Alpha's sweet dare
Chapter 27

There was something in Seth's eyes that scared Lotta.

His face became red, and his body started to shake with a rage.

"She won't have anyone's pups, but mine", he hissed.

"Take that thing out of her !" He practically yelled at Martin.

Martin looked at him like he couldn't believe his ears, and you could see a pain on Lotta's face.

She was terrified for the first time in her life.

That is not happening, she thought to herself.

This man is a monster!

"I can't do that, sir", Martin told Seth, trying to stay calm.

"Why the hell not, you're the doctor!" Seth was out of his mind.

"I can't, because that would put Luna's life in danger", he tried to explain.

"She is a golden wolf, pregnant with an Alpha, so it means that the pregnancy will last shorter than usual because the child inside her already growing faster than usual", he said.

"If I try to do anything irrational now, in her first pregnancy, that will cause her body to be weaker and she won't be able to have children anymore", Martin finished.

They both jumped at the crash that was caused by Seth's hit on the wall.

He was furious, and after he let out his rage, he left the room like the crazy man he was.

That was the chance that Martin had waited.

"My Luna, listen to me, we don't have much time", he told Lotta, helping her to stand up from the table.

"There's still a lot of Retan in our blood and soon he will ask for another shot, which we must avoid at any cause", he said.

"What is that, did you give that to me?" She asked, upset.

"I was forced,but they gave it to me too", Martin told her.

"Seth has it in his possession, and only he can give it to all of us, my Luna", Martin explained.

"I can't believe that I'm pregnant", she told him in disbelief, whispering just like he was.

They were afraid that Seth would come back and kill them both because, with that kind of a man, you never know.

She had a small smile on her lips, and she was holding her belly.

"Actually, Luna, you're having twins, congratulations, but now I need to stop him to give you more of that damn drug because you need your wolf, it's the only way for you to get out of here, for both of us", he said.

"Oh, my God, I know that, but we are not alone here", Lotta said.

"Agatha is barely alive and Suzy is scared as hell, in that awful cell", she told him.

"Shit!" Martin hissed.

"If Drake doesn't come fast, I don't think Agatha will survive, and I'm not sure for all of us either, considering who is keeping us here", she told him.

"I need my wolf, Martin, and I need him fast", She was desperate.

"With that drug in my body, I can't fight without her, I'm too weak, my body is weak, her voice cracked.

"Stay calm Luna, I have a solution, but you need to trust me, okay?" Martin told her.

Time for your medicine my dear, the doctor already got his own", Seth barged in with a syringe in his hands.

He had a vicious smile on his face, and Lotta felt sick.

The thought she will be forced to get that shit again, made her blood boil inside her.

"Don't worry about your pup, my dear, I'll kill that thing myself", he told her, straight to her face, so she could feel his bad breath on her face.

He was disgusting and there was no way he could be called a human or else."Doctor?" Seth was giving Martin a syringe, waiting for him to give Lotta a shot.

"Relax Luna, that won't hurt a bit", Martin told her, and winked at her, when he slowly pushed her sleeve up.

She remembered his words when he told her to trust him, so she had no choice but to do it.

Martin was taking cotton with alcohol slowly, knowing that Seth was watching him carefully, and he knew it, so he "accidentally" dropped the bottle on the floor.

Lotta winced for a second, but she knew that was no accident at all.

Martin had some plan, she could tell.

"You idiot, pick that up, now, and pray that this doesn't happen again!" Seth ordered.

Martin just nodded at him in fear, but Lotta could see that he carefully switched the syringe with the other one in his pocket.

It was a relief for her and she almost smiled at that gesture, but she needed to continue acting.

"You peace of shit, you wont get away with that!" She yelled at Seth, and she meant it, but the darkness was falling too fast on her eyelids.

"What do you mean there is no trace no, longer?! Drake was yelling at Jules in the middle of the woods.

They were following the scent of a blood clot and also of Suzy, but it vanished in the middle of nowhere.

It was just like they disappeared.

No scent, no blood, no trale.

"Damn it, it looks like they fell into the ground!" Viktor said frustrated.

"Yeah!" Jules said, but Drake was smarter than that.

"They are", he said, with a cold voice.

"That is why we can't find them, because they are underground", he said, mad.

"Viktor, search for fresh soil that is covered with dirt and leaves, Jules you go and check the parameter with the other warriors, and do it yesterday!" Drake ordered.

It passed more than half an hour, but they found nothing until Jules yelled.

"Alpha, over here, on the second parameter", he mind-linked Drake.

He was there in a second.

Jules, Viktor, and the other warriors were standing there, by the big tree, that seemed ordinary, while the others waited in their positions.

"What is it?" Drake asked.

"The tree Alpha, the soil around him looks like it had too many leaves and dirt, and it's too small for that," Jules said.

"You right", Drake said looking at the ground.

"Too small for a tree, here, in the middle of woods", he said, lowering his voice.

He pressed the ground with his foot and it was too hard for wood soil.

"Man, we're here, be ready on my mark", Drake ordered, and hell was about to break loose.

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