Chapter 17 

His words were like sharp knives that were aimed at my heart. Both disbelief and suffocation hit me hard at once. I felt the heaviness of my chest while it became so hard to breathe. He… he’s going to fight for custody? And I’m going to lose my son. too? Lucias may have no idea how dangerously his words affected me. 

I couldn’t believe my ears. Finally, I heard the words that I’ve been afraid to hear. Finally my worst nightmare became real. I wanted to speak but I was too weak to do it. I had thousands of words at the edge of my tongue but nothing came out. I was scared. 

I took a few heavy breaths. I wanted to calm myself down first. He can’t throw me out of my son’s life like that. He must be dreaming. I thought various thoughts trying to relax myself but I failed to do so. My heart was still throbbing while I could no longer breath properly. I don’t… I don’t want to lose… my son. He’s the only thing I have in this world right now. Lucias‘ threat was successful. He was successful as I was scared just like he wanted me to be. I took a step away from him. trying so hard not to cry but I felt my eyes getting blurred slowly. 

Why am I so weak? I had to ask myself. I don’t want to be like this. I just don’t want to be. Actually I believe that I am a strong woman but in front of this man… he makes me weak. He affects my life so badly. His one little word can tear me apart. And he also knows it, that’s why he’s intentionally doing this. I bit my trembling nether l*p. 

I should not be like this but why… Why can’t I just be strong in front of him? Maybe it was all about the people I love. I love Lucias and my son. When it comes to them, I always become weak. 

Suddenly, he caught my hand pulling me to him but I had no mind of being in his embrace. A teardrop sl*pped out of my left eyes and I immediately pushed him away. I don’t want him to touch me or try to act nice after what he just uttered. He wants to make me lose my son too. The only person I have. He’s going to snatch. my son from me. This is why I never wanted him to know about my baby. 

This is why I’ve been trying to hide from him all the time. I didn’t even want to meet him. I am becoming so emotional and I know. How can a mother not become emotional when she hears someone threatening to snatch her child away? “Mommy… see” 

I looked at Luan who had climbed high. He’s looking at me while smiling. I smiled at him and clapped as he giggled. I just smiled at him but my heart was burning 

Chapter 17 

already. Why did Lcuias come and just ruin my day? Why did he come to me after two months? I had no news about him for two months and now he’s here saying that he’s going to fight for my son’s custody. He’s so rude. Was he always planning to do this to me? This is the reason why he suddenly came to me from nowhere. 

“Why don’t you go and have a child with your wife?” as an idea popped up in my mind, I turned to Lucias. His face darkened hearing me. He clenched his jaws and gazed at Luan. in next second, he looked at me again with an evil sneer on his face. 

This man is so dangerous and I knew it but looking at the way he smirks at me, I felt I’m in terrible danger. I didn’t stare at him for long. I looked away from him and glanced up at Luan who’s slowly climbing down. His actions are careful and steady. My good boy… 

“I find it so unnecessary to fuck her and wait for seven months since I already have son. If you had given birth to a daughter, I would’ve fucked my lovely wife and got her pregnant but fortunately you have given birth to a boy. I’m glad!” 

Once again his words hurt me. His lovely wife? What a good husband he is! Calling his wife lovely while coming after and having S** with his ex! Shameless idiot. I never thought he would be like this. I lowered my head and blew a stressful sigh, fighting off my emotions. I don’t want to cry. 

“What do you… want Lucias?” I finally faced him. 

Let me ask what he really wants. My question made him smile. He moved his hand and wiped the tears in my eyes gently. Then he lowered his head k*ssing the corner of my l*ps. No matter what, he still had the ability to make my heart race to the pinnacle. I wish I didn’t love him anymore, I wish I had completely gotten rid of all the feelings I have for him. If I could do that, I wouldn’t have to cry like this today. 

“I want him, and you,” he answered. So this is it. He wants both of us? There’s no intention of getting my son from me forcefully. He’s just trying to use it to get me. “It’s not a sin to get what’s mine” He placed his hand on the back of my waist slamming my b*dy against his. 

