Chapter 46

Lucias –

“Where are you going? Going to find those rogues again?”

Emilina came to me as she hugged me from behind. I buttoned up my shirt and removed her hands from me. Her touch made me feel irritated and I have no idea why I’m feeling this way when she touched me. She doesn’t make me feel comfortable like it used to be and especially, she doesn’t make me horn y anymore. Without saying anything to her, I left the room. I felt her following me but I didn’t acknowledge her presence. I know that I’m ignoring her ever since that happened and I’m not doing it intentionally either. I was feeling that she has changed and I don’t understand the reason for her difference because I have already distanced myself from her and didn’t even spend time with her. So I couldn’t understand anything.

“Lucias… What’s wrong with you? Are you ignoring me because you blame me for losing our daughter?” Suddenly she hurried her steps in front of me and asked, stopping me to stop walking.

I stared at her face for a moment and sighed. I don’t blame her for my daughter’s death, I just only blame her for not being normal. She’s not the woman that I used to know. If she was like before, she would have just spent the entire time crying and I’m not saying that crying is better. The way she’s staying now is good but… I can’t bring myself to accept her sudden difference. We’ve lost our daughter but she seems not to care about it. I suffer every minute of my life and I can’t stop myself from thinking about her. Her smile appears in my head all the time and that thing just brutally ripped my heart apart. I felt my eyes-covering in tears once again but I controlled my tears, clenching my jaws and fists.

“I need to be alone for a while, I’ll talk to you later” I said walking past her. She’s different and that difference is killing me. I was silent all the time because I thought the scene she witnessed caused all these differences and weirdness but I don’t think so. I shook my head without thinking about more. I came downstairs. and picked up Luan as I walked out of the house but then I heard Emilina’s voice again.

“Let him stay home. You always take him and I didn’t even have a chance to spend time with him. Don’t take him with you.” She didn’t show any interest in Luan recently and she didn’t even pay much attention to him. And now she’s asking met to leave without taking Luan with me which is so ridiculous.


“He’s safer when he’s with me than when he stays with you.” My words were rude

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Chapter 46

and lacked warmth. Her eyebrows twitched hearing me and I just simply turned and walked away without waiting for her to say anything more. I lost my daughter because she was with her and now I don’t want to lose my son too.

“Daddy… Why doesn’t mommy like me?” While I was walking to the packhouse, suddenly Luan asked me with a broken voice. His question had my heart clenched.

“Mommy likes you a lot. Why would you say that, baby?” Luan’s eyes watered and he bruised his face in my n*eck without saying anything to me. My heart was covered with confusion. How come Emilina not like him? He’s her first child and she loves him so much. If I say it correctly, she loves Luan more than she loves me. She would always choose him over me if she ever had a situation like that.

“Tell me, did mommy say anything to make you upset?” I asked him as I made him, face me. He stared at me for a moment, pouting his cute l*ps. What happened? Did anything happen while I wasn’t paying attention?

“Mommy… mommy didn’t let me eat the berry mixed chocolate daddy bought me… she ate it all but didn’t give me…” I stopped in my dead tracks. Berry chocolate? I remember I bought it for him two days ago since he’s such a good fan of eating those. My heart began to beat so fast in a crazy way as I realized. something wasn’t right.

“But Luan….. Mommy doesn’t like berries. She only likes chocolates with nuts…” I mumbled as my mind went numb. F u c k it…. F u c k it! Why? Why didn’t I realize before? She isn’t Emilina! Emiliña doesn’t like berries and she would always vomit after eating. Horror took over me and I turned as I walked back to our house. While I was hurrying my steps, Derek came to me.

“We found a location but the rogues have already moved to another place. We are working on finding that place too” I focused on his words and then nodded. I was in a hurry. I need to go back but I don’t want to take Luan there. I gave Luan to Derek.

“Take him and keep him with you. Don’t leave him alone even for a second. You got me? And buy him a berry chocolate…” I said to Derek who was staring at me with a dumbfounded look but eventually he nodded his head at me.

“Luan, give daddy some time. I just remembered something important and I will be back soon” Luan nodded at me as he wrapped his arms around Derek’s n*eck and rested his head on his shoulder. I chewed the inside of my cheek and rushed back to the house.

