Alpha's sweet dare
Chapter 15

He almost dragged her to his office.

“Sit down”, Drake ordered, while he opened a cabinet with first aid, and she had no intention of not obeying him.

She could have killed his sister, and now there would be consequences, at least she thought.

“For how long you have your wolf?” He asked, with a calm, but serious tone.

She tried not to look into his eyes, while he was treating her wounds.

He was upset, she thought, but even though he was concentrating on his work, his attention was on her.

Lotta was confused by his attitude and didn’t know what to think or say.

“Not for long”, she answered.

“I transformed on my birthday, she simply answered him, avoiding his look.

“Damn it, you’re going to need some stitches on your arm”, he cursed.

“I’ll heal fast”, she said.

“I know, but this is too deep, so don’t argue with me”, he was still upset.

“What is your problem?!” She asked, upset.

“You are, Lotta”, his voice was rough, while he was looking deep into her eyes.

“Because I was defending myself from your spoiled sister and won?” She asked, frustrated.

“Because you didn’t tell me that you are a golden wolf, damn it!” He was angry now.

“Do you know what that means?” He asked.

“That I’m a healer?” She asked, acting like she was confused by his reaction.

“Stop playing dumb, because you are not and we both know it”, he warned her.

“It means that every pack will search for you, not to mention every male and Alpha’s, who will want you as theire mate”, he was pissed.

“You are my mate, remember?” She said, trying to calm her voice.

“You damn right I I’m, and I’ll be damn if I let anyone get near you from now on”, he told her.

“Oh, like that was a case until now”, she was sarcastic.

“Who would want me, I’m no one, just a simple pack member, a warriors child”, she stated.

Drake was looking at her like he saw her for the first time.

“He caught her chin, gently, raising her head toward him.

“Exactly”, he said, watching her.

His eyes were dark and Lotta felt strange like her body was recovering faster when he touched her.

His voice was deep and gentle, and she felt tingles all over her body.

She will never get enough of his voice.

In her heart, he was the one.

An, the stubborn one, also.

“Tomorrow is my ceremony, and after that, you won’t leave my sight”, he said.

“You also will move into my room”, he added, quickly, like that was a normal thing for him.

An, the stubborn one, also.

“Tomorrow is my ceremony, and after that, you won’t leave my sight”, he said.

“You also will move into my room”, he added, quickly, like that was a normal thing for him.

“You moving me like I’m some kind of a piece of luggage”, she said.

“I already have my room, next to yours”, she was trying to prove some point.

“You will be my Luna, very soon, and more than ever, you need to be protected now”, he said to her.

“I won’t repeat myself, you know my answer to your question”, he looked at her, seriously.

“You can’t tell me what to do”, she opposed him.

Drake leaned down and kissed her, passionately, and surprisingly, she answered his kiss with the same passion, that was in her.

“I can make you listen to me”, he whispered, when their lips separated.

“I won’t let you”, she said, breathing faster.

“I can make love to you until you listen to me”, he teased her, her face changing colors.

She was embarrassed because he mentioned lovemaking and the way she answered with his touch and a kiss.

It was something unfamiliar to her, and as much as she liked it, she hated it, at the same time.

“You are a cruel man”, she hissed.

Drake smiled, but in his eyes was a sorrow that could be seen.

It could be felt because it seemed he was hurt by her words.

“I won’t doit”, his voice was cold.

“You don’t need to worry about that, because I’m not that kind of a man that you think I I’m”, he said.

“I’ll wait that you come to me, and you will, Lotta”, he told her, and she was just looking at him like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“And, I’ll enjoy in you , every second of it, and so will you, I promise”, his voice was harsh, and she was feeling how her mouth becomes dry.

She could imagine it, almost feel that moment, and it scared her as nothing before.

He was right.

She wanted him, as much as he wanted her.

That was a fact, but what else?

Was it possible?

No way, that she will beg him for that!

“You must be out of your mind if you think I will do that”, she told him, seriously.

“I love your spirit Lotta”, he smiled, bitterly.

“You make my heart beat faster, just like yours is now”, he said.

“The day you became my Luna, I’ll mark you, and I can’t wait to know what is in that beautiful head of yours”, he whispered.

“You’re forgetting that I will know the same thing about you”, she was honest.

Drake smiled.

“Oh, baby, I can’t wait that you find out what I would do with that hot body of yours “, he answered.

“But, I don’t think that you can handle that, so I ’ll just block that part, at least for the time been”, he winked at her.

“You are impossible to talk to”, she said and got up from the chair.

She just wanted to be away from him, feeling that his closeness was driving her crazy and that she wouldn’t be able to control herself.

He was so mean, playing with her like that.

She will never beg him, never.

“Where are you going? Drake asked her.

“Home”, she simply answered.

“No you’re not, because doctor will be here any minute to put some stitches on your wound”, he was serious, and she felt helpless, being unable to tell him no.

He was right, because her wound was too deep, and it was healing slowly, which was the reason she lost too much blood, and felt dizzy.

“I told you to not talk to me with that tone like you’re ordering me”, she said to him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled, then looked at her with his glowing eyes.

“Please, stay”, he said, with a voice like a whisper.

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