Chapter 48 

“Isabella! Stop! Please… she’s hungry” I muttered looking at Isabella who’s walking further. We’ve walked too far into the forest and now it’s dawn. Isabella stopped and turned to me. Then her eyes fell on Elena who’s crying. She let out a deep sigh and then nodded at me. I helplessly looked around wanting to find if there’s a place for me to sit so I could feed her. Seeing a rock, I went near it and sat. I hurried myself and began to feed Elena. Once she was done drinking milk, I 

got up from the rock and went to Isabella who was waiting for me. Feeling me coming to her, she looked at me and sighed. 

“Where are we going? Do you have any idea where to go?” I asked her. 

I hope that she would give me a proper answer rather than saying that she also doesn’t know where she’s going. I can’t believe that I got lost in a forest with my mortal enemy. I felt like laughing at myself but I remained without doing it because if it makes Isabella angry she will leave me which I don’t want her to do. I don’t want to get alone in this forest with my little baby. I’m defenseless and weak when I’m with her because my first priority is not to protect myself but to protect her. So for that, I need to be closer to Isabella and be protected. I don’t know if she’s going to take me to a cliff and then push me down, I don’t know if she’s going to get revenge on me either but I can’t think about all those things at this moment. Rather than saving ourselves I can think about nothing. Maybe that’s also what she needs now, to save herself from any danger that comes to us. 

“I’m not a born rogue, Emilina. Why are you so dumb? I don’t know… I’m trying to find if there’s a path for us to go to the nearest village!” she growled at me. 

I nodded my head keeping my mouth shut without making any sounds. What I ask her and wh 

I say to her always makes her angry. I sighed and began to follow her again. I wish Lucias would find me soon…. I wish he could just be so fast because I’m so scared now. Ninety nine percent of my fear belongs to Elena. I’m scared because she’s with me. If something happens to me while I’m alone, I can at least. try to escape by running faster but when she’s with me how can I even do anything? While I was following Isabella, suddenly I heard a noise of a creature. I don’t know what kind of creature made that sound but that made my b*dy shudder with fear. 

As the grunt spread through the forest, Isabella turned to me. Her eyes were widened and her face was pale. She exposed the helplessness but the way she watched me… What… What was that? I don’t even know… I hugged Elena tightly against my chest and stared at Isabella’s horror filled face. My l*ps parted naturally and I looked at our surroundings. The sun hasn’t risen yet but it will soon rise. 


Chapter 48 

Until then, we have to hold this. 

“What was that?” I whispered. “I don’t know… come! Hurry up” Isabella whispered back as she held my hands and hurried her steps. 

She’s not going to escape alone, she’s taking me with her. A pleasant feeling appeared in my chest and I gladly followed her because right now, I know that she’s also scared and she also has no idea what’s going to happen to her. As we walked further another loud graunt could be heard. Along with that grunt, there was the sound of a creature running. Cold sweat appeared on my b*dy and I found my legs were already trembling from fear. What should I do… What should we do 



Isabella said as she began to run dragging me behind her. I was holding Elena from one hand while my other hand was held tightly by Isabella. Ignoring the numbness and weakness in my legs and all over my b*dy, I began to run. My eyes watered and my whole mind was in a terrible battle trying not to lose my sanity at a moment like this. I’m just so scared and I don’t know what to do… As we ran 1 turned my head and looked back. My whole world collapsed in front of my eyes as I saw there were two huge wendigos running after us. No way… is this a place where only wendigos live? How did they even build a house in a place like this? Did rogues do all those things but how? I again looked ahead and kept running with Isabella as I felt the wendigos approaching us faster. 

“Wendigos…” I muttered and I knew Isabella heard me but she kept running. We need to escape… we need to escape…. I told myself as I cooperated with her. Suddenly like I never expected, Elena began to cry. I felt as if my whole life was just snatched away from me. She’s crying because she’s scared. She never had an experience like this before. I never ran while carrying her, not even Léuias did. So she must be confused and scared because of the way she feels. Why did they even bring us to a place like this? No! Not them… but Isabella did. She was the one to bring us here and now both of us are in trouble. I don’t know how many people. died in that house because of a sudden wendigo attack but we two escaped into the forest and now both of us are experiencing the same disaster. Suddenly Isabella stopped behind a tree and looked at me. 

