Chapter 44 


“You… were raped?” I muttered. 


I couldn’t endure the emotions I was feeling right now. My daughter was killed and my wife was raped? I felt I was losing my sanity little by little. I stared at Emilina’s face not knowing how to react to what she just said. I lowered my thought about everything for a moment. I said nothing to her related to what she just told me. Truth to be told, I had nothing in my mind to tell her. Should I comfort her or what? I don’t know as my mind had been completely taken down by her words. 

“Tell me the place that they took you” instead of saying anything, I asked her the same question again. 

I want to know nothing but where those bastards are living. Emilina did not tell me about it which made my brain turn upside down. Once again she became silent without saying it. I clenched my jaws as anger bubbled inside of my chest. Why the fuck isn’t she answering me? I pressed her on the bed and held her face making her look into my eyes. I love her so much but her silence is making me angry! Her silence is just f**king with my brain already! 

Why the fuck you are hesitating to tell me? Why the fuck aren’t you asking me to go and kill all those batsards who hurt you and our daughter? Why do you look so fine? Shouldn’t you be crying, sobbing and mourning for our lost daughter? What the fuck is wrong with you Emilina? Just f**king tell me! I only need you to tell me the path to find them and that’s all! I can deal with everything after that!” Emilina stared into my eyes only for a half of a second as she looked away. She looked weird and I don’t know how to explain what I feel–about her right now. She doesn’t even look me in the eye. 

from the bed in 

“You don’t look sad enough, Emilina. This shouldn’t be the reaction a mother who just lost a child should have!” I moved away from her and got up leave. If she’s not telling me, then let me find it on my own. I will erase all of them at once. When I was about to leave, she stopped me by holding my hand. I turned to look at her to see that she was crying again. I don’t know if my words hurt her or what she’s feeling inside but that doesn’t matter at all. 

We both had lost a child that we created and I feel as if my heart was ripped apart and I can’t even hold the pain in me but she doesn’t look so sad. If she’s sad and filled with hatred for killing her child, she should’ve told me where to find those disgusting batsards already but she’s not telling me which makes me feel as if she was protecting them. Before I could think about anything else, I needed to vent all 

Chapter 44 

these painful emotions and rage in me on the people who committed this. Until then, I don’t think I will be able to sleep. 

“Don’t… don’t go…. I want you to stay 

be with me! I need to with me, Lucias. Please be with you now…” she wants me to stay with her? Yeah, I also want to stay with her. I want to be with her and love her just like I always do but now… at this moment I don’t think I can be with her or love her keeping her closer to me. 

I’m lost… I’m completely lost and I feel as if someone was using a sharp dragger to pierce my heart slowly yet painfully. I’ve lost my daughter and I can’t think about anything else but her. I need to avenge and I need to find her b*dy. I have no idea why she didn’t take our daughter’s b*dy to me. I don’t know why she couldn’t be safe and stop them from killing her. And at the same time, I wonder how she escaped like this. Isabella is angry at me and Emilina, it’s a little bit different to think that she would vent her anger on the new born baby and let Emilina go. If she killed the baby, she would’ve done something so similar to Emilina. Right now… I don’t feel Emilina is hurt. She was just covered with blood and that’s all. 

“Take off your clothes…” I pulled my hand from her and uttered, gazing at her, b*dy. She watched me with wide eyes and then began to take off the dress she was wearing. Did she just take off her dress as soon as I asked? What the fuck? She had never done that before. She would always give me a hard time and I was the one who always took off her clothes. 

I clenched my jaws and watched her getting n*ked in front of my eyes. At a time like this? She has the mood for this. I was actually surprised. Once she was fully n*ked in front of me, she looked at me with a little shy expression. What am I just seeing? I didn’t ask her to get n*ked just because I want to fuck her. I just wanted to check her b*dy and that’s it. I didn’t move my eyes downwards, I just observed her upperb*dy to find that there was nothing. Not even a little scratch mark was there. 

“Lucias… I need to be with you.” She mumbled. I’m just not used to these words. The words are so new to me. I was always used to her rough words whenever I tried to sleep with her. She would always scold me saying that I’m a father for two children and I shouldn’t think about S** anymore which was so funny but when we do, she screams for more. But this is just…. 

“You think I can think about something like this when I have lost one of my children? I can’t even keep my mind right. I feel as if I’m f**king dying, Emilina! Either v 

you tell me or not, I’m going to find those rogues and kill them all. I can’t be with you or even think about touching you!” I said before storming out of the 


I don’t f**king care if all my words hurt her brutally. I wasn’t lying, I was just 


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Chapter 44 


telling the truth. Is this what parents should do when they lose a child? f**k each other? No f**king way! As a father, I can’t even bring myself to think about pleasuring myself. If I need pleasure right now, it will always be the pleasure of seeing all the murderers who did this spreading their blood and dying after experiencing the terrible pain that they deserve. I’m going to do it for sure…. 

“Alpha… are you going to?” Derek came to me and I know what his question is. “Yes, we are going to fuck them all!” I went to the pack house and prepared all the weapons as I asked Derek to summon all my warriors. I’m not going to let them off easily. I don’t f**king care if I have to destroy the whole damn world to get this revenge.. After a while my warriors came and they bowed their heads. I know that they are going to agree with anything I say to them. And that’s what I also need. 

“We need to find the rogues and kill them all. No matter how hard it would be for us to find, we should find and give them a painful death. You got me?” They didn’t even hesitate for a moment to say yes to me. I know that rogues are a part of the most hated kind and they’ve caused so much trouble and some people are still suffering from the things rogues have done. So they all agree without even giving a second thought of it. 

“Get ready..” I threw the weapon bag towards Derek and he caught it. 

Next I came out of the packhouse because I wanted to go back and inform Luan that I might not be able to come home for a few days. I need to keep him under Lisa’s care and then I have to put another skillful warrior to protect him. I don’t know about Emilina because she had become f**king weird and I don’t even know how to deal with her anymore. She’s acting as if nothing was serious and she wasn’t hurt after Elena’s death. Maybe I can’t blame her. I might be wrong to treat her like that. If she’s still traumatized with what she witnessed and acting crazy. But no… she wasn’t that traumatized and I can see it. Just… don’t think about her at least for now. She’s making me confused by her attitudes. 

“Luan, daddy is going somewhere and won’t be able to come home for a few days. I need my little adorable boy to behave well and stay closer to Aunt Lisa and mommy. Okay? Don’t go out to play with friends or don’t go anywhere, okay baby?” I k*ssed his forehead. He watched me and nodded his head. He parted his little l*ps to say something but before he could even say anything I heard Emilina. 

“I don’t want you to leave anywhere! Do you want to lose him too? One is enough! Stay home! Don’t go anywhere, Lucias! They are also expecting you and I don’t want to lose you either! What is this craze? Why don’t you understand what I’m saying? What if something happens to you too? How are you going to fix it if something happens to you?” Her words made my heart shudder. She wasn’t wrong 

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Chapter 44 

but how can I stay home when I lost my daughter. She was killed! How am I going to stay still? 

“Nothing will happen to me! Just take care of him.” I said casually. But when she heard me, she came to me and grabbed my arm. 

“I dare you to leave! I’m killing myself here if you take a step out of this house! I 

swear!” She threatened me. Why is she trying so hard to stop me? I’m going to find the people who killed our daughter and raped her. 


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