Chapter 9 

– Lucias – 

“Where have you 

been, Lucias?” 

I glanced at Isabella who hurried her steps near me with a face filled with countless questions. I didn’t waste time on her. As I walked past her, she stopped me by blocking my path. I have nothing to say or I don’t want to say anything. She clearly knows that she has no f**king right to meddle with my life but look at her… she still does that f**king shit as if she owns my life. I tried to ignore her once again and walked past her but she stubbornly stopped me again. 

“Where were you? Were you with that b*tch?” 

I still wanted to remain silent but when I heard what she said last, it made my blood start to boil. I clenched my jaws looking at Isabella’s face. I know who she just mentioned as b*tch here. She just called Emilina b*tch! “Of course! You were with her!” She said loudly, gritting her teeth. I can see the pure hatred in her eyes. am so f**king pleased to see this anger and hatred in her eyes. She deserved this. 

“If not her, who else should I be with?” My words were fuel to the fire in her heart. I can see the pain in her eyes but this is nothing when my mind recalled the way Emilina looked at me. Those eyes are still stabbing my heart brutally. The woman. who is standing in front of me now is also a reason for everything. 

“Step the fuck away! Keep your staus in your f**king head!” I pushed her aside. walking towards my room but I felt her still running after me. 

“You have no right to be with her! I am your wife! Not that woman!” 

‘Oh… I should f**king thank her for remining me that. I totally forgot it since I found my real wife a few days ago. Sometimes I want to laugh at this woman for being so pathetic. She knows the truth and is still acting like this. She even knows what is going to happen at the end of everything but she doesn’t want to accept that fact. I chuckled looking at her. My actions are angering her even more. 

“My wife? I have one wife. Even in the past, present and the future. I have one f**king wife whom I married willingly! And if you are thinking that woman is you, I have to pity you.” Her l*ps trembled and her hands shook as she stared at me with tears filled eyes. She knows what I meant. 

She should know. I know that Emilina is with someone else and it makes me lose my sanity but I won’t let that happen. I just don’t want to give her to someone else. After struggling and running like a mad man, I finally found her and it happened 

Chapter 9 

accidentally so there’s no f**king way I’m going to let her sl*p through my fingers. this time. 

No matter how she treats me. No matter how she looks at me or talks to me, I will not let her go. I need to fix all the errors and mistakes that happened to her from me. She suffered more than I did and I am the f**king reason for everything. I glared at Isabella’s crying face and sighed. If she doesn’t understand, what the fuck should I do? I have no feelings or anything towards this woman and I will never have. All I want to do is remove her from my life and pull Emilina back into my arms but I can’t do it at this point. I have to wait…. 

“Everything happened…. because you saw that woman! Everything is because of her! But you can dream on… I’m not letting you go to her! Don’t even think about it! You are mine now! And you will always be! Or I’ll find my people to kill her or I will tell my dad!” Her words are powerful as she held the power of her father’s which made my blood boil and my wolf growled inside of me with fury. 

This b*tch and her father… The only people I want to kill in this world are these two! As anger took over me, I gripped Isabella’s n*eck and threw her against the wall. My wolf was struggling to come out and rip her head apart at once but I controlled him. 

“Like you can! After ruining my f**king life, are you threatning me now? You are having your father’s power huh? I don’t give a fuck about your father Isabella. I will make both you and that bastard go to hell soon. If you ever dared to lay a finger on my woman, that will be the last day you see the sun rise. I think your father informed you everything before pushing you towards me!” 

Seeing her face turning red due to lack of oxygen, I even tightened the grip around her n*eck. Killing this woman and her father is the only way I could forgive myself for what I did to Emilina. But still… I don’t think I can forgive myself completely. 

“Try to stop me if you can! Until now, I let you live freely here ignoring what did but not anymore. Take this as a warning!” I let go of her n*eck and simply walked away listening to the sound of her coughing while sobbing at the same time. I clenched my jaws and entered my room shutting the door behind me. 


I locked the door. Walking into my room, I glanced at my bed as my mind stubbornly began to recall some memories which I tried to keep within my heart without coming out. 

