Chapter 7 

I opened my eyes as I was greeted with the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. It’s already morning. I thought he would have disappeared from my sight when I woke up but it seems I was wrong. Here he is, still sleeping. I stared at his face. His l*ps were parted slightly and his breaths are steady which means he’s in deep sleep. I’ve dreamt about this but I never wanted this to happen again in my life. I moved my hand touching his face. I moved my fingertips through his forehead pushing his hair away. I can feel the love bubbling inside of my chest but I completely ignored it as I slowly got up from the bed without waking him up. 

My movements are careful and slow. I put my dress on and glanced at Lucias. before taking light steps towards the door. He is here means that the doors are opened and even if the doors are locked the keys would be here. Thinking that, I sighed. I just want to go back. It’s already been a day and I couldn’t see my baby. As I expected, the door was not locked. I opened the door slightly as I pushed myself out through the small space. 

I hurried my steps through the staircase and finally stopped in front of the door which could have let me out of this house. I didn’t think twice to unlock the door and run out. I ran as fast as I could even though I have no idea where I am at right now. I just wanted to be free and go to my son knowing he’s waiting for me. To my fortune, no one was there. Not even Derek… It’s quite surprising to see the absence of Derek wherever Lucias is at but that doesn’t matter. It’s my lucky time. 

I ran through the road recalling the way he used to come here. But I couldn’t remember much about it and I wanted to hurry. As I ran, I saw the forest. I stopped staring at the forest thinking if I go there it would be easy for me to wipe my scent away so Lucias won’t be able to follow me easily. I know that he’s gonna wake up and get furious. He will definitely follow me. With that thought in my mind, I ran into the forest without caring about the fact how dangerous it can be. I don’t care… I don’t care about anything as long as I can be with my son. 

The more I ran into the forest the more I felt it’s getting darker. It’s already morning and so bright when I came here but now inside of the forest it is darker. 

so bright when I came here but now i Not only darker, but also scary. I don’t know this forest or anything. I haven’t gone out to explore the world around me after giving birth to Luan. All I did was stay at home and take care of him. I used to go everywhere I liked before when I was with Lucias but now everything has changed. 

When I ran into the forest, I thought I would be able to find my way back but now I feel instant regret. I can’t find any path or a way to go. I stopped running. I carefully observed my surroundings. It feels as if this is evening now. Tall trees are 

everywhere. The fog floated through the trees making me believe this forest has ghosts. I felt the fear rising in my chest while my eyes scanned through the forest realizing how dangerous looking and haunted it looks. I bit my lower l*p failing to understand what to do. 

*What should I do now?‘ I couldn’t help but ask my wolf who was completely silent. Although I asked her a question, she didn’t answer me immediately which means she Wa 

also confused and lost at this point. 

Did I make a mistake by running away from Lucias? No! I wanted to leave. If I made a mistake, it was just coming into this forest. ‘I don’t know… let’s go right. But I’m not sure‘ of course she doesn’t know and I can’t blame her for that. Ignoring the accuracy, I followed her instruction as I walked to the right side of the forest. 

I felt my feet aching as I walked through the cold yet rough ground. I lowered my head to take a look at my feet, however, I couldn’t see my feet because the fog was covering it. The fog is covering below from my knees. 

I sighed. Why do I feel this is dangerous? I asked myself walking through the tall trees which screamed with an unknown terrifying aura. Even the green of these tall trees are so weird. Like a forest in our nightmares. Why did I even enter this? Maybe I should go back… but I don’t want to be caught by Lucias again because I know he will not let me go. 

I took a deep breath and forced my mind not to think about anything else. I need to think about my son and encourage myself. I can go to him soon without any trouble. I thought as I moved forwards. 

While I was walking, I felt as if someone was watching me. A little shiver ran through my spine but I decided to drop that feeling and continue walking. However, it didn’t take much time for me to hear someone’s footsteps behind me. But what I heard this time terrified me. I chewed the inside of my bottom l*p as I turned back looking everywhere but no one was there to be found? 

Did… did Lucias find me already? A sudden thought appeared in my head making me feel fear but at the same time my inner heart wished if he could find me here because right now, I’m so scared. I came to a place where I’ve never been before and I don’t even know what kind of forest this is, Since I saw no one following me, I decided to hurry my steps. I walked faster than before. Out of nowhere, I again heard someone’s footsteps behind me. I closed my eyes clutching the hem of my 


“Who… who’s there?” 

