Chapter 42

Lucias –

I looked for Emilina everywhere. It’s been a day since she was kidnapped by rogues and no matter how hard I searched for her, I couldn’t find her because the places rogues live are still a mystery. But why do I feel like Isabella is behind everything? No way! She won’t have any connections with rogues because Kaleb was a most hated person to the rogues and they were trying to kill him many times. but failed to do so. So I can’t bring myself to believe that Isabella was working with rogues. But still my assumptions can be wrong because Isabella is a woman that no one can trust or predict what she’s going to do next. Maybe just because she wanted to get revenge on me, she might give herself to the rogues.

Shi t! Thinking about that woman would give nothing. I clutched my head with both hands as the helplessness and fear controlled my heart. I don’t know what’s happening with Emilina and how she’s doing. Most importantly, our daughter is also with her. What if they threaten Emilina to do things she doesn’t want using our baby? F u c k! I don’t even want to think about something like that. The rogues are like f u c k i ng animals. What am I going to do now? I looked for her everywhere that was possible. I didn’t even want to return home without finding her but because Luan was waiting for me, I came home. I didn’t have to leave the house yesterday. I could’ve talked with Luan while we were at the house. Shi t! Who would’ve thought something like this would happen.

I sighed and threw the depressed feelings in my head as I got up from the chair and went to find Luan. He was with Lisa. I didn’t disturb them. Lisa is telling him something and he was listening to her with excited and interesting eyes. Lblew a sigh and came out of the house. My heart was burning and I still need to find her no matter what. I’ve checked her everywhere and I need to go-to another part of the forest and check for her. When I was about to leave, Derek rushed towards me. What does he have to tell me now? I waited for him to speak.

“Alpha, someone has seen a woman running through the forest with a dress filled with blood. The person is describing that her figure was beautiful although he couldn’t see her face or recognize her.” A shudder ran through my chest listening -to him:

“You think it’s Emilina?” I found my voice was trembling and my heart was hammering inside of my chest. Derek shook his head.

“I don’t know but it can be her. What if she escaped from the rogues? As soon as I heard him, I clenched my jaws and headed towards the forest after getting more


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Chapter 42

details from Derek. He also followed me.

Coming to the place where the person who saw the woman mentioned, I began to search. She must not be here at this moment but I need to find at least some simple evidence. I tried to catch Emilina’s scent but I felt nothing. I’ve been trying to catch her scent already for a day but I couldn’t feel anything that related to her or my daughter. I know their scent very well and I can find them easily if they were near me but they were not here. After spending more than an hour in the forest looking for her again, I sighed and stopped.

I should stop looking for her now and start to look for rogues. If I could catch one, that means I will be able to find where Emilina is. But I don’t know where the rogues are living. Once I destroyed their dens after they attacked some villagers. and stole valuable things, raping some girls while killing their men. In order to do justice to my people, I had to kill more than twenty rogues and destroy their living places. After that incident we never got any attacks from rogues and we couldn’t even find their new home. So I gave up on finding them. As long as they don’t hurt my people, I won’t do anything to hurt them either. But now they attacked my f u c k i n g house and kidnapped my wife and daughter so this time, the consequences they get would be so dangerous.

“We need to find rogues. Looking for Emilina like this won’t give us anything. She’s not here. Derek also agreed with what I said.

Now I have made a plan to find the rogues. If I find those jerks soon, I can get Emilina back to me. I would do anything to get her back at this point. She’s weak and still needs rest for her b*dy to gain energy. After losing blood, she had become so much more weak. My heart tightened with that thought and I turned to leave

but then suddenly my actions stopped seeing the woman who’s staring at me with

Her drege

tears in her eyes. was covered with blood. Her face was covered with blood and she was crying looking at me.

“Emilina?” My mind went crazy and I strode towards her, I didn’t even think twice. to pull her into my arms and hug her tightly against my chest. F u c k it…. I was scared…. she began to so b as I hugged her tightly. I k*ssed her head ignoring the blood scent on her head. However, it didn’t take much time for me to realize that something was missing, so I broke the hug between us and looked into her eyes.

“Where? Where’s Elena?….”

For some unknown reason my heart rate increased in a craziest way and I felt I’m losing my sanity along with the strength in my b*dy. Instead of answering me, she Broke down crying harder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I don’t want to listen to anything that will rip my heart apart. I remained silent and then made

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Chapter 42

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Emilina look at me again. She’s crying so hard and this means that something has happened to Elena.

“Tell me…” Even though I wasn’t ready to listen to anything, I asked her because I wanted to know the truth.

Emilina shook her head and rested her forehead against my chest as she cried. without stopping. Her shoulders are trembling and her appearance is like a woman who had lost everything. Her actions could make me realize what her answer would be but I still want her to tell me what happened. I don’t want to go home without my daughter.

“Tell me what happened to her! Stop crying Emilina… tell me” I said as she looked up into my eyes. She remained silent looking into my eyes and then parted her l*ps to speak.

“They… they killed my baby…” My heart was shattered into pieces and My legs went numb. I found myself becoming silent like I never was. The heartbeat in my chest decreased and the suffocation began to conquer my whole chest. My baby… My baby girl was killed? My newborn daughter was killed? My mind began to torture me with countless images of my baby. The way she smiled at me, the way she giggled when I gave her my hand or caressed her face. F u c k… how come?

How did I lose her? I took a step away from Emilina and clutched my chest as I bent down, fainting to endure what I just heard. Only I know how I dreamed to see her becoming a young girl. I always thought that she would be like Emilina when she grows but I just… I just found out that I lost her.

“What… happened….. Tell me what the f u c k happened?” My voice unintentionally raised at her. Emilina looked at me with fear filled eyes and along with pain. She wiped the tears in her eye and took a deep breath as she parted her l*ps to speak.

“I… I escaped from them… and again I was caught… just because I ran away, they took Elena from me and stabbed her multiple times and then let me leave! Isabella was… there… she did everything…” Stabbed my daughter multiple times? She’s just a three months old baby and stabbing her once would make her lose her life. What kind of disgusting bas t a r d s were to do something like that to an innocent little baby who can’t even talk or make a sound properly?

I slowly turned to Derek who was looking at me with a shocked expression. I felt my eyes were covered with tears… What can I do? I lost my daughter already… I don’t know what to do or how to face the future now. How can I just endure this


Chapter 42

“Where’s her b*dy?” I ignored the piercing pain in my chest and turned to Emilina again. She stared at me and lowered her head without saying anything. She witnessed her daughter dying, I shouldn’t be questioning her like this. I should just take her back home to have a rest. Without asking anymore questions, I held her hand and walked through the path where I can take ourselves out of this forest.

My heart was trembling and I couldn’t help but think about Elena. I was so happy because I have two children but now it has turned into one again. I only had time to be with her for only three months and I love her so much. I never thought that I Ι would lose my daughter like this. I shook my head and begged myself not to think about it anymore because it will only make me go numb.

“How did you manage to escape…. Can you recognize the place they kept you? I need to find them and kill them all” I muttered while walking out of the forest. Emilina was silent. She didn’t say a word. I glanced at her and clenched my jaws. I shouldn’t pressure her more but I want to know everything about those bas t a r d s so I can go and kill them all without mercy. I want them to feel the same pain my daughter went through when they stabbed her.

“Derek, take her home safely…” I stopped walking and turned to Derek. I’m going to find those ba s t a r d s and my baby’s b*dy.

“Where… are you going?” Emilina spoke. Where am I going? I’m going to kill all those f u c k e r s if I couldn’t, I’m going to kill myself and bury with my daughter so she wouldn’t be alone!

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