“I love it. You didn’t even tell me that you customized such a valuable and beautiful ring for me. I will never take this off. I love you so much Lucias… It was 

Emilina who wrapped her arms around my n*eck as she jogged towards me after standing up from the bed. Her scent filled my nose and her warmth wrapped around me like the most beautiful and perfect thing that could ever happen to my life. Hugging her soft b*dy was a kinda feeling that I would die to have. It was comfortable and could relax my mind.. 

“I’m sorry I couldn’t customize a valuable ring for you” Next she broke the hug between us and took my hand touching the ring on my finger with a sad smile. I never wanted anything valuable from her. All I wanted was her and that’s all. “No one is interested in the ring that the husband is wearing. The wife’s ring gets more. attraction and attention from everyone.” I k*ssed her head as she giggled, hugging me tightly once again. 

“Happy marriage life for us. Let’s be with each other until we die. I will be the best wife in this world for you” She pecked on my l*ps with those words. I said nothing. I didn’t have anything to say seeing how innocent and happy she looked that moment. I just simply k*ssed her knowing that I was going to do something terrible the next morning. 


I cursed covering my face with both my hands as I cursed burying those memories in my heart again. The more I think about her, the more it will stab me to death. I sighed and tried to control myself. I feel like killing Isabella right now. I feel like chopping their heads because of everything that happened. I walked into the closet and opened a drawer taking out Emilina’s ring box. She had left her ring before leaving. I saw the red diamond in the middle of the ring. I know that she will not forgive me for what I did to her but… I hope at least she will understand when I tell her what exactly happened. 

I put the ring back and went to grab a shower. Once I was done, I left the room to see Isabella was still there looking at me. I haven’t hurt this woman before. Although I didn’t like her, I didn’t hurt her. Because of that now she’s acting as if she owns me. I regret not making her suffer for what she did and not making her realize her real status. I was the one at fault here. I became a gentleman to her after becoming a beast to the woman I loved. I could have killed Isabella. If I do that, I will never lose Emilina. 

“Where are you going?” Isabella asked me shamelessly. 

I didn’t want to answer her. I always ignored this woman and I’m still doing it but this woman doesn’t seem to be ashamed of it. She continues running after me. Even after I just almost choked her to death. As I walked downstairs wanting to leave the house, I saw someone was coming. Isabella’s father! Rage filled in me as 

15:43 Sat, 30 Dec 

Chapter 9 

I turned to Isabella. She had her eyes on me as she raised her chin showing met that she’s powerful and won’t be afraid of me. 

“Where are you going Lucias?” The moment I heard Kaleb speaking, I clenched my fists. This b*tch already called her dad to show me her f**king power! Okay, let’s see! 

“Where I am going and what I am doing has nothing to do with you two” I know my words made him furious and my intention was also to see this bastard getting angry. If Isabella thinks that I am afraid of this man, she needs to go to hospital. and check her brain. From the begining, I agreed to marry her just because I was helpless and wanted to protect Emilina, not because I was f**king afraid! 

“You are right. It has nothing to do with me but my daughter is your wife. She has the right to know everything you do!” Again… a reminder. 

“You are all saying she’s my wife as if you forgot who is the real wife. I thought you are tired of trying to be loved by me Isabella… not enough yet?” I mocked them. My people still don’t accept Isabella as their Luna. They all accept Emilina since they all know she was my mate. How can a random woman from nowhere take all the respect? 

“I’m not tired! I want you to love me and forget that woman” She stepped forward grabbing me from my arm. 

Forget Emilina? Only my f**king death can make me forget the woman I loved. Everything happened against my will because I was helpless at that moment and had nothing to do but not anymore. I’ve been getting ready to face this moment. Why the fuck do I have to be clam and quiet in front of them? 

“Which man wants to forget his mate, Isabella? Are you f**king kidding me?” I laughed at her face. Her face turned pale and she gritted her teeth shifting her eyes to her so–called daddy. 

“Lucias! How dare you talk to her like this? You married her! Now treat her as your wife!” Kaleb sounded crazy. “Who said I married her? I only married one woman and it’s Emilina!” 

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