Alpha Triplets Claim
Chapter 199

Chapter 199. 

Chapter Seventy–Four: It Was You! 

Kiara POV: 

A guttural sound, filled with pure hate and a raw kind of betrayal, ripped through Christian’s throat as she struggled to regain her composure. The woman’s knuckles turned white as she clutched her reddened throat, her narrowed eyes shooting venomous daggers my 


Despite the deep–rooted fear that reeked from her trembling form, there was a commendable defiance in her gaze, a steadfast resistance that had it been under any different circumstances would have impressed me. It was a sad waste of spirit to be wielded in such malice, such selfish ploys. 


Drawing a shaky breath, she lifted her chin, an uncanny mask of contempt set on her distorted features. 

“You were supposed to be dead!” she spat out, her words as sharp as shards of broken glass. 

Chapter 199 


Her eyes glowed with a triumphant, albeit unhinged, light, revelling in the shock her confession sent across the room. 

There was a brief pause. The air grew thick with the gravity of her revelation, every heartbeat resonating with the chilling echo of her words. My stomach turned, my thoughts spinning as the sickening reality of her words hit me like a freight train. I had been targeted and meant to be taken out of the equation. All this time, it was her. 

“The original dose…” Christian continued, a sickly smile curling her lips, “It should have been enough, Wolfsbane. But it seems even death shies away from a damned beast like you!” 

The room fell into a stunned silence. The cruel joy radiating from Christian was palpable, a malevolent wave crashing against the shore. of my shaken sanity. The audacity of this woman, the sheer callousness. of her actions, it filled my heart with a cold, simmering rage. 

Yet before I could retort, before I could reel from the revelation, the entire room shook with twin roars of fury. The sound echoed off the high ceilings, each booming resonance causing the floor beneath us to tremble. A cold, deadly silence followed, the anger so palpable it was like a heavy fog that descended upon us all. 

The room’s occupants, save for myself, froze instantly. Every pair of eyes, wide with fear, darted toward the source of the roars. Christian’s triumphant sneer faltered, her body going rigid, her face losing every shred of colour. Even in my shock, I couldn’t help the icy satisfaction. that washed over me at her reaction. A predator caught in the spotlight, her once–bold demeanour crumbling into a pitiful display of fear. 

Chapter 11 

The damning confession had been made. The betrayal was laid bare. The once–trusted Christian was nothing more than a treacherous. serpent. And the echoes of my mates‘ furious roars made one thing. crystal clear retribution was inevitable. 

I watched as the shockwaves of my words hit Christan; the fear in her eyes reflected back at me. It wasn’t the fear of being caught, but the fear of the consequences she knew was about to rain down on her. I felt a sense of satisfaction as the power of the situation settled over me. 

“The mouse truly squeaks when cornered,” I said, my tone drenched in 


Suddenly, the grand double doors of the room were thrown open, and my mates, Kayden and Jayden, stormed in. The look on their faces was thunderous, their eyes burning with a primal fury that sent a shiver down my spine despite it not being directed at me. They stood by my side, their auras pressing down on everyone in the room. 

Christan seemed to crumble under the weight of their anger, her confident façade disappearing in an instant. She tried to plead her case, her voice barely above a whisper. 

“Kayden, I… I’ve always loved you. It was always supposed to be us.” 

The silence following her desperate plea was deafening. The air hung heavy with tension, the unsaid words and accusations making it almost unbearable. Then Kayden spoke, his words cutting through the silence. like a razor. 

Chapter 199 

“You were nothing but a faceless whore,” he spat, his voice icy and filled with contempt. “I barely remember your existence among the many I’ve been with.” 

I felt a sick satisfaction as his words struck her like a physical blow. All her delusions of grandeur were shattered in an instant, leaving her a crumpled mess on the floor. Jayden stood silently by my side, his anger just as potent as Kayden’s. 

Kayden gave a curt nod to Gamma Chris. 

“Gamma Chris, escort this vermin to the dungeons.” His words echoed ominously throughout the room, hanging over us like a dark cloud. 

Christan’s sobs echoed in the silence as she was led away, the final testament to her betrayal. The tension in the room dissipated, and we all seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief. The ghost of Christan’s betrayal was finally on its way to meet the justice it deserved. 

The echoes of Christan’s sobs still lingered in the air, a stark reminder of the turmoil that had just unfolded. The room that was once a haven of joy and laughter now seemed as cold as the dungeons she was being led to. 

Riley and Cathy wore uncomfortable expressions. 


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