Chapter 40

Lucias –

“Luan… come here. Let daddy take you out for a walk. Do you want to see how warriors train?” Luan didn’t even turn his head to look at me. He kept his head. lowered while his hands were busy touching the grass on the ground. I stopped him from touching the grass and picked him up without asking anything.

“Are you angry at mommy and me?” I asked while walking out of the gate. He still didn’t say anything which made my heart feel somewhat uncomfortable. He was happy to see his sister and it was obvious. He spent time looking at her and without even moving away from her but what happened to him so suddenly? I know that both Emilina and I paid more attention to Elena in the

past three months than Luan but I didn’t make any mistakes when it came to Luan’s needs. I can be sure that we didn’t miss any of it but seeing Luan acting in this way made me really confused and at the same time guilty. I walked towards the pack house and went to the area where my warriors train. There were a few of them already training. I stood there watching them before paying my attention to Luan. His eyes were glued to the men in the ground and two huge wolves. I observed his expression as he watched them training. His eyes lit up and he watched them with interest but for some reason he didn’t make a sound or look at me.

“Wanna ride that wolf?” At that moment Luan looked at me. His beautiful blue eyes stared into mine as he reminded me of my childhood. He looked exactly like me when I was a child but as a child he was luckier than me. Without letting my mind run to the past and memorize the painful past of mine, “Luan, I love. you so much baby… are you upset with me and mommy? Can you tell me why?” I sighed and asked him, k*ssing his forehead..

I don’t want him to drift away from us because I f u c k i n g love this boy. He’s my first son and he’s the boy that Emilina raised using every bit of her strength so the love. she and I have for him is deep. Just because we had a daughter, it will not disappear. It was just that both Emilina and I got busier, it was never because we ignored him.

“Daddy and mommy…only like sister…” His words had my heart clenched. So this is the reason.. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“How can you say that? Daddy and mommy like you the most. Sister is too small and she needs mommy all the time but mommy loves you the most. Mommy is so tired all the time Luan, so we need to give her some rest but I can promise that she loves you the most.” Luan’s eyes were already covered with tears.


10:51 Mon, 1 Jan

Chapter 40

His beautiful eyes were even beautiful because they were holding tears. He looks like Emilina when he gets this expression on his face. How can he say that I only like Elena? I like him more than everything, I love him more than anything. He’s my son and the only person who’s going to continue our generation.

“And you should listen to mommy, when mommy asks you to stop playing and come home, you should do it okay?” He’s thinking that Emilina doesn’t like him anymore, that’s why he’s acting stubborn. Luan remained silent for a moment and then nodded his head agreeing with what I just said. I k*ssed his head and put him. on the ground. “Good boy… Daddy loves you so much” Taking his hand, I walked towards the ground. Seeing me coming, my warriors bowed to me.

“Fred, mind taking him for a ride on your wolf?” I chuckled asking Fred who had already turned into his huge gray wolf. He didn’t even hesitate. He stepped forward wiggling his tail and looking at Luan. I glanced at Luan. he looked a little bit scared but at the same time his eyes were covered with that beautiful excitement. I picked him up and placed him on Fred’s back. “Hold his fur like this,” I let his little hands hold the fur of Fred’s n*eck tightly. Once he was comfortably set on Fred’s back, I patted on Fred’s wolf as he began to jog around the ground slowly.

It’s better that he walks slowly rather than running faster from the beginning. I heard Luan’s happy giggles and he hugged the n*eck of the wolf. With that, Fred began to run a little bit faster. He ran and made Luan laugh loudly. Look how happy he is, shouldn’t have taken that happiness from him even for a short period. He was thinking that we don’t love him anymore. He’s a small child and it’s easy for him to come to assumptions on his own. I watched Luan with a peaceful feeling in my chest until Derek rushed to me and began to speak.

