chapter 4 

I was his wife? Really? Does he even remember? I pushed Lucias using all my strength and looked at him. “Your wife? No… I was never your wife. I became your bride and that’s all!” I was only his bride, not his wife. His eyes quickly found me and stared deep into me with his gorgeous blue eyes as if he was trying to freeze me to death with those cold glassy orbs. 

“Stay away from me. Please! Just go away! Wasn’t that enough?” 

I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. I never thought of facing him and talking to him like this. I wouldn’t have been like this if I didn’t see him with another woman last night. He’s married and living with a different woman who was not even his mate after he let me walk to hell. How can he be so selfish and heartless? And now here he is claiming I was his wife! How could he? How dare he? 

I felt there were words struggling to come out of his mouth, however he held them tightly without uttering a word. Instead of saying anything, he yanked me to him. by my hand and dragged me out of the house. He was fast and I could barely follow his speed. As Lucias dragged me towards his jeep, I saw Derek opening the door for him after taking a look at me. So, he’s also here? Of course, as Lucias‘ beta, Derek would follow him to hell! 

“Let me go! I’m not going anywhere with you” Ignoring me completely, he pushed me into the jeep and then got in. I felt like killing myself rather than letting him treat me like this. Betraying my eyes, the tears dripped down from my eyes. I can’t endure this treatment and I can’t endure this pain. 

I used my hands to cover my face as the vehicle moved forward. Where is he taking me? To kill me this time? Maybe he’s upset because he couldn’t kill me with rejection therefore he must be trying to do it now. 

“I need to leave… Stop this, Derek… 

Instead of talking to Lucias, I paid my attention to Derek thinking he would at least listen to me. When I spoke to him, he just glanced at me through the rearview 


I gave me an apologetically awkward smile before focusing on the road again. Why did I even think that Derek would listen to me? He always listens to his alpha and nothing can change that fact. 

“Lucias! Let me go!” I felt the anger rising inside of me. I couldn’t help but think about my baby. I need to go back. Luan won’t eat if I’m not there for him. I haven’t raised my voice at this man until now. I have never done that but if he keeps treating me like this, I also have to give him the same treatment. 

“Emilina! What the fuck did I tell you years ago? Huh? Do you even remember?” 

Chapter 4 

His eyes glowed with savage fire. He watched me with his predator like eyes as he gripped my chin moving pulling me near him. What did he tell? Of course I remember every single word he said to me years ago. How can I ever forget? I slapped his hand away but he used the same hand to grip my waist in the next second. 

“I didn’t die and then be born again to forget what you did to me and said to me years ago. Let me go, Lucias… please” 

I pressed my hands against his chest trying to push him away from me but as always, I failed to move him even a bit. I can’t win against this man’s strength. I’m nothing to him. 

“Tell me what did I tell you?” 

The more I struggled to separate myself from his embrace, the more he pulled me to him. I remained silent without answering his question. I have no idea of crying in front of him and letting myself go through the pain he caused me years ago. Reminding that day is more than enough to let me feel the pain of his rejection. He might not feel anything, but I do. I suffer every day and night because of his 


“Speak! Emilina!” He commanded me using his alpha tone. 

But still I remained silent. Did he forget that his alpha tone doesn’t affect me? Every person in this world would not be able to ignore whenever he uses his alpha tone but I can ignore since I’m his mate. This tone doesn’t make me kneel in front, of him or obey him like it does for everyone else. As I kept ignoring his words, I felt him chuckle against my n*eck. His hot breath made goosebumps appear all 

over me. 

“See, you are the only f**king woman who ignores me in this world!” He whispered huskily before biting down on my n*eck gently. My heart raced inside of me. I liked his touch because he’s my mate but more than that, I’m scared because I know the result of this touch. Without letting him continue, I immediately pushed him away from me. Then I separated myself from his embrace. I can already tell that what I did made him angry. But I don’t care. I want to protect myself from him. 