When I went there, I saw the substitute of Emilina who’s sitting on the sofa while

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Chapter 46


painting her nails. Oh… she paints her nails… very well. Her attention completely focused on me as she saw me again. She smiled. I found my heart was producing that I’ve never felt before. I stepped near her and held her hand making her stand up. She was so satisfied with what I did, she smiled at me shyly and got up from the sofa wrapping her hand around my arm.


“Have you eaten the berry cupcakes that I bought yesterday?” I pulled her to my embrace and walked towards the kitchen. My heart was struggling from rage but I kept my calmness without making her suspicious.

“For me?” She questioned me with a pair of excited eyes. For her? Of course for her! I’m gonna skin her alive now.

“Yes,” I replied, coming to the kitchen.

Then I watched her eating her first cupcake. My eyes turned cold and I felt my whole soul struggling inside of me. Struggling to come out and kill her. I still waited for a moment wanting to see if she vomited or not. Either she vomits or not, I know this woman isn’t Emilina. Emilina would never eat something without giving Luan, even if she didn’t eat, she makes sure that Luan eats.

I stared at the woman near me as she finished her first cupcake with such at pleasant face. So, you are not Emilina? I could’ve found this earlier if I spent more time with her. I had to take much time because I distanced myself from her. I’m f u c k i n g glad that I distanced myself from her. She looked up at me and giggled once she was done with her first cupcake but before she could touch the second one, I chuckled and stopped her.

“Why don’t you tell me, where’s my wife? The real Emilina…” Her face turned pale and I didn’t miss the way her l*ps quivered but she skillfully wiped the sudden difference in her facial features and raised her eyebrows at me with a smile.

“What?” She put a funny expression on her face and slowly moved away. What a flawless actress? I found myself smiling because of the dangerous anger in me. I grabbed her hair and threw her towards the wall. My heart was trembling and I couldn’t control the fury in me. So this is it…. This is how Isabella gets revenge on me? Doing the same thing I did to her. I have to say that she’s successful this time but not as successful as I was.

“You know what? My Emilina doesn’t eat f u c k i n g berries! She vomits and she doesn’t like it. Most importantly she never eats something without giving it to her son!” I growled, hitting her head against the wall. She whimpered from the pain but I didn’t give a f u c k about it.

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Chapter 46


“F U C K I N G SPEAK! WHERE THE F U C K IS MY WOMAN? AND MY DAUGHTER?” I roared using my strength to pull her hair. I haven’t abused a woman before but now… I do. And I won’t stop myself either. I’m f u c k i n g glad that I always took Luan with me and I’m f u c k i n g glad that I took care of him well keeping him near


“Please…. It hurts…. Let go” She mumbled through pain as she tried to remove my hands from her hair. “Either you f u c k i n g tell me where is my wife and daughter or die like this…..” I grabbed an out of the kitchen and grabbed a flower vase and threw it before picking up a piece shattered glass. I pressed it against her n*eck and cut her n*eck slightly.

“Where is she? I’m not asking again…” I tightened the grip around her hair and growled at her. My wolf was slowly taking control over me so he could easily kill

this woman.

“F U C K I N G SPEAK! YOU W H O R E!” I snorted, throwing her on the floor. Where’s my Emilina and Elena? What the f u c k happend to them? The pain in my heart was utterly terrible and I could no longer control myself.

“Please… please don’t hurt me… please… don’t kill me…” She began to cry kneeling in front of me.

“I… Isabella was the one who sent me here… she kept your wife and daughter and sent me. She’s the one who asked me to tell you that your daughter is dead… your daughter isn’t dead… she’s with your wife…” She mumbled. Her voice was shaking and words were breaking. Her words left me stunned but deep inside of my heart, I felt happy. My daughter… my daughter isn’t dead. My daughter is alive… she’s with emilina… thank the moon goddess. I’m glad… I’m so glad. My baby is alive. “Where are they? How can I find them?” I asked her. She shook her head.

“I… only know the place she was taken at first but they all left that place and now I don’t know where they are” Her eyebrows were trembling and she was already at my feet shivering from fear.

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