My eyes swiftly scanned everywhere through the park. As I expected, I’m receiving such unpleasant stares from kids who are playing. I pushed Lucias away and sighed. We are not in private but still he’s shameless. 

parents of the 

“Keep your hands off of me when you speak! Look, all the people are looking at us” it isn’t proper to act intimate in a place like this. Most importantly, a children’s Park! Hearing my complaint, Lucias looked around us and then rolled his eyes. 

Chapter 17 

before giving me a look of ridiculousness. Oh… is he ridiculing me for saying this? I don’t care if he does it or not. I just want to go home with my son and that’s it. I can’t deal with his craziness. 

“Like I care…” he commented before wrapping his arm around my waist once. again. 

I know one thing! It is that I don’t want Luan to be as stubborn as this man and as arrogant as this man! I’m afraid he will also become like this when he grows up because the same genes run through their b*dy. I ignored him and went towards Luan wanting to get him but before I could even do it, Lucias took him into his arms. I felt miserable because of this man. I turned to Lucias with helplessness dripping from my entire soul. 

“Please… Lucias!” I pleaded. I have nothing more to say other than begging him not to play with my life anymore. I just don’t want to get played. I need to live peacefully. Ever since he appeared in my life again, my whole sanity had gone worse. He’s making things hard. What’s going on in his mind? 

I’m still bewildered. He didn’t pay attention to me much when he took Luan into his arms. I don’t know but for some unknown reason I can see Luan was happy in Lucias‘ arms. He’s not a child who ever lets someone touch him. He doesn’t let strangers touch him but now looks how comfortable he’s with Lucias. 

This is the very first time they met and Lucias must be a total stranger for Luan but fortunately or unfortunately Luan had accepted him without even a second thought. The more I stared at these two the more I fell into an abyss filled with so many impossible dreams and fear with stress. I tried to get Luan from Lucias but he gave me a cold glace and moved away from me without letting me get my baby. What is he trying to do now? 

“Wanna go home with daddy? I have so many toys for you. I even have cars for you to ride.” I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. 

I really don’t know what to say as I was left ignored by both father and son. But the problem here is that he’s ask9ng my son to go with him before he could get my permission. He might be the father of Luan but that doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants with Luan. Before he could even think about taking my son with him, he should inform me and get my permission! 

“Lucias… let’s talk. You and I, in private” My words attracted his attention. He gave me a side glance and smirked with a nod. Of course, this is what he wanted from the beginning. He wanted me to talk to him and spend time with him. 

15:46 Sat, 30 Dec 

Chapter 17 

Averting my gaze from him, I looked at my baby whose eyes are like shiny stars. The happiness was clearly visible in his eyes. He had already wrapped his little arms around Lucias‘ n*eck as if he had known this man over a decade now. Is this what is supposed to happen? After everything, do I have to give up on keeping him. for myself? 

“Go to my place.” He suggested. 

Go to his place? Going to his place means that I won’t be able to come back home tonight. I shook my head, strictly refusing his idea. I don’t want to go with him. We will talk here and clear everything. I want him to give my freedom and peace back to me. I want him to stop coming to find him. He had already gone too far without me so he doesn’t have to look for me from time to time. That’s useless because I will never accept a married man! I don’t want him because he is not mine. anymore! 

“No need. We will talk here” I said. Lucias chuckled and gave me a mocking glance. “Okay, you stay here. I’m taking him with me. You can talk to yourself” He turned and left carrying my son. 

He left me with no choice. I forced my legs to follow him. I still can’t win against this man. He always gets what he wants. Such a cunning and annoying man! I clutched my dress angrily as I followed him. Wish I could beat him up here and leave my child. He stopped his car and opened the door of the passenger seat. Then he looked at me. 

Get in” I wanted to argue but I kept my energy late. When I got into the car, he gave Luan to me and closed the door. Next he came and got into the driver seat and buckled my seatbelt. His caring actions could no longer move my heart at this point. He’s forcing me to go with him and how can I even be so happy by this little action of his? 

“Daddy?” Suddenly Luan moved towards Lucias. A smile appeared on Lucias‘ face. That is the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen. His smile made my heart skip a beat. “Yes. Daddy is here..” He k*ssed Luan’s forehead with a little gentle pinch to his tummy. 

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