“Let me go! Where are you taking me?” I asked, glancing out of the window of the jeep and realizing he’s taking me out of the town. Out of Jerral’s territory! I don’t mind this if I’m a woman who lives alone with no responsibilities, however I am a mother for a little boy and I clearly know that he needs me. Thinking about it, how can I let this man take me somewhere that I don’t even know? But I’m totally 

vulnerable in front of him. I hate this fo 


“Are you married to that man?” 

My sanity stunned when he aimed the question at me. A shiver ran through my spine as I felt my heart trembling. Married to Jerral? No…. how can I even marry someone else when he clearly showed me how painful a marriage can be and how it can ruin me. After all, I have no idea of marrying someone else. I have a son and all I think about is him at this point. 

“Let me go, Lucias. We shouldn’t be meddling each other’s lives anymore. Please… you clearly showed me what exactly I was to you years ago. So please, let me go. Let me live peacefully. You are the least expected thing in my life right now” 

I have no idea where I got all these brave words from or got the guts to talk to him while looking him in the eye but I’m glad. I really want to stay away from him. Staying away from him is the only way I can protect Luan. Although my stubborn heart ached because of my own words, I stared at him without showing him a hint of regret towards what I just said. 

“You rejected me without giving me a reason. You know what you did to me and you will never be able to get away from the thing you did to me. And now, don’t come back to my life without a reason. Let me go. I have a husband and a son now. Please leave me alone!” 

I witnessed the way his eyes turned deadly and red as he listened to me. His eyebrows twitched and I saw the way anger painted his face. Soon his anger turned to a mocking smile defeating my brave thoughts. I didn’t want to mention my son here but somehow the word sl*pped out of his mouth as a shield. 

“Very good! Then why don’t you give a son to me too? I was also your husband!” He yanked me to him by my waist and simply ripped the n*eckline of my dress ignoring the fact that we aren’t alone. 

“I’m gonna lock you up and fuck you until you give birth to my f**king son!” 

Chapter 4 

His words stabbed straight into my heart. Yes…. it was the only thing he wanted from me. I felt even humiliated because he said this in front of Jerral so casually. I felt the urge to cry and I felt my eyes getting watered but I refused to let him see my tears. I don’t want him to see me crying for him anymore. The crushing sensation in my heart spread swiftly everywhere making me experience the same suffocation that I had last night. 

“Alpha, the past is the past. I hope you won’t disrespect her by reminding her about it” 

Jerral said as he held my hand, which was already trembling. He knows that I’m not in a good state. I don’t know what is Lucias‘ reaction to his words, however I just don’t care. I want him to leave and never come to see me again. He cut off everything he had with me three years ago without even explaining to me the reason. So why is he even here now? He clearly said he hated me and didn’t love me years ago. 

“Past? If you’re already aware of the f**king past, step the fuck away!” 

Lucias growled as he pushed Jerral away from me. I turned to Jerral feeling guilty and helpless. He had his eyes on Lucias but feeling me looking at him, he glanced at me. His jaws clenched and his fists curled upwards to tight balls. I can feel his helplessness. He just simply can’t do anything against Lucias. Lucias can kill him within a second. He’s just simply the strongest alpha and no one messes with him. Everyone was scared of him. 

“Come here!” Lucias grabbed me from my arm as he took me towards the entrance of the house

“Let me go.” I struggled wanting to pull my hand away from him. I am not letting him do anything to me as he pleased anymore. I’m not a plaything for him. He should understand it! As I tried to break free from him, he tightened the grip even 


“Alpha, you have no right to come to my house and take my wife away!” 

Behind us, Jerral growled. His words made Lucias halt his steps and turn to him. I didn’t miss the way a cold sneer appeared on Lucias face warning us with danger. I know this man… I know how dangerous and how unpredictable more than anyone although I failed to understand his heart and thoughts. 

“She was my wife before she became yours!” 


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