“Alpha, rogues! The first attack was on your house!” I was stunned. I lost my sanity when I looked at Derek as if someone just poured a boiling water bucket on me. Did he… did he just say that a rogue attack was on my house? Where is Emilina at? Emilina and my daughter? How come… I couldn’t even understand what he just


“Alpha, we need to hurry” I looked back at Luan who’s smiling happily. I can’t leave him either. “Luan, come… we need to go” I said. With my words, Fred came to me with Luan. I picked him up and hurried my steps while my heart was hammering against my rib cage not knowing what’s happening. I felt insane… Did something happen to them? No.. that cannot be because I’ve put men to ensure Emilina’s safety. I went home.

My heart stopped seeing blood as soon as I entered through the gate. I was away from this house only for no more than an hour but how come something like this


10:51 Mon., 1 Jan

Chapter 40


happened? I clenched my jaws and gave Luan to Derek as I ran into the house. I witnessed two dead bodies of my men who I kept for Emilina’s safety. What I witnessed made my legs tremble. I stared at their blood filled bodies for a while. not knowing what to do. I don’t know what I would witness if I walked into the house but still I had to go and check on her. My wolf was clumsy and alerted, he didn’t struggle to come out just like he always does which I’m glad for. So I won’t have to control him at this point. I walked into the house and directly went to out room where Emilina always stays with Elena. I pushed open the door but she wasn’t there. What am I even expecting? Am I expecting her to stay here after experiencing a rogue attack? I’m such a fool!

“Emilina…” I called her name, hurrying my steps everywhere in the second floor of the house. The fear in my chest slowly began to shoot up as I didn’t find her in the house. Instead of finding her, I found another three bodies of strange men along with a wolf. I could recognize that the dead wolf was one of my men. I closed my eyes. How did something like this happen behind my back? F u c k… how did this happen as soon as I left the house? How did rogues even enter my territory? There was no way for anyone to come here and I clearly know it. And where is Emilina and my daughter now? How come they are not here?

“Emilina? Are you here? Lina…” I called her again and again but I gained nothing. I checked the whole da m n house and courtyard but no… she wasn’t there. I stopped. I stopped walking or searching for her more as I began to take breaths and calm. myself down first. The fear in me was suffocating me and I don’t want to die. After making myself a bit calm, I went to Derek. What was he doing when something like this happened? And why did he even come to find me rather than protecting.

his Luna?

“Derek…. she’s not here. And why the hell did you come to find me instead of making sure that Emilina is safe? Why did you come?” I knew that I couldn’t vent all the pressure in me on him but I was confused and terrified. He could’ve stayed here and made sure that Emilina was fine rather than coming to find me.


“Luna saw me and she signaled me to leave… she wanted me to go and inform you.

sorry but all I did was listen to my Luna” she saw him and asked him to go? F u c k. . . f u c k! Now where the hell am I going to find her? Where did she even go? It’s been only three f u c k i n g months after she gave birth to Elena, although Emilina has recovered she’s still weak and cannot use her physical strength much because she lost her blood too much. This is why I was f u c k i n g protecting her and keeping her safe in this house without even letting her go out.

“I’m going to find her…. They must have taken her away!” I said. I looked at Luan who was looking at me with shocked and horror filled eyes. Shi t… how can I leave


Chapter 40

my boy now?

“Luan, would you mind staying with uncle Derek and aunt Lisa for a while? Daddy will go and come okay? I promise to come soon” he didn’t nod his head. He was looking around as if he was looking for someone. I know who he’s looking for. He’s looking for Emilina.

“Where’s mommy…. Are those people… dead daddy?” My l*ps quivered not

knowing how to answer him. Of course they are dead and won’t come back but I don’t know how to answer him about his mommy’s whereabouts. Luan was safe because he was with me but Emilina and my daughter were taken away.

“Alpha… Alpha…. They took Luna away… They took her with the baby….” It was Lisa. She was covered in blood. Blood dripped down from her n*eck. “I’ll look for her… Derek treats her..” that’s all I could say before shifting into my wolf and running towards the forest.


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