Chapter 31

Emilina –

“Luna… please have some porridge. You haven’t eaten anything since the morning”

I glanced at Lisa. I’m seeing her after years… she was once a friend of mine while I was staying with Lucias. After I left, I never met her until now. I know that Lucias sent her here to take care of me because I’m sick. I watched Lisa’s beautiful face for a moment not knowing what to say. Should I be happy to see an old friend? Lisa sat on the bed and took the porridge bowl to her hand as she took a full spoon of it before moving towards my mouth. I don’t even feel like eating. I just have not appetite to have any food right now. All

I want is my son. Without him, I don’t even want to have food. My eyes again filled with tears when my mind began to think about Luan. I don’t know what’s happening with him right now. I don’t know how scared he is right now without me. He must be crying and looking for me. What if the people who took him hurt him? No… I don’t even want to think about something like that. I need my son back… he’s so innocent and has no idea of what’s happening around him. He’s just a small little boy… A so b escaped from me and I covered my face with both hands, refusing food once again. I won’t eat until my son is back in my arms.

“Alpha asked me to feed you somehow, Luna… Please eat, he will take your son back to you. Please trust him…” trust him? Trust Lucias? The biggest mistake I’ve made in my life is trusting him so how am I supposed to make the same mistake again? I did it twice already. I will make sure there won’t be a third time. I sighed and looked at Lisa. Does she even know what Lucias did to me? What kind of betrayal was it? She doesn’t know anything right? Nah.. she doesn’t know.

“What he says doesn’t matter… just because he asked you to feed me, you don’t have to. And don’t ask me to trust him, Lisa… trusting him dragged me to this. situation.” I said laying on the bed again. This is not how I wanted to meet my old friends. They are seeing the worst and helpless part of me now. And Lucias caused all these things. He did it years ago and now he’s doing this to me again.

He’s such a shameless man who only wants to sleep with me. So he does all the drama in front of me and makes me believe him so he could easily get what he desires. I closed my eyes while forcing my whole mind to think that Luan is safe and nothing has happened to my baby but it was still hard to do because I am scared… this is the first time I lost him like this… something like this never happened before. After coming with Lucias, both me and Luan lost our freedom and peace… I just want to go back to the past where both my son and I are happy

10:47 Mon, 1 Jan

Chapter 31

and free.

“Luna, you don’t know what happened to him… you just can’t blame him for everything… you know that he’s not a man who does things without a proper reason…. you don’t know anything yet” I opened my eyes as they fell on Lisa. She’s defending her alpha. How loyal and how good. I watched her seriousness filled face for a while and shook my head. She can’t say that to me. She can’t ask me not to blame Lucias on everything even after it was all his fault… he caused all these things. He was the man who ruined me by showing such a fake love to me.

“Do you know? Do you know anything that I don’t? Do you even have an idea of how painful it was when he rejected me? Do you have any idea how I survived? No right? Why are you taking your Alpha’s side all the time? You are all the same… You, Derek… and literally everyone. Only talk about his side and not about me” Lisa lowered her head pressing her l*ps together. As a woman, she should support me. She knows what happened to me. She knows that I was rejected and how it happened and the humiliation I received.

“Alpha didn’t marry Isabella willingly. He… he didn’t even allow her to come to the room which you and Alpha shared. He locked the room and moved to a guest room and as far as I know he never spent a night together with Isabella. Even on their wedding night, he even pretended to be sick and left the house. He was in Derek’s house for weeks” Lisa’s words made my heart tightened.

I couldn’t help but look at her as my mind turned upside down. He didn’t marry her willingly? How come it even happens? I clearly saw the letter he had written for Isabella. I read it and I can’t forget even a word in that letter. I stopped myself from memorizing those words once again. Every time I remembered those words, it stabbed deep into my heart. How can I ever believe he wrote a letter to another woman while I was already with him? He had written it when I was with him which hurt me more than anything I can ever imagine. I was unaware of anything and I was just stup i d woman.

“I… don’t think he rejected you just because he wanted to. I think he rejected you because he had no other choice. I don’t know what happened exactly but I know this, Luna… Alpha never ever treated Isabella or any other woman the way he used to treat you.” Why is she telling me all these now? I never knew and I just didn’t want to know. This will only hurt me and that’s all.

“But still… he had to talk to me about all the things, didn’t he? He should’ve talked about the things he was suffering alone. He had to share the burden instead of throwing me away from his life. I don’t know what happened to him and now I don’t care either… I just want to be with my son peacefully. Staying with Lucias will

Chapter 31

never give us peace….” I didn’t want to continue this conversation anymore. Either he stayed with Isabella happily or not, that doesn’t matter.

My heart is already broken. I just lost every bit of trust I had towards Lucias. I feel terrible when I think about how he betrayed me behind my back. Did I ever imagine? No… I never imagined that he would do something like that to me. Not need to think about it now. I need to think about a way to leave here after I get Luan back to me. I need to leave Lucias, if I want to live without a problem. If I want to leave peacefully, I will still have to leave him. I gave him a chance to be at better person and a father to my child and he did it. He was good to us, he was perfect towards us but I can’t bring myself to live with him after everything. I was once broken by him and now again, the same thing happened. If I give him a chance to do it to me for the third time, I will die and no one will be able to save me. Because I feel my heart is so weak now, so is my wolf. She’s weak…

“Luna, please… have this…. it’s not good for you stay like this” Lisa disturbed my thoughts. I looked at the porridge and sighed. How can I even eat this when I don’t even know if my son had his breakfast and lunch? I don’t know if Luan is hungry. I don’t know how he’s doing. I can’t bring myself to eat until I get him back to me. I just can’t… I shook my head and looked away from Lisa. I don’t want to talk to her anymore. I just want to be alone now.

“Can-I-be-alone? Please…” I asked. After a while, I felt Lisa getting up from the bed and leaving the room. I appreciate loneliness at this moment because I can think about a way to leave here when I’m alone. I can focus on that thing even if it was hard for me to do so. While I was thinking about all the things that I could possibly do to leave here,I heard footsteps coming into my room. I looked at the direction of the door and saw it was Derek. My eyes stubbornly scanned for Lucias, I want Lucias to come back with nty son and that’s the only thing I am expecting right


“Alpha found your son, Luna. But before he takes him to you, he wants you to have your food and let the doctor check you.” Derek’s words stunned me.

Lucias found Luan? And won’t take him to me until I eat? What kind of craze is that? I wanted to argue but before I could do so, a doctor entered the room as he came to me. I refused to let doctors check me since the morning and didn’t even eat anything. How did Lucias know that? Oh… it must be Lisa who said everything. to Lucias. That’s crazy. I didn’t protest this time, I let the doctor check me as I closed my eyes. After a while, the doctor spoke, pushing me into a deep dark abyss. of unexpectedness.

“How can you refuse food when you are pregnant? You are already weak. Have your meals immediately!” Wh-what? What did he just say? Pregnant? Am I

pregnant? No… how come?

“I’m pregnant?” I asked him wanting to confirm it.

He nodded his head. “Must be two or three weeks” helplessness conquered my

whole soul. I gripped the bedsheet tightly and glanced at Derek. He heard it and now he will tell Lucias… no no no… I don’t want Lucias to know… he will not let me


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