Alpha's sweet dare
Chapter 11

Lotta’s room was next to Drake’s, only a wall separated them, and, for her, it wasn’t enough.

She didn’t feel safe, not because she thought he would hurt her, no, it was the opposite.

She knew that he could be trusted, but she was afraid because she had a hard time controlling herself near him.

Her room had everything she needed, and more.

The closet was filled with her clothes, old and new, in her size.

Drake thought of everything, she thought.

It was strange for her to get used to all this, especially, because she had no idea how to behave.

She couldn’t be there doing anything, it wasn’t her at all, not to mention that Agatha was on the other floor with their parents, and she knew that it would be impossible to avoid her.

She didn’t try to, everything she wanted was to be left alone, but considering Agatha, that would be hard.

It seemed like Drake felt that something was wrong between the two, so he made sure that she stayed alone with him, in his part of the house.

She needed to admit, that she was grateful to him, because of it.

There was an Omega named Suzy, who was cleaning the floor, and she said that Alpha Drake had ordered that nothing must miss her.

She also said that she does the cooking, so if she wants anything special, she just needs to let her know.

Lotta thanked the girl, but she was pissed at him.

She didn’t need a servant.

Help, yes, but having someone that will kiss her ass, no chance, and she wanted him to know that.

She couldn’t hear him in his room, so she decided to go and look for him.

She had a pretty good idea where he might be.

It was almost time for dinner, so she went toward his future office.

Well, it was his already, because he spent a lot of time there, and it was just formality anyway, but she knew that Alpha Martin would be there too, which was normal in those circumstances.

It was only a few days until Drake became an Alpha of this pack.

Alpha Martin was in a hurry because he wanted to go on a vacation with his Luna, so everything was in fast mode.

Seemed like Drake knew his role well.

As an Alpha, but when it was about her, well...

She knocked on the door, waiting for an answer, but Drake opened the door by himself and surprised her.

His hair was messy, his shirt unbuttoned up and his eyes tired, he was exhausted, but yet, he was too damn hot, and she had difficulty looking at him.

“Come in, gorgeous”, he said with a tired smile, she almost forgot why she had come.

She walked in, shyly, avoiding his piercing eyes.

“Please, sit down”, he said and pointed to the chair in front of the big desk, then he sat across from her.

“I hope that you’re comfortable in your room and that nothing misses you”, he said.

She cleared her throat because now, it wasn’t anger in her, she almost felt ashamed, but, she couldn’t be fooled by his behavior.

“Well, I know you probably mean well, but there are some things I don’t like”, she said in one breath.

“Such as?” He raised an eyebrow, surprised.

“Suzy”, she answered.

“As an Omega Suzy?” He asked.

“Yes, Mr. Future Alpha, you forget I was one too”, she got upset.

“I don’t understand, he was calmed.

“She is paid for her work, I don’t treat her bad, and you know here isn’t the case with an omegas here, in this pack”, he said with his deep voice.

“That’s not the point Alpha!” She said, frustrated.

“I don’t want a servant, help yes, but not a servant, I’m not incapable to make a breakfast, or a lunch, that is ridiculous”, she said.

Drake smiled.

“Are you saying , that you’ll make me breakfast in the morning?” He teased her.

“Good, I’m looking forward to it, but be ready for training after, I don’t tolerate delay”, he was serious now.

“Are you saying I’m incompetent?” She asked him, but actually, that amused her, because he wanted things his way, and she would prove to him that he was wrong.

“I’m saying that from now on, your life is changing, and you won’t have much time or a strength for some things”, he said.

“Besides, you shouldn’t burden that beautiful head of yours with some things that isn’t matter”, he stood up and came close to her.

He crouched down, looking into her glowing, but scared eyes.

She blushed, just because he was so close.

God, why must he be so good-looking, and so kind to her at the same time?


“Are you afraid of me, Lotta? He asked with a firm, but quiet voice.

“No, Alpha”, she answered, quietly, avoiding his look.

“Drake”, he said.

She lifts her look, surprised.

Her hands were shaking, and she felt lucky that she was sitting down, holding onto a chair.

“I’m not Alpha yet, and you won’t call me like that, you will call me by my name, understand?”

Lotta just nodded.

“Say it”, his voice was hoarse.

“What?” She asked, quietly.

“My name”, he answered.

She licked her lips, feeling thirsty and too nervous by the feelings that overcame her.

She couldn’t believe what he could do to her, breaking all the walls that she was building for years.

“Look at me, Lotta and say my name”, he demanded, calmly.

" She looked into his black, glowing eyes that made her feel this way.

“Drake”, she said, but it was almost like a whisper.

“His eyes gained a yellow glow, as he came so close, that she could feel his hot breath on her neck.

“Good girl”, he whispered and kissed her gently.

It was a short, gentle kiss like he was trying to restrain himself from continuing, but his taste suited her.

She wanted to taste more of him, much more.

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