“You run, I’ll try to stop those wendigos. Run faster… to that direction…” She pointed her finger. She can point her finger as much as she needs but I’m not going to leave her with two scary murderous creatures and at the same time I’m not going to run anywhere in this forest all alone. 

No… we run together… you can’t deal with them alone!” I pulled her hand wanting 


Chapter 48 

to run again but she shoved my hand away and shook her head. 


“Do you 

think I’m as weak as you? I’m a warrior! I can fight! I’m strong and I don’t need anyone to protect me. I can protect myself. You are the one who needs protection all the time, Emilina! You are a burden to Lucias while I never was! So run! I will take them down and come to you. Break the little branches while run so I can find you.” Her words both hurt me and make me disappointed in myself. I stared at her and parted my l*ps to say something but before I could event say she shifted into her wolf and charged towards the wendigos. I watched the way she fought almost for a few seconds and then ran to the direction where she asked. me to hold my baby tightly, 

As I ran, I heard the sound of Isabella’s wolf groaning from pain. My eyes covered with tears and my heart kept telling me to go back and help her but how am I supposed to do it when I’m holding a three month old baby and she kept crying. Tears dripped down through my face and helplessnes conquered my whole soul. I felt pity for myself and i felt scared thinking about Isabella. I know that I should hate her and balem her because I’m in this situation because of her fault but why do I feel that she ran to those Wendigos in order to save me and Elena? When she stop those creatures there, I have enough time to run and hide. The thought in my head made my heart ache. I kept looking back wishing I would see her coming but I saw nothing but emptiness. The sun slowly rose and it’s morning, after running so far, I stopped in front of a cliff because I could find any way to run anymore. I’m trapped. I’m trapped and all alone with a baby. I closed my eyes and took a deep. breath wanting to calm myself down. After that, I lowered my head and looked at Elena who’s still crying. 

“Baby baby… don’t cry… mommy is here….” I mumbled k*ssing her face. She somewhat reduced her cries and stared at me with tearfilled innocent eyes. What can I do, my angle? I’m lost… I don’t know if your daddy could come this far to find. me. My eyes were covered with tears and I looked around and then turned to the forest again. 

What happened to Isabella? Where is she? Did she kill those two wendigos or did they hurt her? Countless questions were suffering in my head and I felt as if I was going crazy. I sat on the ground and gave myself a rest because my b*dy is aching -after running like that without even thinking about stopping. I’m worried about 

Isabella… I’m just so worried about her. Although she’s the person who became the reason for all those sufferings I had in my life, I need to say that she just saved met a while ago. As I waited there finally, I saw a wolf coming. 

My heartbeat increased when I saw it was Isabella’s wolf. I got up from the ground and rushed towards her but before I could reach her she collapsed on the ground 

10:55 Mon, 1 Jan 

Chapter 48 


giving shivers to my heart. It didn’t take much time for me to realize that she was heavily injured. The blood was oozing out her n*eck and there was a deep cut. I put Elena on the ground and covered her with the sheet she had properly before. pressing my hands against Isabella’s wolf’s n*eck preventing blood from rushing 


“Isabella? You hear me?” I asked. Her wolf’s eyes are still open and staring at the sky but when I spoke, those gray eyes fell on me. A whimper escaped from her and that little whimper made me completely lose my mind. She helped me and this happened to her… how can I bring myself to continue hating her no matter what happened in the past? 

“Listen… hold on…. I know what to do…” I said as I took off my housecoat and tied it around her n*eck without letting blood come out more. 

Is… is she dying? The way her breaths became slowly was a sign of losing life but I didn’t want to see her dying after protecting me and my child. 


A familiar voice came from nowhere and I turned to see Derek… My heart was covered with relief and I smiled at him. 

“Derek…. Help…. Don’t let her dic… please take her to emergency treatments… please…” He came to me with a shocked face and checked Isabella. I know he recognized that it was Isabella but without uttering a word, he nodded at me. 

“Stay here…. Stay right here, Alpha is coming. He will be here…” Derek said as he ran into the forest again. Next he came with two more men to take Isabella away. The moment they picked Isabelle up, I saw Lucias… I broke into tears seeing him. knew… he would be here for me. 

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