up the minimum buttons necessary at the back of my dress, then took me roughly by the arm and began storming back toward the


I looked back the way we came. bewildered “Mason, what’s going-

“We’re going

back to my rooms. We’re getting on my bed. I’m going to lock the door. And by the Goddess. I am going to f*ck you until you can’t stand.” Hale stated with a tone that left no doubt he meant each word.

“That’s a little different from the making love you threw at Giselle just a moment ag- Hale stopped suddenly and I walked right into his back. He turned around, holding me against him. The passion in the air was palpable. It fairly sizzled.

“Do you have a problem with that, Kora?” Hale asked dangerously, his eyes narrowed and glinting in the bright sunlight.

Any other sarcastic responses I might have thrown at him died in my throat. He was the Alpha. He was my Mate

And we were going to have Sex. Now

Still, I knew he wouldn’t force it on me. Hale was not that kind of man.

I wanted it just as badly as he did anyway.

“No. No problem.” I replied, sounding meek for maybe the first time since I was two. “Good.” Hale turned back around and all but dragged me to his bedroom.

At the landing in the hall, the Luna Regent was standing with a sobbing Giselle and seemed about to say something, but one look from Hale made her think better of it. She put an arm around Giselle and hurried her away.

Hale kicked the bedroom door closed behind us so hard that the heavy wooden door trembled on its hinges. He threw the lock into place, and I wondered how many people in this palace had a key.

“I swear if one more thing interrupts us. Just one more thing…” Hale muttered under his breath, sweeping my hair aside so he could get to my buttons again. He fumbled only a moment before he tore the back of the dress open, sending buttons flying.

“Mason.” I put my hands on his cheeks. “Mason. Stop. STOP. Slow down. Nothing Interrupt us now.” Hadn’t he just said he didn’t want to tear my clothes?

Hale stopped, breathing heavily with anger and passion “You’re absolutely right.” He let me go at last and marched to the door, throwing a second bolt into place. Then he scooped me off the floor and brought me straight to his bed

My admonishment to slow down seemed to be lost on him, as he yanked the dress off me, tearing it at the waist as well.

“You’re going to be very hard on my wardrobe, I can te-”

Hale put a finger to my l*ps. “Shhh.

1 gave him a frustrated scowl and opened my mouth agam, but he silenced me with a

hard k*ss.

“Not… mphf fair. “I gritted out against his l*ps

“Fair’s over.” Hale said. His hand stroked up my bare leg, and I knew exactly where he was going.

“Mason!” I gasped, squirming away from his questing fingers, but he pinned my hips with his arm. Anticipation had me burning with desire, but I wanted us to take our time, “By the time we’re done here, that’s the only word you’re going to remember.” Hale growled, thumbing my clt while he pushed two fingers inside me

Oh, he was good. I felt pressure already beginning to build in my belly.

I tried very, very hard not to think of how he’d become this good as I cradled his head to my breast, letting him have whatever he wanted. Everything he wanted.

“Hey.” Hale whispered, tapping my chin. “I’m here, where are you?”

With his fingers working inside me, it was hard to believe I’d zoned out into how-many-women-has-Hale-had land. “I—”

Hale removed his fingers and I whimpered. “Tell me.” he said, stroking my hair.

“I was just thinking about… you know… who else…” I mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

Hale k*ssed my nose, gently, his eyes hooded. “Look at me.”

I flicked my eyes upward at his command.

“Let’s make a deal. You and me, we don’t think about the other people we’ve been with. We just think about how we’re the LAST people who we will ever be with,” he whispered.

I knew he wasn’t just talking about HIS past lovers.

The idea warmed me to my core, and I nodded. “Okay.”

“Okay.” Hale k*ssed me again, his tongue dancing around mine as I tasted every bit of his mouth.

It didn’t take long to rekindle the heat. Hale’s mouth was everywhere, except where I really wanted it.

I tugged on his hair when he k*ssed my inner thigh, but Hale chuckled and shook his head.

“Next time, baby,” he said, “k*ssing his way up to my l*ps “I promise I just can’t wait


I frowned slightly later, we were going to have words about hum calling me hab-

Hale pushed into me with one long thrust, his eck sinking deep My mouth dropped open, and my eyes rolled back into my head

“B-big “I moaned, though I didn’t know why I was surprised I’d telt hun under his clothes more than once now

It was just a little different having something that size inside of me

Hale stayed absolutely still, k*ssing me softly “You okay?”

I nodded, breathing deeply and evenly as though I were scaling a mountain,

“I’m going to make you feel so good.” Hale promised and started to move

I was wet enough that he shd easily, but he was still hard to take Especially when it turned out he hadn’t gone as deep as he could with that first thrust

“Mason slower..” I panted, clinging to him for dear life

Hale gripped my hips, his jaw set as he held himself back, slowing his pace. “Does it hurt, baby?”

My teeth chattered, but I still managed to swat his shoulder “Don’t call me b-baby!”

That made him chuckle, which vibrated from his chest down to where our bodies were joined.

I moaned. “Stop laughing.”

“Why? Does it feel something like this?” Hale asked, reaching down between us and rubbing my clt as he thrust ever so slowly inside me.

“Ngh!” I nodded my head vigorously. “M-makes it h-hard to th-think.”

Hale grazed his teeth along my n*eck and I shivered. “Kora, in a minute, neither one of us is going to be able to think.”

“Wh-?” I said, but it ended with a squeal.

Hale made good on his promise.

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