Chapter 7 

I asked but didn’t turn back. As I expected, I got no answer. Therefore I began to walk again. As soon as I walked the sound came again. I felt my heart racing inside. of my rib cage as the fear began to absorb all my confidence and courage. I wanted to turn back but I didn’t dare to. 

I was scared thinking I would see something that could make me faint or scream. my lungs out. I wish… I wish Lucias could find me soon. I slowly began to run. When I ran I heard whatever was following me also running. Tears welled up in my eyes as the horror controlled my sanity. 

Suddenly I stopped and turned back. When I turned back, my eyes widened seeing the person I just saw. What… What is he doing here? I parted my l*ps but no word came out of my mouth. My heartbeat went numb and I immediately knelt caressing his hair. 

“Luan…. Baby…. What are you doing here? Oh my moon goddess…” My son was the least expected person to see here. And how come? How come he’s here? 

“Where’s uncle Jerral? Baby… look at me” I cupped his face but he was lowering his head without facing me. I feel like I’m going to die soon thinking how my son ended up in this forest and he’s alone. 

“Luan… mommy is here…. Don’t be afraid darling” I was also trembling but I spared no attention to it. All I wanted to see was my son and now he’s here but that’s making me go crazy. There was no way that he could be here… I know that Lucias took me somewhat far away from where I was at. 

As I waited for him to look at me, he slowly raised his head and looked at me. As soon as he looked at me, my heart dropped and stopped beating for a moment. His face was covered with blood. Wh- what happened? Slowly he moved his tiny little arms wanting to hug me. 

What happened to my son? Why? I felt tears dripping down through my face and I wanted to scream and cry louder. Not only that, I wanted to kill the person who did this to my baby. Before I could even hug him a dangerous and furious growl spread everywhere. Within a flash a huge pitch black wolf jumped grabbing my 

son from me. 

I remained there stunned and frozen as the wolf’s sharp blade–like teeth sunk into my son’s n*eck. What… What am I seeing? What is happening? Soon the reality hit me harder and my wolf growled furiously. When my wolf growled and tried to attack the wolf, the red of his looked into my side making me realize who that wolf was. Lucias… Why? He… he’s killing his own son…. no no no… I shook my head. looking at him but he ignored me. 


15:42 Sat, 30 Dec 

Chapter 7 

“Lucias…. Stop… no… my baby… don’t” I dragged myself towards him begging. “NO! 


I screamed as my claws extended and pierced Lucias‘ wolf’s shoulders. What I did made him let go of Luan. taking that opportunity I went to pick up my son but Lucias didn’t let me. He growled at my face warning me not to compete with him or I will die. I… don’t mind dying… but I can’t watch my son die. Within a flash, my eyes could see the way Lucias‘ murderous wolf ripping my son apart. 

“No….. what… are you doing? He’s… your… son” 

I could no longer hear my own voice as I felt my throat was gone because of my screams. I was helpless and couldn’t do anything. Then he turned back to the human form. The rage and hatred rushed into me as I looked at him. He just killed my son. His son! As I gritted my teeth wanting to kill my own mate at once, he clenched his jaws and stopped in front of me. 

“Your son? Pathetic woman! Look… that creature wasn’t your son but a flesh–eater who can steal the appearance of the person who you are dying to see!” Lucias held my face gripping me tightly so I could feel the pain. His words made me look at the blood filled b*dy on the ground. That wasn’t my son anymore. That was a disgusting looking creature. 

My heart went numb…. 

Flesh–eater? In this forest? I took a few heavy breaths wanting to reduce the suffocation in my chest but I failed. Then I looked at Lucias. As I looked at him, he grabbed me from my arm making me stand up. I… I thought… he killed his own son which is my worst nightmare. I stared at the way his eyes turned blue again. 

“I… I thought… he’s my son” I mumbled resting my forehead against his chest. I know he’s furious at me but his embrace is the most comforting thing in this world for me. As I rested my head against his chest, I felt him wrapping his arm around 

  1. me. 

“And I saw the creature as you.” He placed a k*ss on the top of my head making me sob harder. 

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