I feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this place, as if I’ve been here since my childhood, cultivating a profound connection. Remaining here evokes a feeling of being at home, surrounded by those with whom I’m meant to be. It’s as though fate has ordained this path for me.

It’s almost comical how I’m beginning to resemble the protagonist of the soap opera I watched last night. Cres kept me engrossed in the show until the late hours, and now we’re left with limited time to prepare for today’s event.

Today marks the celebration of Anord’s birthday, and we’re orchestrating a surprise party that needs to be flawlessly executed, considering the delicate nature of our esteemed guest.

Anord exhibits mood swings that rival even the most dramatic fluctuations experienced by individuals during their menstrual cycles. He... well, let’s just say he doesn’t seem particularly fond of me.

Previously, I entertained the notion that he might hold an interest in me, but it turns out he’s an attractive individual who couldn’t care less about anyone’s opinions. From what I’ve observed in his interactions with friends, he seems to excel at giving directives and becomes rather irate whenever things don’t unfold according to his wishes.

And how could I have even entertained the thought that a man who shows indifference towards his own friends would take any interest in me? Yes, he has extended his help when I’ve been in dire straits and provided me with a place to stay. However, my attempts to engage in conversation with him have been met with scolding or playful mockery.

Communication seems to elude him entirely. He rarely smiles and maintains an inscrutable expression throughout the day. The only instance he did smile was when I accidentally got ice cream on my mouth, and then he...

Ugh, I can’t fathom why he licked my lips on that occasion, or why he intermittently treats me as someone special while other times making me feel utterly insignificant.

Accepting the reality of my memory loss has been a challenge in itself, and now Anord’s actions further complicate matters. There’s also that recurring dream where I encountered my mother; her whereabouts now remain a mystery.

Since that night, I’ve anticipated dreaming about her again, but my hopes have been dashed. I can’t decipher her intended message, nor do I understand the significance of this “Xeres.”

When my mind isn’t occupied with thoughts of that enigmatic dream, it’s fixated on Anord. I yearn to comprehend him, engage in meaningful conversations, and simply spend time together. However, it’s becoming evident that he holds no favorable opinion of me.

Indeed, it’s clear he harbors no affection for me. How could he? I’m merely an unknown entity he happened to assist out of the blue, while he remains the formidable figurehead, the big boss.

“No. He has an interest in you,” the familiar voice interjected, breaking through my contemplation.

“Hmm?” I uttered, my expression marked by confusion.

“You can’t jump to conclusions on your own. The best approach is to directly inquire about his feelings,” Tate quipped, a suggestive grin playing on her lips.

“What’s going on here?” Cres’ voice emerged from behind, as she entered the kitchen clutching a mug.

“We were ju-”

“Tate was asking if I could give him extra cookies,” I interjected swiftly, preempting any potential nonsense from Tate.

“Extra cookies? Are you two acting like toddlers? And I’ll be reporting this to your m...wife,” Cres retorted, placing her hands on her hips. I felt a pang of sympathy for Tate, caught in the crossfire.

Poor guy. He’d only come in for a drink of water, and I had unwittingly cast him as the fall guy. But had I not spoken up first, who knows what Tate might have conjured.

“Apologies,” I silently mouthed to Tate, as Cres directed her wrath toward her brother, who simply shrugged and placed the water bottle down.

“Hey, Ukrine, are you done?” Cres inquired, approaching me.

“Yes,” I affirmed, displaying a plate brimming with cupcakes.

“Ukrine,” Dan’s voice resonated as he entered the room, clutching a box in his hand.

“Dan,” I called out, moving towards him.

“You were here. I was searching for you in your room,” Dan remarked, shaking his head with a somewhat silly grin as he halted before me.

“Here,” he extended the box toward me, and I remained still, studying the box.

“For me?!” I inquired, my confusion evident. I hadn’t asked him to buy me anything, and it certainly wasn’t my birthday.

“Yes, take it,” Cres chimed in from beside me, encouraging me to accept the offering.

“Alright,” I agreed, taking the box and moving over to the kitchen island.

I set the box down and proceeded to open it. As I peered inside, I was momentarily stunned. Cres’s excited voice prompted me to remove the clothing contained within.

“How does it look?” Cres inquired, her grin stretching from ear to ear, as I held up the gown.

“It’s beautiful,” I remarked, a smile playing on my lips as I held the elegant purple gown with its sweetheart neckline against my frame.

“Thank you, Dan. I absolutely love it,” I beamed with genuine happiness, and Dan’s own smile widened as he observed my joyous expression.

“Cres, where’s yours?” I queried, placing the gown back in its box.

“I haven’t got one. No one cares about poor me,” Cres feigned a tear, playing the role of a slighted child.

“Oh, come on now. Spare us your crocodile tears. We all know how many ballgowns are crammed in your closet,” Tate retorted, his irritation palpable.

“Absolutely. Cres almost bankrupted Tate with her incessant ballgown purchases,” Dan chimed in with a mischievous grin.

“Dan! Don’t tease me. I’m telling the truth. You can check her closet if you don’t believe me,” Tate quipped, directing his words at me. I believed him, as Cres had once confessed her ballgown obsession to me.

“Hey! What’s everyone up to here? The party’s about to begin. We better get ready before Alpha arrives,” Lucy’s voice resonated as she entered the kitchen, prompting us to exit and head toward our rooms.

“We need to hurry and get dressed for tonight,” Cres suggested, pulling me into her room.

After three hours of preparation, we were finally ready. The gown fit me like a glove, complementing the makeup that Cres had expertly applied to my face.

“Stunning,” Cres whispered, her eyes tracing over me from head to toe. I thanked her with a smile.

“Tonight, the Alpha will have quite the challenge keeping his composure,” Cres murmured, a hint of resignation in her voice.

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